View Full Version : L/R Trigger Movement

Mar 6, 2001, 10:45 PM
Well, Im sure many of you guys have known by now that you can actually avoid traps found in hallways by pressing start and going into the inventory screen and begin running at the same time. The truth is that, there is actually another simpler/better way(didnt post earlier because I wanted to test more of it) to do it.
This method is simply to HOLD the R/L trigger(depending on which trigger you configure the "command cycle" key to) and run when a trap pops up. It should cancel your "guard" pose and allow you to run. Also, the functionality of the L/R trigger doesnt ends there. It can also be used when you come face to face with a monster. With the L/R trigger held down, it even allows you to run around a monster when you are surrounded, very crucial especially when facing those spinning "things" at Dark Falz. I hope this "old" information is still helpful(esp those with difficulty at Dark Falz VH)...

Mar 7, 2001, 01:00 AM
Not bad, thanks for the tip.

Mar 7, 2001, 01:04 AM
im not getting it to work...

Mar 7, 2001, 02:36 AM
Cool, I only knew of the inventory way.

Mar 7, 2001, 11:33 AM
That only works if you don't have anything that targets enemies on your second set of attack buttons. For some hunters and rangers, that's not usually a problem, as most I've seen just have two or three of their attacks on the main menu, then healing and revives on the second one, but as a Force, I have to cram in as many different attack spells as possible, so I can actually hurt everything, meaning it doesn't work for me. However, you can just hit start and walk around monsters in the similar fassion, which is what I do in a bind. Also works well for running from the missles at Vol Opt.