View Full Version : Mag Question

Apr 10, 2003, 07:05 PM
Before you flame me for not putting this in the Mag forum i just wanted to say that it's not working on my browesr (been about an hour now)... maybe the server is down or maybe it's me.... anwyas thats it you can ban this if you want.

But onto the topic, i want to know what type of stats to boost as a FOneweral... any ideas. I've heard some people say ATA and DEX are useless... just wanted some more opinions.

Apr 10, 2003, 07:07 PM
Well if you bother to read the front page news the Mag/Item/Sect ID forum is down right now.


If you're not thinking about meleeing with weapons then concentrate on MST. It isn't a bad idea to add some DEF to your mag too but you want MST to be your dominant stat.

Apr 10, 2003, 07:09 PM
First off the Mag, Item etc forum is down, and has been since yesterday.

Secondly, I'd go all MIND. A FOnewearl is too weak to melee and he strength is in her massive MST. If I were to make a FOnewearl I'd go 5/0/0/185. Then if you decide to max her, you could always raise a new mag. This one will last you a while.

Apr 10, 2003, 07:16 PM
Your best bet would be to focus on making her DFP and MST the higest you can get them. I wouldn't do 5/0/0/195 like the previous person said. I would lean more toward 65/5/5/125 that way you have a good MST rating and your DFP will be good enough to survive boss attacks with out much hassle.

Apr 11, 2003, 02:47 PM
Would it be worth it to go out of my way to boost Dex so i can get a good photon? Sry if these are newb questions... i haven't played this game much.

Apr 11, 2003, 03:11 PM
My fonewm has a 200 Nidra (10/0/74/116) The mind is a decent amount for him, and the ATA is for when i use handguns (with +hit%) to dark/hp steal. I am in the process of making a Mind mag (11/0/3/186) for times when i don't use a gun. I would suggest you follow this guide by PSOW's "Yes Man" Vulpesmundi. Make the mind mag on here for a Fonewearl because she needs TONS of it. Later on you can raise another one once that one hits 200.


Apr 11, 2003, 03:30 PM
If you want a little DEX and the better Photon Blasts it is possible to get Estlla, Pilla, and Mylla & Youlla on a MAG with approximately 10 DEF, 0 POW, 15 DEX, and 175 MIND. Or if you want a 4th evolution MAG you can wind up with the same PBs on a MAG with approximately 30 DEF, 0 POW, 20 DEX, and 150 MIND. The latter is a pain to make, though.

Both of these suggestions should be started similar to an accuracy MAG, just feeding Antiparalysis instead of Antidotes. Just make sure that at level 10 and 35 the DEX is the highest stat (not including DEF). Level 35 should roughly have 10 DEF, 0 POW, 15 DEX, and 10 MIND. Then from there on MIND should be the highest stat.

Apr 11, 2003, 05:35 PM
another newb question... um how are you supposed to raise a 10/0/15/10 fro lvl 35... i just don't know how to get def up there. What should you use to raise def?

Apr 11, 2003, 06:45 PM
Visit the mag guides. Or more specifically http://www.pso-world.com/magfeedingchartv3.php which is the feeding charts for all basic mags.
It is a slow process raising only def, but eventually you'll get there.

Apr 12, 2003, 08:00 AM
hum... alright. How do you guys like a 40/0/15/145 mag... final form is Ila with Leila, Pilla, then Mylla & Youlla PBs. Yes? No? I was debating less defense and more mind... just tell me what you think.

Apr 12, 2003, 11:14 AM
I would go with less def and more mind. During normal fighting you won't really get hit too much by melee attacks as a force. And when you do a little extra defense isn't going to help. Also raising your def to 40 is expensive and hard http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Also i would try to get esstella instead of liela or whatever. Because that PB sucks, but it's not that big of a deal because if you have Pilla tat's all you'll need as a force. (And good luck trying to fill your photon blast. I've done it 1 time on my FOnewm and he's lvl 44)

Apr 12, 2003, 12:45 PM
Actually i worked out a build to get those stats... yes i went into word and typed out every item to use. I'm that obsessed. See if i'm gunna get lower defense i'll just use some dimates instead of trimates... maybe i'll go with 25/0/15/160... ahh i can't decide.