View Full Version : auto message?

Jul 12, 2013, 12:02 AM
i'm sorry if this already brought up before

but how do I set auto message for the boss name? and change the balloon also.

I am currently only know how to set auto cut in

/ci1 1 <pos> [message]

like that

how do I combine it with the one that change bubble and if possible boss name?
I saw some player probably using auto chat for location and boss name

sorry again, and thank you

Jul 12, 2013, 05:42 AM
wrong forum but, <target> will show the enemy name

google translate of the manual from the official website:
Character of their own <me>
Area level location <area>
Map coordinates of the location <pos>
Object name in the target current <t> or <target>
Weapon name of equipment currently being <wp> or <weapon>
Photon arts name used just before <pa> or <photonarts>
Technique name used just before <tc> or <technic>
Skill name used just before <sk> or <skill>
Emergency Trial name that is currently occurring <et3> or <et2> or <et1>
The (timing that occurred will be <et1> <et2> <et3> in reverse chronological order)