View Full Version : JP PSO2 Can't play after maintenance

Aug 9, 2013, 12:34 PM
After wednesday's maintenance, the game checked for updates, disconnected a few times while downloading and restarted checking/downloading, but ended up updating everything as normal after a few tries.
But when I click "game start", the launcher starts checking for updates again and this time it doesn't download anything, the screen just keeps saying "Checking: 4". After a while it finishes checking but closes the launcher instead of starting the game.
When I open the launcher again it goes into "Checking: 4" again, doesn't download anything and after a while it opens the launcher. Clicking "game start" starts checking, closes the launcher without starting the game after a while and I'm locked into this loop.

This is the screen I get:

Tried to launch the game with the tweaker and got this:


Anyone knows the solution to this?

Aug 9, 2013, 07:24 PM
Seems like the pso2.exe is broken or its not loading it at all or they is missing in the folder, try repairing the exes by making the tweaker redownload them.