View Full Version : Infinity Olga flow solo

Aug 6, 2013, 02:23 AM
Ok here is my problem guys. I tried to fight Olga flow ( open mission), but each time I did, I went down during the second level. Right now, I m a full cast ranger. Even with 3 NPC, i can't manage to win. Do you have any ideas what would be the best way to succeed against this annoying boss ?

Aug 6, 2013, 02:31 AM
-Ranger? Should've been easy, just stay far (very far) away from him but just enough so you are in range of rifling him down.
-Kill those floating things whenever possible.
-When Olga Flow goes red with the timer on someone, Kill the floating things helping him (technically knock them out)
-Use rocks for cover whenever possible.
-Just Guard wave attacks with rifle or evade them.
-Kite him until he is down.
-Casts------>use your SUV whenever possible or to save yourself from a one-shot.
-If you want to go up and melee him sometimes, stay behind the leg that is further away. The other leg is his attacking leg.

Aug 6, 2013, 02:44 AM
As a ranger, I would use twin handguns and a cs2 shotgun. Switch NPC orders so they don't use PAs and combo his feet with the handguns. Break the combo with shotgun cs2 whenever you feel comfortable. Repeat at his chest.