View Full Version : PSO2 Trap Search and maximum efficiency questions

Jun 30, 2013, 01:24 PM
So let me start this off by saying that I recently started playing PSO 2, but have played the first one aswell as PSU, though barely any BB. Just so you know. :-)

Anyway I would really like to know why this skill is never taken and what the costs are for actually going for it.
From what I understand this game is focused on dealing damage as of now and all other aspects are not as important if nothing major changes. So a focus on support or utility seems to be not as helpful and probably unwanted.

I played a RAcaseal in PSO and so obviously got used to being able to see traps, aswell as being immune to poison.
Now here in PSO 2, I had the fun experience of stepping into poison trap only to walk into another shortly after that and it made me wish I could have seen them. Since I can't read japanese I had no idea if I even had a sol atomizer or anything similar then, so I just had to use some mate and wait for it to be gone. :-(

So are traps not a danger in this game, too rare, easily avoided or just ignored by the use of items, technics, someone who walks into them? If that is not the case I guess the costs for actually taking Trap Search is just too great or the skill is just way too situational.

This leads me to my second question. ^^;

How important is it actually to go with the recommended builds, weapons and other things that relate to efficiency? Also how do people generally react to subpar builds or the use of weapons like twin daggers, knuckles, technics related to ice etc.?
From what I understood the game overall is quite easy, so I can't seem to understand why people are so concerned with what is the "best" and that some weapons etc. shouldn't be used or only in very rare circumstances. :-?

I played WoW for years before quitting and actually did Raids from TBC onwards, so heroics too. So I understand that just using whatever build etc. is not a great idea, just because it can work, but if content is overall easy it should actually open up more choices than limit them.
Though some people always strife for maximum efficiency and would never settle for anything but what is considered the best in the current patch, which is not new to me.

Any input is appreciated and thanks for reading my wall of text. :rolleyes:

Jun 30, 2013, 02:11 PM
trap search costs 4 SP if you are getting weak hit advance 2 or anything near it so it's not really a bad cost but to find use for it, pretty hard; story mode has sometimes trap spammed all over the place but you can get by without trap search, fun to get to see stuff like this though:


Jun 30, 2013, 02:12 PM
By definition, the people who post passionately about min max guides and recommended builds for maximum efficiency will simply not accept anything that would fall outside of what they told you to do, so... Yeah.

Depending on which ship you are on, you may or may not find them in your parties/MPA/whatever, so don't worry too much about it.

Don't get me wrong though, they *do* have a point, some skills are just plain useless, like the various shots. Seriously, who would waste 10 points into Zalure shot? Or jellen or whatever. by the time it would stick on a enemy, that enemy is long dead. And it doesn't work on most bosses.

As for trap search, well, after a while traps just don't one-shot you anymore so if you walk into one, chances are, you'll shrug it off. The traps that simply stop you in your tracks are annoying in TA mode, but again, it's just an annoyance, nothing dramatic.
It is quite nice to see them and disable them for the others, but is it all that useful in the grand scheme of things? I don't think so.
I took trap search because the alternative was more points into WB and quite frankly, I'm fine with lv6, I don't need lv10. But that's just me.

I think trap search is one of those "... Hmpf. We'll let it slide this time" kind of thing. But don't ever tell them you maxed RDef2 Up on your Gunner or you'll never hear the end of it ;)

Jun 30, 2013, 02:21 PM
First off, let me tell you there is an English patch (that I can't link here). Doesn't translate items, though, so it won't help you there, but they're working on that. Anyway, Sol Atomizers (ソルアトマイザー) look like this:

Traps aren't usually a big deal, but they can get annoying. The damaging ones give you plenty of time to dodge out of the way once they're triggered. Getting Trap Search isn't that big of a cost, but it is a cost nonetheless.

The 4SP it takes to detect traps could mean:
12% less damage to weak points
8% less damage when stationary
1 less Weak Bullet (each one is 300% damage for all party members for 15s) and 8s longer cooldown
4 less PP gained on kills (it has a hidden cooldown, so not too drastic)
Another thing is that player traps are pretty bad. Too slow, too situational, too weak, and you can only buy and carry 10 at a time. That means the 3SP prereq for Trap Search is entirely wasted.

As for why the push for efficiency in an easy game, it's about the only way to make any "real" progress. More damage and faster kills means more EXP and drops. Course, it's always important to enjoy playing the game, but for many people either being weak or partying with weaklings isn't enjoyable.

Jun 30, 2013, 02:36 PM
Once the Lv cap is increased to lv65 you can get the DPS build WITH trap search which also includes the 10SP Client Orders. I've added upper trap sense you'll be left with 1 SP and I don't see anywhere else where you'll want that SP in aside from "Rare Master Ranger".

Here's the Skilltree: (It will appaer 1st on hunter, just click on Ranger and it should appear).
http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?04fb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ik0lbIn0000 009b00000fdBJdJ2Iq6dxcA0007b00007b000009b000008

Jun 30, 2013, 04:04 PM
Thanks for the input. Really appreciated! ^^

Yeah I understand that people who post about it have a passion for it and I can understand why the right side of the ranger-skilltree is left bare, even without having extended knowledge about the later game.

I know about the englishpatch UnLucky, but thanks anyway. It has been a great help so far alongside the storypatch. :-D
Also good to know what Sol Atomizers look like, so I can get them if I didn't pick up some already. The mates have been easier to identify due the familiar symbol and the "HP" in the text.
The detailed information on the traps etc. helps a lot too, thanks. :-)

That is really helpful HIT0SHI. Though for now lvl 60 seems miles away even, but I enjoy the game and don't feel a rush. =)

Jul 1, 2013, 07:00 AM
As GU/RA, I had exactly 4 SP left, so I got it, it's really awesome, IMO, but I guess it's the PSO1 cast in me. It's actually annoying for me to play other classes without that option.
I really hope they make it below WHA2, one day, the 3 wasted SP is such a stupid thing.

As RA/HU, I do not have a single SP to spare, though.

Jul 2, 2013, 06:09 AM
Yeah I understand that people who post about it have a passion for it and I can understand why the right side of the ranger-skilltree is left bare, even without having extended knowledge about the later game.
Actually the right side can be useful, if we get more XQ-like game modes. But in most cases you have a force or a techer in the party who probably can cause status effect on enemies, to meet the trial conditions. However if the status bullets on the ranger skill sheet are 100% effective for each hit, it could be a better alternative than relying on a force/techer user who is highly likely to kill weaker mobs before they can cause a status on the enemy.
So under certain circumstance all skills can be useful, but if you have only access to one tree for each class, there isn't much choice besides trying to max out your damaged output.