View Full Version : affix on unit

Jul 29, 2013, 01:48 PM
i saw someone with a vol soul,power 3,power boost and ability 3 in a unit. im curious how they can do that and how much it will cost you to make one?.

Jul 29, 2013, 03:03 PM
Vol soul: 80% chance with 3. 50% with 2
Power 3: 80% with 2, or power 2 x3 +mutation 1
Ability 3: 60% with either technique + power + shoot 3, or mind + body + react 3

3 affixing units for soul, stat 3, random would usually cost less than 2 mil, but as for ability, I don't mess with that. I'd sooner use a stat boost rather than find the specific fodder for an affix you can't guarantee anyway outside of the affix boost week, and spending 20 excubes on a 30% affix booster. Ever since Dudu managed to fail 2 out of 3 90% chances on making 3 ability fodder for me, I won't entertain the idea if you can't make it 100%.

Jul 30, 2013, 07:26 AM
I affixed stigma (30% chance of affixing) on my vardha units just fine ;p

With stamina III and I'm working on obtaining cougar souls

really, adding stuff to units isn't bad at all imo

Jul 30, 2013, 12:30 PM
I affixed stigma (30% chance of affixing) on my vardha units just fine ;p

With stamina III and I'm working on obtaining cougar souls

really, adding stuff to units isn't bad at all imo


I'd assume it will troll you if it isn't 100%

Jul 30, 2013, 12:31 PM
I rolled a 1 or 2 (30% chance of rolling) with dice just fine ;p

With stamina III and I'm working on obtaining cougar souls

really, rolling dice isn't bad at all imo

fixed for the layman

Jul 30, 2013, 01:14 PM
How do you get the ability affix? Never found an item with it.

Jul 30, 2013, 01:49 PM
How do you get the ability affix? Never found an item with it.
Exactly how Maninblue explained it a couple posts ago in this very thread:

Ability 3: 60% with either technique + power + shoot 3, or mind + body + react 3
You combine a Tech III+Power III+Shoot III or combine Mind III+Body III+React III

Doesn't matter which item has which, just that you have all of them in the mix somewhere.

I affixed stigma (30% chance of affixing) on my vardha units just fine ;p

With stamina III and I'm working on obtaining cougar souls

really, adding stuff to units isn't bad at all imo
Yeah, I've had 50%/60%/100% stick, and even 35%/35%/65% (or something like that). But then had 45%/75%/75% all fail down to 0.

It doesn't matter if you've got 95%/95%/95%, if even one fails you're practically back to square one since pushing a new slot drops everything down to nothing. Considering the amount of materials used to get that far, chancing the dice can be really expensive and discouraging.

Jul 30, 2013, 02:13 PM
I want to make 3 Vardha units, with Vol Soul and Power 3 on each of them, what would be the simplest way to go about this?

Jul 30, 2013, 03:31 PM
There are different ways to go about affixing, each "simpler" in separate ways.

Direct Approach:
Target unit has 0 slots.
Use any unit with Power III on it, regardless of the other affixes on it.
1x fodder: 48% chance
2x fodder: 60% chance

Target unit has Power III, no other affixes
Use two units with Vol Soul on them, no other affixes
Vol Soul: 37% chance
Power III: 42% chance

or the other way around:

Target unit has 0 slots.
Use any two units with Vol Soul, regardless of their other affixes.
40% chance.

Target unit has Vol Soul, no other affixes.
Use one unit with only Vol Soul, one unit with only Power III, no other affixes on either.
Vol Soul: 37% chance
Power III: 42% chance

Simple, right? All you need to do is luck out. The final attempt to 2s (two slot) your unit is 15.5%. But don't worry, there's still a 48% chance to keep one of them so you can skip the first step! (It's a 36.5% chance to lose both).

Segmented Approach:
Target unit has 0 slots.
Use any unit with any affix (any Stat I: Atk/Def/Dex/Res)
80% chance

Target unit has 1 slot.
Use one or two units with any affix (as above, but don't use the same one)
1 fodder: 70%/70% chance
2 fodder: 75%/75% chance

Target unit has 2 slots.
Use two units each with Vol Soul and one other affix (does not matter)
50% chance (other affix is guaranteed)

Target unit has Vol Soul and one other affix.
Use two units each with Vol Soul and Power III (affix yourself or purchase them)
Vol Soul: 80% chance
Power III: 80% chance

There are many advantages to this method. The most obvious one is the final attempt chance of 64% (or 100% with a +20% booster). Another one is that, assuming you do plan on using a +20% for the final affix, once you have the soul on your target item you will never lose it. From that point onward, your gear will at the very least have 30 Atk and the amount of slots that you want. The least obvious one is the affixing cost: high rarity equipment costs more meseta per affix attempt. Concentrating the majority of your affixing on fodder units can drastically reduce your total expenditure, even if you end up needing more total attempts.

Of course, this all may be totally unnecessary for only two slots, but believe me when I say that directly pushing 3+ slots when a Soul and/or Stat III is already on the item is wrought with despair.

Jul 30, 2013, 06:09 PM
Wouldn't it be easiest to use a target unit with 2 slots in it already and overwrite whatever it has with your new ones.

Jul 30, 2013, 06:26 PM
for 3 or more put soul on the weapon before the final.

for 2 just add 2 level 1's then use two units with vol/pwr3 for 60/70

if you don't want to gamble..

step 1: add as many level 1's as you need. if you are adding 2 affixes then you will need 3 level 1's on the the unit before step 2. if you are adding 3 affixes then you will need 4 level 1's on the unit before step 2.

step 2: add the soul.

step 3: buy or grab your 20% from storage

step 4: add the stuff you want.

step 5: add the 20% for 100%


Jul 30, 2013, 06:35 PM

Jul 30, 2013, 07:34 PM
You can also buy pre-affixed units if you don't want to battle with Dudu, though it will most likely cost you more meseta. At least you won't have to deal with the frustration of failing 90% odds.

Aug 2, 2013, 01:00 PM
What is the entire process of adding stam boost/power3/soul to a unit?

Aug 2, 2013, 01:26 PM
Target unit: Soul/x/x
Fodder 1:Soul/Power 3/x
Fodder 2:Soul/Power 3/x
+20% booster and your x boost should make it 100/100/100 chance. It would be 80/80/100 without that +20% booster.

Making fodders:
Item 1: Soul/x/x
Item 2: Power 3/x/x
Item 3: Soul/x/x
Deal with 50/60/100 chance when making the fodders or just buy them instead.

Putting Soul/x/x on target item:
Just force level 1 abilities on it that aren't status ailment types and get x/x/x on target item. Should be like 70/70/70 chance or buy a pre-3 slotted unit depending on what it is and if you're premium or not.
Item 2 and 3: Soul/x/x
Final process should be 50/100/100