View Full Version : [Ship2 kukuku] Amusing.

HUmar Darkedge
Jul 17, 2013, 09:33 AM
I have to wonder who's bright idea was it to have closed the PSO2 "List of the English". Sure, few weeks beaten around the bush, but it could still have been a useful later.

I'll probably need a little hand.
I guess it wouldn't hurt.
Though, in other terms, i feel like soloist just playing Braver, heheh.
"We don't need to be friends. You just gotta know i can handle it."
If that wasn't clear enough for any who can't read (...or lazy)~Videntis Yurei, "BRdumearl" wanderer.
[SPOILER-BOX]Thank you Sega, for the free character slot. ( -.)/|[/SPOILER-BOX]

Last thing: I may be around Block 29 or 3.

HUmar Darkedge
Jul 19, 2013, 11:06 PM
Also, to save time, no I will not accept random guild invites.
Strange for one of them to invite me with no info whatsoever.
Almost to laugh for..