View Full Version : How to get downloadable quests for Dreamcast PSO?

Sep 9, 2013, 01:28 PM
Last friday I started playing PSO on the Dreamcast again and after playing through the first two areas and completed all the guild quests available to that point,I wondered if there´s any way to actually acess those downloadable quests that were available back in the day,any way whatsoever. My version of the game is the original PSO(I assume not v2) and it´s the PAL copy. Note that I´m doing thi8s in offline mode and I´m not going to even attempt to connect with the DC.

If this is common knowledge then I apologise but I really wanted to try those.

Thank you all in advance.

Sep 24, 2013, 09:45 PM
We have some located on site:
