View Full Version : PSO2 So I want to make a Duman Tank

Drifting Fable
Jul 7, 2013, 09:24 PM
Yes I’m lovin insane, but I'm going to have fun with it.

Then again with those new base stats maybe it doesn't mean much at all. :-?

But basically: I've already 60’d my way through the game as a glass cannon, its time for a change of pace; even if it’s not optimal. It’s just going to mean I need some points in automate or something, a good unit set to keep me from dying, a way to keep threat generation on me, and well-timed just guards. None of that DEF-UP crap or Guard Stance. Everything else is goin into damage Fury Tree as usual.

Skill Tree
So here’s what I'm projecting for at least my HU sub:

http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?04Idb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ik0lbInqnq xcAkDIscAbnfGA00000Ib00000ib00000ib00007b000009b00 0008

Goin to go BRAHU but I’ll level my HU first as I wait for the good braver gear and tibits trickle down. I plan to grab Just Guard and Steps on my Braver as of course there’s just too much on the Hunter skill tree to throw those points away. Assuming Braver is going to work out similar to Fighter.

I'd like to make a better war cry investment but that seems to be too many points gone from the fury tree coupled with Auto Mate. At best I have 3 points in War Cry, but it seems like those points are better spent into Fury Stance at 8. Unless War Cry is good enough at 3 or 1, after all, it’s just 2 threat generation at 10 compared to just 1 threat generation at 1-3.

I could max War Cry if I went for Iron Will and maxed it but I'm not too sure as to how well it stacks up against Automate considering Iron Will isn't even 100% And Automate seems like it should keep me in the action longer without ever having to worry bout rushing to mates on my pallet.


I’ve always been a Sword user since the ol’ PSO days. However Knuckles have distracted me here in PSO2 for quite some time. It’s high time I got back on the sword wagon and start honing my skills more with it. It'll make me a better katana user afterwards. For the most part I'm trying to avoid reliance on Over End and utilize the other PAs a lot more. That's the death of a lot of hunters and I need to be able to just guard at any given moment considering attention should be on me if I'm doing my job right. This is how my weapon pallets look like based on my FIGHU seeing we don't know much about Braver at the moment:

Sacred Dusters | Straight Charge -> Slide Upper -> Quake Howling
Sacred Dusters | Pendulum roll -> Ducking Blow -> Surprise Knuckle (probably going to Axe this pallet, I don’t use Pendulum roll enuff anymore to merit taking up this pallet slot)
Sacred Dusters | Surprise Knuckle -> Flash Thousand -> Ducking Blow
[Future Daisy Chain goes here ;U;] | Sonic Arrow -> Sonic Arrow -> Sonic Arrow
[Future Daisy Chain goes here ;U;] | Sonic Arrow -> Cruel Throw -> Stun Coincide
[Future Daisy Chain goes here ;U;] | Twister Fall -> Rising Strike -> Over End
And this pretty much how I use my PAs:

Twister Fall – I hated it at first compared to its Spinning Break predecessor, but I've learned to embrace it as my faithful spin jump

Rising Strike – Yep love this one, it’s really got that DMC Hightime feeling to it. I only charge it when the gear is full on bosses or enemies I want to juggle a little longer.

Cruel Throw – Good for those giant enemies that needed to be knocked down and the concept is pretty nice itself. Seems to lose its usage in the later game, especially on bosses.

Stun Coincide – I liked using it back in my levelin days. However, it seems pointless with my Knuckle’s Quake Howling AOE.

Sonic Arrow – The name says it all. Pretty much the fallback damage dealing skill when not Over Ending. I definitely carry a full pallet slot of just those.

Ride Slasher – I wanted to embrace this as the good ol' Dus Majara but I've been having difficulty getting usage out of it. I've heard its good for charging at groups but I either overshoot the distance or come up short. So I'm at a lost at how to properly use it

Nova Strike – Another weird one, I loved Tornado break back in the day despite later replacing it with Dus Robado. But with how mobile we are in PSO2 I don't see too much point to a circle point blank AOE skill. How should I go about utilizing this PA? Just for a quick JA'ed area strike or is charging beneficial at all?

Over End – Avoiding like the plague. Ok maybe that’s exaggerating. I try to restrict myself from relying on it all the time like most hunters, but from time to time I find myself instinctively using it on a group of enemies or one irritating one I just want to go down quickly. It's lead me to quite a few deaths in mid over end by failing to judge whether or not to break it off prematurely or not (or just stuck in the animation). The wide range and damage potential is just all so tempting; and its blue. <3 With my tanking role focused on staying alive and keeping attention on me, I imagine I'll only use this on knocked down bosses or at least not very mobile ones.

Beyond masterin those PAs, don't see much else I can do beyond JAs and JGs. So any tips on pallets and PA usage or have I got the gist of it? Thinking bout 4 Sword pallet setups, 2 various PAs for mobs/ mobile bosses, 1 Sonic Arrow pallet, and 1 Over End focused pallet. Could change based on katana pallets but that’s what I'm goin with for now.


For the time being though I'm unsure how much to subclasses add to the table. Regardless I'm trying to pool my EXPCube resources to get for the lucky rise spike set. Worry bout getting the actual stats needed later down the road.

Though I've also heard things about the Vardha set and the 11* Close Set, Perhaps even the King set if its ever a possibility(doesn't seem to be the case though). Fan and Fen are also names I've heard passed around.

Any units I missed? And I don't suppose I need any affixes here beyond the typical Power III and Vol Soul.


Well with the newly released stats Dumans got about the same DEF as humans. So I suppose until I know exactly what unit I need for whatever Units I'm gunnin for, it’s S-ATK all the way right? Not sure bout touching DEX considering Mags are really just there for equipping weaponry and a personal heal bot.

Speaking of that, how do I properly spec my Mag to be an optimal healer? I've heard Mags can have about 8 slots and I'm unsure how to unlock them or what kind of ability purchases I need to make.

Think that covers everything, thank you for your time.

Jul 7, 2013, 10:12 PM
Well you can still make a tank, it just won't be as much as a tank as any other race excluding newmans.

Jul 7, 2013, 10:46 PM
As they say, less clothes + big boobs = big defense...?

(not really gonna bother giving some interesting input on a tanky Duman except aggro pulling with War Cry and Showtime)

Jul 7, 2013, 10:57 PM
Man you need some cliff notes to sum that up lol. Honestly if you want a tanky DPS build my suggestions would be as follows:

1. Get yourself some armor with strike resist on it ( Fen set, DotC , etc)
2. Affix the armor with vol soul +power + blow resist (blow resist III prefarable)
3. On your hunter skill tree you can pickup the first flash guard skill. Then on the left side of your skill tree have 3 pts in first JA bonus, 5pts in 2nd one. Then you can max out everything else (exlucding the fury critical and FSU2).

All together this will net you some nice passive strike resistance and will not hamper your damage to much.

Currently i run a similiar build on my te/hu and and i still can manage to get my s and t attack around 1800+ and my sdef near 1300. In addition i still wand smack for 4k-10k (10k if wb). Ontop of that i can take hits way more then others. Attacks like rockbear grab, gwana soul slam move, faltz train and quartz ram attack no longer overkill me for 1000+ attack . Most of the time i can survive with atleast half of my life.

Well thats my 2cents. Goodluck.

Jul 7, 2013, 11:48 PM
Dewman Br/Hu has 476 S-Def and 458 R-Def at 60/60. 10* sets are 489, while the 6* Excube spike set is 480 S-Def. Fen is 547, don't even try it.

I'd recommend something more like this for your tree (http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?04Idb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ik0lbInqnG Qbo2QInfcKfGA00000Ib00000ib00000ib00007b000009b000 008), since each point in Fury Stance is the same bonus as the JA skills, only you don't have to JA to get it. Also reduces your damage taken, and uh, you ARE trying to tank at least a little bit, yes? You can put more points into JA Bonus instead of the weapon gears if you don't use them, of course.

War Cry maxed not for the hate increase, but the duration. At lv10 you can keep it refreshed constantly with 30s up and a 30s cd. Anything less and you can't always have the boss's attention. Iron Will because it's right there, but also because Braver gets JR Bonus, which restores 20% of your health every time you Just Reversal. So if you survive the hit, you get a free heal (less than a monomate, though...) and Iron Will can save you if you wouldn't survive.

Jul 8, 2013, 12:22 AM
Dewman Br/Hu has 476 S-Def and 458 R-Def at 60/60. 10* sets are 489, while the 6* Excube spike set is 480 S-Def. Fen is 547, don't even try it.. So like what 4 sdef on mag lol? Not to mention Braver might have statup skills like sdef etc on tree. Either way though my point still stands get something with strike resist on it.

I'd recommend [URL="http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?04Idb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ik0lbInqnG Qbo2QInfcKfGA00000Ib00000ib00000ib00007b000009b000 008"] This is similiar to the build i was talking about except you wount be able to get warcry unless you take points else where. You'll actually be more tanky though so the descsions yours either build should meet your needs:

Jul 8, 2013, 04:30 AM
(No direct responses, just info)

So like what 4 sdef on mag lol? Not to mention Braver might have statup skills like sdef etc on tree. Either way though my point still stands get something with strike resist on it.
Braver has no xDEF stat-ups on the skilltree.

Dewman Br/Hu has 476 S-Def and 458 R-Def at 60/60. 10* sets are 489, while the 6* Excube spike set is 480 S-Def. Fen is 547, don't even try it.
As a sidenote, Braver does not seem to have Just Guard in the skilltree either (based on 07/05 precede - still have to check the 07/08 one). If OP wants to have JG on a weapon other than Katanas, he'd have to get it on the Hunter tree. Which means getting 10 SDEF from the pre-requisite and thus being able to equip Shouldot C set on a Duman BR/HU 60/60.

Dec 22, 2014, 11:14 AM
wrong thread sorry

Dec 22, 2014, 12:04 PM
Most bosses nowdays uses t-atk though

Dec 22, 2014, 12:34 PM
Most bosses nowdays uses t-atk though

This thread is 1 year old and randomly necroed. Just let it rest in peace :3

Dec 22, 2014, 01:57 PM
This thread is 1 year old and randomly necroed. Just let it rest in peace :3


The guy even got his Daisy Chain.