View Full Version : Backhand Smash massive damage

Jul 20, 2013, 02:15 PM
I was watching some videos on NicoNico: http://tinyurl.com/ldalwpm of people doing massive damage as Fighters with Knuckles, performing the Backhand Smash PA.

I was wondering - aside from being 60/60 Fi/Hu and using weak bullet - what kind of gear and set up, mag level, skill tree settings, etc, do you need to achieve this kind of massive damage?


Jul 20, 2013, 02:27 PM
Try to go for some 50% Knuckles first and foremost. 50% Elder Fist is pretty easy, as are 50% Gravel Core Pyrox (or Jade Racion).

As for trees, max both your stances as Fighter, then spec into Chase Advance or max the S-Atk Ups (not much else to go for on the Fighter tree imo). On the Hunter tree, max Fury Stance, Fury Stance Combo and Fury Stance Up 1. Get any gears you want, then spec into JA / Fury Stance Up 2.

Mag is as much S-Atk as possible.

Jul 20, 2013, 02:49 PM
I would go for wise stance.

Don't put it in satk up....

It won't increase your damage output by much.

Chances are, you will have weak points on the rear end... or maybe you need to break some body parts prior to going in for the kill. Sometimes you have to attack the rear to down the boss and reach it's weakpoint.

You can put it into chase advance, but you may not be able to proc the status effect fast enough to make much of an impact (probably will kill the boss before it procs).

You can have a couple double sabers each with a different status effect, and apply it using deadly arrow before switching to knuckle.

Jul 22, 2013, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the advice, and did you guys watch the videos? Are either of you doing damage like that, yourselves?