View Full Version : Spiral Knights

Jul 26, 2013, 03:47 PM
since pso2 is a terrible piece of shit i thought that in the eve of a massive upcoming changes to Spiral Knights i'd recommend it to you lads: the biggest change being them removing the limits of playing dungeons and reworking the item acquisition a little bit making it much easier to get gear without spending a penny and also introducing mag rip-offs and difficulty settings for everything

the game is a pretty casual zelda clone for most, it has 2 PvP modes, a bomberman clone in which you don't use your PvE gear and a lockdown mode which is something like domination in shooters in which there are 3 classes that give you different roles and you can use outside of shields all your PvE gear
the levels in the game are for most randomly generated, (boss levels are fixed layouts, "dangerous missions" have first floor randomly generated, second floor is fixed) there is loads of pieces for each theme, the game also has "lore rooms" which appear quite frequently which sometimes also reward with some crafting materials or the ingame currency/tokens

almost every weapon in the game is different, aside of the status effect variants, armor equipment gives different bonuses ranging from status effect resistances (which actually matter in this game) to offensive bonuses in form of direct damage bonuses to weapon classes, speed bonus or movement speed bonuses
there is also an armor set that gives global bonuses to all types of weapons while penalising you with truly glass canon negative status effect resistances
the update will most likely go live on wednesday but nothing stops you from checking out the game now, just have in mind that the limits on running dungeons you will experience now will be removed totally with the patch that will come

edit: forgot to add the url to the game's website, if you use steam, you don't have to register on their site and you can use it to play but you will have to always use steam to play your character

Jul 27, 2013, 09:55 PM
since pso2 is a terrible piece of shit i thought that in the eve of a massive upcoming changes to Spiral Knights i'd recommend it to you lads: the biggest change being them removing the limits of playing dungeons and reworking the item acquisition a little bit making it much easier to get gear without spending a penny
A casual slog through their website didn't reveal any details on this. Care to elaborate?

I enjoyed the game back in the day, I would play it with a few friends, but it eventually got to a point where we ran into the paywall really hard and it immediately sapped our drive to actually want to play the game any more. An obvious sign of horrid free-to-play design. If they actually fixed it, I wouldn't really mind playing it again.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 28, 2013, 01:26 AM
I played like the first dungeon and got bored. Next.

Jul 28, 2013, 02:53 AM
A casual slog through their website didn't reveal any details on this. Care to elaborate?

I enjoyed the game back in the day, I would play it with a few friends, but it eventually got to a point where we ran into the paywall really hard and it immediately sapped our drive to actually want to play the game any more. An obvious sign of horrid free-to-play design. If they actually fixed it, I wouldn't really mind playing it again.

here are the details of the changes

Jul 28, 2013, 10:56 AM
Huh these changes sounds pretty good, I played way back and stopped after beating Vanaduke a few times when that was the endgame at the time.

Never personally had much of a problem with the Energy system when I played at that time long ago though, at least to the point that I was gaining more energy than spending via buying them with crowns I gained while still upgrading my stuff.

Jul 28, 2013, 12:37 PM
i never had a problem with the energy system too, didn't spend a penny and crafted a little over 60 5 star items

random SK related vid


Jul 28, 2013, 12:43 PM
I played like the first dungeon and got bored. Next.


I played it right when it first came out, and the game was just kind of eh. I mean, I'm sure it's improved since then, but still. The whole paywall thing really put me off of it.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2013, 12:56 PM
wooah, I enjoyed this game when it came out but ran into the paywall and hated it...I might pick this back up. o.o

Jul 28, 2013, 12:58 PM
What and when exactly is the "paywall". I played this a little bit a long time ago but I had other gaming priorities at the time. I might consider picking it back up since I have some limited items from Steam promotions.

Jul 28, 2013, 01:00 PM

I played it right when it first came out, and the game was just kind of eh. I mean, I'm sure it's improved since then, but still. The whole paywall thing really put me off of it.

did you ever go below depth 8 at least though? tier (depths 1-7) is basically training wheels where you will succeed if you just mash attack while taking all the damage on your face, if you do the same on tier 2 (depths 9-17) you will get killed really soon
enemies actually get better between tiers, they get new actions, revised attacks
you should really give it a run again once the update comes out, Tier 1 is like eating a popsicle through paper

What and when exactly is the "paywall". I played this a little bit a long time ago but I had other gaming priorities at the time. I might consider picking it back up since I have some limited items from Steam promotions.

the paywall people talk about is that you had (not really) to pick between playing and crafting, you could just keep playing till you accumulate enough energy to craft something but most people didn't care to have a buffer of energy to run with and just blew the energy as soon as they could on whatever they had to craft
they've also released a year ago elevator passes that for 5.95$ monthly removed the elevators cost, so you would be able to focus on crafting

oh, i guess there is also shadow lairs which are behind a paywall in form of high energy cost of keys, but they are really fun:


Cyron Tanryoku
Jul 28, 2013, 03:11 PM
Could never get into this. And I got far.
I should see the last time I played
Edit: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=75201383
Early June last year jesus

Jul 28, 2013, 03:58 PM
What and when exactly is the "paywall". I played this a little bit a long time ago but I had other gaming priorities at the time. I might consider picking it back up since I have some limited items from Steam promotions.
The game works on a timer system where you accumulate 100 units of "mist energy" over the course of 22 hours (so effectively, a full charge of your mist energy per day). Mist energy caps out at 100, crystal energy is a more permanent option and is accumulated through throwing real money at the game.

When you go into a dungeon, you pay 10 energy. Whenever you go to a new floor in a dungeon, you also pay 10 energy. This always comes out of your mist energy first (because it's the most volatile in nature, and you generate it passively).

Without paying, this means you can only go to a certain depth in a dungeon per day... Assuming you don't take any detours (there are special rooms you can unlock using energy that will sometimes come up, usually containing loot).

Crafting works by taking materials you've collected and assembling them, alongside an amount of energy based on the tier of the item, to make an item.

The eventual result is that you'll run into a point of playing where, per day, you'll need to essentially choose between playing the game or crafting an item. Past that, you'll eventually get to the point where you can't effectively get to the point in dungeons where you can find the materials you need to upgrade your gear that you'll already effectively take an entire day to craft due to the energy requirements of crafting. Not to mention, high-end equipment actually costs more energy than you can acquire via mist energy (since mist energy caps out at 100 stored), creating a literal example of a paywall to advancement.

Jul 28, 2013, 04:13 PM
The game works on a timer system where you accumulate 100 units of "mist energy" over the course of 22 hours (so effectively, a full charge of your mist energy per day). Mist energy caps out at 100, crystal energy is a more permanent option and is accumulated through throwing real money at the game.

When you go into a dungeon, you pay 10 energy. Whenever you go to a new floor in a dungeon, you also pay 10 energy. This always comes out of your mist energy first (because it's the most volatile in nature, and you generate it passively).

Without paying, this means you can only go to a certain depth in a dungeon per day... Assuming you don't take any detours (there are special rooms you can unlock using energy that will sometimes come up, usually containing loot).

Crafting works by taking materials you've collected and assembling them, alongside an amount of energy based on the tier of the item, to make an item.

The eventual result is that you'll run into a point of playing where, per day, you'll need to essentially choose between playing the game or crafting an item. Past that, you'll eventually get to the point where you can't effectively get to the point in dungeons where you can find the materials you need to upgrade your gear that you'll already effectively take an entire day to craft due to the energy requirements of crafting. Not to mention, high-end equipment actually costs more energy than you can acquire via mist energy (since mist energy caps out at 100 stored), creating a literal example of a paywall to advancement.

oh, you played the game and never knew about the energy market?
it's not really well explained to players so i understand missing it out totally but it does exist

Jul 29, 2013, 12:00 AM
oh, you played the game and never knew about the energy market?
it's not really well explained to players so i understand missing it out totally but it does exist
A paywall doesn't stop being a paywall just because you can exploit the fact that other people will pay for things and then willingly sell them for in-game money.

If real money has to flow into a game under a free-to-play model in order for a given player to be able to feasibly advance past a certain point, there is therefore, there is a paywall on advancement. Ergo, Spiral Knights has a paywall.

Examples of games without paywalls of any sort include things like Dungeon Fighter Online (you could spend money to gamble on cosmetics, buy advancement boosters or healing items to compensate for a lack of player skill) and League of Legends (advancement shortcuts and character skins can be purchased with real money). Warframe is another example - though it doesn't actually have a paywall of any sort, in order to continue advancing past a certain point you have to be willing to either pay extra money for more inventory slots or willing to sell off gear that you've maxed out (and unlike other games, any individual weapon is balanced against other weapons available, with the intention being to not have any one weapon invalidate the existence of another weapon - though the balance is something they still need to work on). However, you never are actually required to have money flow into the game in order for you to advance, and therefore, there is no paywall.

After reading the changes being made to Spiral Knights regarding the energy system, I have my doubts about it actually alleviating the paywall issue; players no longer get their freebie 100 volatile mist energy per day, and instead have to rely solely on the energy market for their energy needs for crafting. This taken into consideration, I have to wonder if the system won't actually end up being worse for non-paying players, just because they're now going to be completely susceptible to the supply/demand of the energy market, rather than having a little bit of inherent flex room by design.

I'd also like to go ahead and get this out of the way: This isn't about being cheap, or not wanting to support the developers, or not being willing to pay for a game. It's about principle: If a free-to-play game requires monetary influx to experience what is effectively the breadth of the gameplay content in a reasonable and feasible manner, then the monetization scheme has therefore compromised the integrity of the game's design, flow and/or balance. This obviously isn't counting anything that's a purely-cosmetic or otherwise non-game-affecting purchase on part of a player (i.e. hats and skins for characters, and the like, presuming they don't confer any statistical bonuses or something moronic like that).

Jul 29, 2013, 02:50 AM
you missed out on the part where after the update energy won't be used directly for crafting anymore, they are using now instead orbs of alchemy which will drop from monsters/boxes, of course, you will be able to buy those orbs with energy too but you will be able to craft without burning anyone's money if you choose to

(...)You will now find loot drops (“Orbs of Alchemy” and “Fire Crystals”) in the Clockworks that you can use to craft and upgrade your gear.
(...)Orbs of Alchemy for Crafting

Orbs of Alchemy can be found as loot drops as you play in the Clockworks, and will be used instead of energy for crafting. Orbs exist for each star level in the game (save for 0 star). As you play, you will find over time that you have more orbs than you need for the upgrade of your initial choice of weapons, and that you have the resources to build a broader arsenal of gear. This, in turn, will make it easier for Spiral Knights players to experiment with more varied equipment and gameplay styles. Orbs of Alchemy, in addition to being found in the Clockworks as loot, may be bought from the Supply Depot.(...)

Jul 30, 2013, 06:30 PM
the game changing update is now live, feel free to try out the game - final patch notes are here:
edit: just playtested one full Tier 3 on hardest mode, got enough materials to upgrade one item from 4* to 5*, they are really generous with the droprates as long as you play on the hardest mode

Jul 31, 2013, 11:06 AM
I play Spyral Knights only for lil bit daily only sense there's these points that you NEED in order to revive yourself, open doors, and proceed to the next level which runs out faster that you can say "Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode 2".

Jul 31, 2013, 11:36 AM
they've removed the need for those points you talk about which this whole thread was beating through, you can run dungeons infinitely since yesterday, revives now drop in item form (on average you should get 2-4 revives from a full tier run on Elite)
the point for crafting have been transformed into solid items also, you can buy those items for the points but there is no reason to honestly because they drop like candy; before the patch you'd need to use 800 of the points you talk about, now you only need 3 orb items of specific star rating, the highest upgrade orbs are called Eternal Orb of Alchemy, here is a random screenshot i found from just one run:


what does this mean exactly? if we were talking about the old system, the guy here would have collected enough points to upgrade 2 items from 4* to 5* and have 266 spare points for another upgrade of this kind in just one, one hour long run