View Full Version : What's up with solo-online play??

Apr 8, 2003, 07:39 AM
I have been doing the Heat Sword Quest online looking for the Luminous Field with my PINKAL - FOmar - Khyron. I have done 30 runs of the first floor ( 30 * 43 = 1290 Tollaw's killed ) now and still no Luminous Field. Not only that, but when I play solo-online just to do the quest I have not found 1 rare item yet doing 30 runs.

Rare items do drop in solo-online play right?

Apr 8, 2003, 07:53 AM
Yep. I guess.

Apr 8, 2003, 07:57 AM
Yeah but those tallows really don't like to give anything up. I can't even tell you how many I've killed, but I'll put it this way. I'm 157 now and have been doing Ult hear swords since I was level 80. I think I saw a tallow drop its rare twice in that time. Once was my Twin Chakram (gee thanks) and the other I forget what it is. The point is, plan on doing HS for a loooong time. It'll drop but it will take a while. Maybe your best bet, you should time your run style and this one and see whats more efficent. Just go into the first room and kill the 2 waves of tallows and then restart. That may provide faster tallow production. Good luck http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 8, 2003, 08:20 AM
Yeah, but none of the other Monsters have dropped their rares either. Whenever I play online I play with a few friends except when I'm doing Heat Sword Quests. Just the other day playing with a REDRIA - HUnewearl we did Heat Sword twice and found 2 Hildetorr's and got 2 Star Amplifiers, but when I do it alone I get nada http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

I'm cursed. lol

Apr 8, 2003, 06:23 PM
I play almost exclusively solo-heat sword. I get lots of rares from doing so, but my Pinkal Fonewmn has only ever snagged one luminous field (2 slots as well, added the other 2 myself...).
So only once out of several hundred HS runs did a tollaw drop rare for me. He wears it now. Is it worth much ? my racast is desperate need of some g-battles, maybe it would make good trade bait...

Apr 8, 2003, 07:14 PM
On 2003-04-08 16:23, Gray4 wrote:
I play almost exclusively solo-heat sword. I get lots of rares from doing so, but my Pinkal Fonewmn has only ever snagged one luminous field (2 slots as well, added the other 2 myself...).
So only once out of several hundred HS runs did a tollaw drop rare for me. He wears it now. Is it worth much ? my racast is desperate need of some g-battles, maybe it would make good trade bait...

I don't have many good items. That's why I'm seeking out the Luminous Field. I have but 3 11 star items, Twinkle Star, GOD/MIND and a freshly made Summit Moon. lol

I saw a red box drop from a Tollaw before and I'm running over to the box saying please don't be a Photon Drop... please don't be a Photon Drop... and guess what... a fricken photon drop. lol