View Full Version : Help me build a bug out kit.

Oct 17, 2013, 12:17 PM
So I've come to the conclusion that I am severely unprepared in the event that I have to perform an emergency landing in hostile or secluded area. Guess I should preface this by saying I currently work as an enlisted crew chief on the MV-22 osprey. In performing these duties, it isn't uncommon for us to divert to either another unplanned airfield or an improvised landing zone. Quite often I find that I never planned for or packed for these situations and find myself having a shittier time then I would of if I would at least put at a little bit of thought and contingencies for myself for packing my flight bag. So I've started working on my kit for such occasions. Figured I'd entertain some ideas from some of the intelligent members on this site on building my kit.

Here's what I have so far.
Individual first aid kit and two tourniquets
Iodine tablets
Vacuum packed bag with a set of clean undergarments (was thinking of making it 3 days worth)
Multi-tool gerber
100 feet of 550 cord.
Magnesium flint and starter.

For food was thinking of an MRE.