View Full Version : [PSO2] Ship 2 player looking for a team.

Aug 17, 2013, 04:53 PM
A little backstory before I get into the team hunt stuff. I am a very active player who has been playing since open beta. I went through a lot and played a lot but I really never found a place in a team or in the community besides my close friends. I switched ships from 10 to 2 and found the bustling English community very refreshing. However one thing I noticed. It the lobbies with limited size of players I seen more teams than I could keep a track of. Maybe it was a team of friends or a budding team building up. I tried and joined some of these teams but it did not work out at all. I hit a wall and so I quit/dicked around and made alts (and leveling them quite a bit) I eventually found a team but it wasn't what I wanted and its very inactive now.

With that out of the way.... I am looking for a team that is not budding or filled with players I sadly cannot party with. I have a lot to offer I want a team with at least a portion of the active members I can do AQ/XQ/EM/MPA with. I want an established team with some active players at endgame that can play. I don't want to come across as elitist or a jerk (my equip is not even that good. lol) but a random unorganized party can be very vexing. I would also love to bring some friends too as well if the team is what we are looking for! I have 1 fairly active friend and I consider myself fairly active too and 2 active but not as much as the 2 aforementioned.

TL;DR: I just want an active team with decent and knowledgeable players so we can party and get loot. :3

Aug 18, 2013, 03:38 AM
Might i suggest....

Aug 18, 2013, 10:54 AM
... I want a team with at least a portion of the active members I can do AQ/XQ/EM/MPA with. I want an established team with some active players at endgame that can play...


We're right now looking at patching over small teams / groups that fit exactly the kind of vibe you're talking about.

As the official team of the PSO2 Podcast (EXP FULL - check us out on iTunes) you know we've gotta be PSO2 enthusiasts - and we're not going anywhere.

We go lots of AQ/XQ/EM/MPA group stuff and lots of us can be found on The SHIP2 Voice Chat most nights. Anyone with [M] at the end of their name is a Manager, and you'll also find chat [MOD]s on there and the two team [GM]s also.

We'd love to welcome you into the team, if we sound like the right kinda team for you.
Jump on the Ship2 Voice Chat sometime and get to know us, and check out our team page at http://www.expfull.com/team


EDIT: Forgot to mention that we're properly the longest running English team on Ship2, as we created it the moment the servers went live with the team update. Check out our most recent podcast for the full story / history of the team. Because we've been around for ages with a great amount of active players, we've unlocked all the buffs that matter etc...

Aug 19, 2013, 07:10 AM
I seen EXP Full around for the longest I'll see if I can contact a manager to join. Thank you for considering me. I got mumble set up as well. Looking forward to contacting you.