View Full Version : Worst Box Art for games (please post pics)

Aug 27, 2013, 03:38 PM
Games can be great, but unfortunately the box art can make it pretty laughable is it's horrible.

Let's start:


The original Mega Man for NES. Looked like some kid's drawing.


The JP box art of Heavy Rain. Really, a nose? Might as well put snots coming from it! To be fair the NA box wasn't too hot either. The EU box art was the best one.


All regions. Was this suppose to cater to the shitty COD bro fan base with the typical man holding a gun pose? If you want to do that, do it right like Goldeneye N64's box art.


WTF was Rocksteady thinking putting so much unneeded text? The box art alone makes the make the GOTY edition not worth buying over the orginal.


Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Strider when I was young but this box art uses some guy in tights with a sword. How cheesy is that? Like a action movie reject.

I'll post more another time. What do games do yous think have awful box art??

BTW, how do you hide and open images? I would've done that if I knew how to do it.

Chaos Rappy
Aug 27, 2013, 03:57 PM
Dat Sega Genesis Seal of Quality.

Aug 27, 2013, 04:16 PM
Eat your heart out Visual Novels, and Eroge. This is AMURRICAN turff

Aug 27, 2013, 05:11 PM

...there's a lot of pretty hilarious Megaman box art though XD





Oh wait oops[/spoiler-box]

Aug 27, 2013, 05:46 PM

...there's a lot of pretty hilarious Megaman box art though XD





Oh wait oops[/spoiler-box]

who the hell approved vibrator arm megaman?

Aug 27, 2013, 06:10 PM
Phantasy Star games. Especially PSIV. Look at this shit (right side).


Those are supposed to be (from left to right) Rune, Chaz, and Rika. Did the dude they hired to draw the box art even look at the game for two minutes? I understand trying to go with the hyper-realistic art style and whatnot, but when it looks that far off from the actual product, it's just lolwat.

Aug 27, 2013, 06:22 PM
Phantasy Star games. Especially PSIV. Look at this shit (right side).
Oh man, that reminds me of one of the funniest box arts I've ever seen.




Aug 27, 2013, 06:46 PM
who the hell approved vibrator arm megaman?

According to the box, it's a high resolution vibrator arm.

who wouldn't approve that.

Also is that supposed to be Nei? Because it isn't animu enough to represent the actual game.

Aug 27, 2013, 07:01 PM
Yes, and the other person is obviously supposed to be Rolf.


Aug 27, 2013, 07:06 PM
Yeah in game Rolf doesn't really have long hair and a tough looking face. Without the armor and head piece he'd be a perfect fit for a slice of life anime.

I guess it's to appeal to people in the west? Since most western RPG's have the tough medieval look to characters.

Aug 27, 2013, 08:06 PM
^ pretty much that...

Sadly it seems a lot of JP developers were paranoid of western audiences interest/patience/or even thinking we're dumb. And same with company's here trying to bring games over thinking they'd have to westernize games. >____>;;

But half the time I don't blame them.

Aug 27, 2013, 08:13 PM
I dunno. I like the PS2 box art. It's got that pulp SF feel to it and looks like it might be found on the cover of Asimov's or something similar. It doesn't accurately represent what the characters look like in game but I don't think it's bad.

Enforcer MKV
Aug 27, 2013, 08:23 PM

...there's a lot of pretty hilarious Megaman box art though XD





Oh wait oops[/spoiler-box]

To be fair, the MM3 box art isn't that bad, unless you have a dirty mind/have friends who have a dirty mind.

Aug 27, 2013, 08:29 PM
To be fair, the MM3 box art isn't that bad, unless you have a dirty mind/have friends who have a dirty mind.

Thanks now I'll never unsee that. Poor Rush :(

Aug 27, 2013, 08:44 PM
To be fair, the MM3 box art isn't that bad, unless you have a dirty mind/have friends who have a dirty mind.
I posted it because of Wily's freaky-ass head.

You pervert D:

Enforcer MKV
Aug 27, 2013, 08:47 PM
Thanks now I'll never unsee that. Poor Rush :(

sorry. xD

I posted it because of Wily's freaky-ass head.

You pervert D:

I don't think Wily's head is all that bad, in all honesty. *Shrugs* I'm just pointing out what I think 'could' be bad about it - the MM3 box art doesn't really bother me. The others though...uuuuuugh...Box art didn't seem to be Capcom's strong suit back then. xD

Aug 27, 2013, 09:34 PM
Dat Sega Genesis Seal of Quality.

Heh, I know right? Ages ago when Sega actually cared about gaming. Now they don't even try anymore, esp. for those who live in NA.

Even Nintendo did away with the seal of quality, but at least it still puts out good games and has a loyal fan base.

Aug 27, 2013, 10:17 PM
All regions. Was this suppose to cater to the shitty COD bro fan base with the typical man holding a gun pose? If you want to do that, do it right like Goldeneye N64's box art.

Any box art of someone holding a gun now is trying to appease to CoD fans, ok, makes sense.



Aug 28, 2013, 01:03 AM
most games back then had terrible box art. my favorite parts were the back with the explanations of the game. the 7th saga is my favorite

Aug 28, 2013, 01:15 AM
@ Phantasy Star 2 boxart:


Remembering this one now... I don't see what was wrong with this boxart... <_> Why did they think a 65 year old random dude would look cooler than this...

Would be cool if they made a game that looked like this cove- Ah whatever wasted thought process and off-topic.

On topic:

Why's a tiny knuckles infront of sonic, and where's Sonic's left foot. Could fit those character in way better. I'm assuming sonic's bigass red shoe would've blocked knuckles but this solution makes no sense.

Aug 28, 2013, 02:00 AM
The first two Panzer Dragoons on the Saturn had some pretty bad box text. They had very little to do with the actual story.

Aug 28, 2013, 06:14 PM
Why's a tiny knuckles infront of sonic, and where's Sonic's left foot. Could fit those character in way better. I'm assuming sonic's bigass red shoe would've blocked knuckles but this solution makes no sense.

I think it's not one big image, but clips of each character pasted on the background. I doubt they attempted to make it just one single image.

Aug 29, 2013, 10:39 AM

The stark difference between the japanese and US box art covers for Final Fantasy 6, mainly how the latter is more lacking (Ironic, since its usually the other way around with FF box covers)

Aug 31, 2013, 09:42 AM
Any box art of someone holding a gun now is trying to appease to CoD fans, ok, makes sense.
Actually, in the case of BioShock Infinite, this was the intention (http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2012/12/bioshock-infinite-box-art/).

Basically, the box art was intended to appeal to the type of person who plays games, but isn't an enthusiast to the point of reading news about the gaming world regularly. It's to communicate what the game is, at its base level and in a way that immediately grabs your attention, and get players to pick up the box and read the back, which gives more information.

It's the same concept as the teaser, trailer, feature process (or alternatively, the cover letter, resume, interview process). One of them exists solely to get you to look into the preview of it, specifically if you're someone who wasn't already going to due to other knowledge. Realistically, it's probably the best way to go about it, since box art is really a marketing thing anyway.

In the case of BioShock Infinite, it's a game about a dude running around and shooting guys in Sky-Murrica. In reality, the game isn't honestly much more deep than that from a gameplay perspective.

Aug 31, 2013, 10:00 AM
Actually, in the case of BioShock Infinite, this was the intention (http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2012/12/bioshock-infinite-box-art/).

Basically, the box art was intended to appeal to the type of person who plays games, but isn't an enthusiast to the point of reading news about the gaming world regularly. It's to communicate what the game is, at its base level and in a way that immediately grabs your attention, and get players to pick up the box and read the back, which gives more information.

It's the same concept as the teaser, trailer, feature process (or alternatively, the cover letter, resume, interview process). One of them exists solely to get you to look into the preview of it, specifically if you're someone who wasn't already going to due to other knowledge. Realistically, it's probably the best way to go about it, since box art is really a marketing thing anyway.

In the case of BioShock Infinite, it's a game about a dude running around and shooting guys in Sky-Murrica. In reality, the game isn't honestly much more deep than that from a gameplay perspective.

this is true of pretty much all box art though

it's automatically assumed that the informed players are, well, informed, and will not decide to boycott a game based on cover art, even if it's somehow deceptive or generic

people who don't know jack shit all about a game, however, will decide to not buy a game if the cover art doesn't look good

also basically all FPS games boil down to just shooting shit in [location] so yeah

Chaos Rappy
Aug 31, 2013, 10:28 AM
Any box art of someone holding a gun now is trying to appease to CoD fans, ok, makes sense.



Those are his fingers, not his mouth. The pic on the right is just a spoof of what it appears as. Goldeneye's boxart was fine.

Aug 31, 2013, 01:18 PM
Any box art of someone holding a gun now is trying to appease to CoD fans, ok, makes sense.

No, the whole trying to look cool holding a gun pose does not represent what Bioshock Infinite was. That's why the box art is awful. The first Bioshock didn't rely on something like that, the change was unneeded. The whole cater to casuals crap is BS. Last Of Us and GTA series don't use this type of box art and they do fine. There's nothing wrong with holding an gun it, but it needs to be done right. Like this:


[quote=Chaos Rappy;3032973]Those are his fingers, not his mouth. The pic on the right is just a spoof of what it appears as. Goldeneye's boxart was fine.

I agree

Sep 1, 2013, 10:03 AM
No, the whole trying to look cool holding a gun pose does not represent what Bioshock Infinite was. That's why the box art is awful. The first Bioshock didn't rely on something like that, the change was unneeded. The whole cater to casuals crap is BS. Last Of Us and GTA series don't use this type of box art and they do fine. There's nothing wrong with holding an gun it, but it needs to be done right.

I haven't played any of the bioshock games except for the first, and let me say that I loved the boxart with the big daddies on them. The second even had the added bonus of the Big Daddy resembling Bomberman. That boxart is what got me to play the first Bioshock, it had something on it that looked interesting, but I had little information on. Big Daddies look cool, but I didn't know what they were, looked it up, and got interested in the game, so I played the game.

In GTA's case, I assume most people know what the game is like, and it's exactly what some casuals want, free open world where you can steal cars and shoot hookers. So I think boxart is irrelevant with GTA. Everyone already knows what it is, and I doubt there will be major changes to the series in the future that will require informing people of the changes through boxart.

Sep 4, 2013, 07:37 AM
To quote AVGN (I think) It's like a game within a game...

Sep 4, 2013, 10:49 AM
This game, when I originally bought it, had the worst and the best box cover art, at the same time!!!
This only existed for the Japanese release.


Sep 6, 2013, 12:19 PM

Then again, pretty much all games for the 2600 had hilariously bad covers.

Sep 6, 2013, 12:33 PM

Then again, pretty much all games for the 2600 had hilariously bad covers.

Other than the girl's face (forget her name) and Mar- I mean Jumpman's face, It looks pretty nice in my opinion.

Sep 6, 2013, 01:30 PM
Yeah. I actually like that Donkey Kong cover. Even though that Mario face does look quite deformed. I never quite noticed that face years ago, when I saw this last. :)

Sep 6, 2013, 05:54 PM
I think it's not one big image, but clips of each character pasted on the background. I doubt they attempted to make it just one single image.

Or they could've just made an original image instead of doing a bad copy-paste job that visually doesn't make sense to begin with, other than it having all 3 characters in one image.

Sep 14, 2013, 01:08 AM
http://17f0418678386b4e6860-e4f9fcd924b589d19bf6ccc2802ea9aa.r66.cf1.rackcdn.c om/ba327f547db3b1b2314c6461479b6d8ea44d86f8.jpg__576x 480_q85.jpg

Is he supposed to look pissed with strawberry jam coming out of his nose?
Gamepro unfortunately died so who knows what value that credibility holds...

Sep 14, 2013, 08:06 PM
Funny enough. I think the Batman Cover is something that's actually bad not because of Batman, or the *ahem* blood on the scene. It's more of a problem that all the Text and Quotations take up way too much of the cover. Seriously. If you are going to put the quotations, keep them to the back cover like other games do. That way you can put the Bonus content info way off to the corner.

At least don't take up *most* of the front cover with quotes. You might as well not even have an image there.