View Full Version : Game Fake Sega Dream cast 2 commercial

Aug 23, 2013, 06:27 PM

what do you think guys , every time i watch this video my tears drop

Aug 23, 2013, 07:47 PM
I wonder how Sega would do in the console market if they decided to get back into it. I would probably get a "Dreamcast 2", but how would they get new people to get into it? The video did make me nostalgic though, I loved the dreamcast.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 25, 2013, 12:50 AM
So if this is bullshit, can we get a title change on the thread? Kinda misleading.

Aug 25, 2013, 05:55 PM
guys , this video should make u feel happy, only oldschool boys will understand me
but the mid late 90's (or the iphone kids) won't understand what i mean haha
video games don't feel how they used to be, also people who play them are not the same,
also i like the switched eyes in the previous comment, good old gold memories with pokemon , remember playing it on the big grey gameboy :D

Aug 25, 2013, 06:17 PM
but the mid late 90's (or the iphone kids) won't understand what i mean haha

I don't remember any iPhones in the 90's.

Aug 25, 2013, 10:06 PM
So if this is bullshit, can we get a title change on the thread? Kinda misleading.

We should merge it with your favorite thread. ;3 <3

Aug 26, 2013, 07:13 PM
I don't remember any iPhones in the 90's.

I think "iPhone kids" refers to kids born after the 90's.

Aug 28, 2013, 12:42 PM
anyone find it wierd i never used an iphone or smartphone?

on topic: cool comercial, i never owned a dreamcast myself, actually never heard of it till a couple years ago sadly.

Aug 28, 2013, 12:51 PM
The Dreamcast was great and everything but it's been 14 years. You just gotta let it go man, Sega ain't ever coming back to the hardware business, there's just no reason for them to do so.

Aug 28, 2013, 12:54 PM
The Dreamcast was great and everything but it's been 14 years. You just gotta let it go man, Sega ain't ever coming back to the hardware business, there's just no reason for them to do so.

and we already have a saturation of game consoles, pc, handhelds, mobile. i think that we have enough

Aug 28, 2013, 06:18 PM
The Dreamcast was great and everything but it's been 14 years. You just gotta let it go man, Sega ain't ever coming back to the hardware business, there's just no reason for them to do so.

Yeah, it's highly unlikely they'd get back to consoles, and like you say there's no reason for them too, but it's just nostalgic thought. Nothing serious. Though I would imagine there are die hard sega console fanboys out there that really would pay an arm and leg to get another sega console.