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View Full Version : Studdering/lag in lobby only?

Jul 25, 2013, 03:18 PM
I just upgraded my GPU to a GTS 450 yesterday from a Radeon hd 5450 and while i can play PSO2 fine on medium-high graphics, my game seems to lag significantly (in the lobby ONLY) and even on low graphics settings it doesn't improve much, But I don't seem to have any drop in frame rates during gameplay, missions etc. I can understand character models might be a factor but even on low population blocks this happens.

my specs are:
Windows 7 64-bit
Intel Core 6600 Duo Core @ 2.4ghz
4GB Ram installed
MSI Geforce GTS 450

Any ideas?

Jul 25, 2013, 11:02 PM
Try.... disabling the videos. That may help.

I only lag in lobbies when character models are loading... that takes up a bunch of memory when it does that... or when you install a new patch with new videos... it has to load them on the screen.

Jul 26, 2013, 01:36 PM
I tried disabling videos but with no luck. Another thing I've noticed is that i can be standing completely still with no lag at all but when running/moving is when the studdering starts, even the music in the lobby lags too. Could this be due to the most recent patch?

Jul 26, 2013, 10:14 PM
It sounds like your computer is being stressed. Make sure you're not running other programs while playing. Low RAM?

Jul 27, 2013, 01:26 AM
You already pointed it out as lag. The only thing you can do, is check you network settings and try to reduce anything that can cause delays on your side. Bear in mind, since the ep2 update more people are connected simultaneously, and in the lobbies it isn't just you, 11 other people and the serverd communicating with each other.
Hmm wait, are you getting an unstable frame-rate or lag?

Jul 27, 2013, 03:34 PM
See if lowering the detailed character model count helps (The graphics option you can change while in game).