View Full Version : MAG's and Section ID's?!?!?!

Mar 7, 2001, 09:17 AM
I'm pretty new to PSO (downside to living in Europe... 6 month delayed release!) so bare with me....!

What exactly does your section I.D mean? Is there one better than the other?

MAG's..... Does it matter what mag you develope? What are the best Stats to increase if I'm a Ranger?

All answers welcome! Come-oooon, help a newbie in pain!

Mar 7, 2001, 09:22 AM
Section ID's don't mean that much to the game, and there is no one section ID that is better than any other.

As for mags, not really, unless you care about how they look. Many people will tell you that DEX is important for ranger mags but since Rangers max out their ata(accuracy, big deal for rangers) it doesn't do much good to pump your mag up for it. If you like to use magic build up the MIND stat, but if you are more concerned about attack and your defense pump up POW and DEF. There is no set way to do anything in PSO, and many options are left up to the player to decide.

Mar 7, 2001, 10:02 AM
Spy, your knowledge is boundless!

I prefer to use Sabres (Why'd I choose Ranger then??) so I'll go with Power & Defence! What you suggest feeding it to get these up quick?


Mar 7, 2001, 10:15 AM
reply check the mag guide on the site for which items gives your mag the best stats in those areas.