View Full Version : Affix Advice

Nov 7, 2013, 12:50 AM
So, as a kinda lazy person without loads of meseta, but still wanting to have decent equipment, what would be the most ideal 3 slot weapon / unit affixes? This is geared mainly towards any combination of HU/FI/BR newearl.

Currently for weapons I am using:

Vol Soul
Power III
Burn III (only on HU/FI weapons, on Katanas I am just 2 slotting it currently)

Currently for units I am using:

Vol Soul
Power III
Stamina Boost (note the laziness)

I see people using things like Ability III/Mutation I, but I'm hesitant about attempting to affix them since I feel the extra HP or PP of a Stamina or Spirita would be more beneficial than the +15/+10 S-ATK. Am I misguided in this view?

Also is it really that beneficial to have a status ailment on your weapon without Chase Advance? I'm pretty bad at affixing, so the only status ailment I'm bothering to consider is Burn which isn't amazing.

Any advice would be helpful. Note I am not really looking for advice on how to affix these, but rather advice on if the choice of these affixes is sound. Thanks for reading.

Nov 7, 2013, 01:11 AM
Tbh, I don't find any status too useful. They're random and have really low proc rates, most of them don't do anything useful to mobs, and barely any do anything to bosses. The only one worth considering IMO is poison, since it does nice damage to catedrans and can potentially double your damage against quartz and ex dragons (still very unreliable though). Shock is nice to put on some weak TMGs for shocking elder falz. BTW, status levels don't increase proc rates. Level I is all you need for any of this.

Affixing in this game is pretty awful in general. Past the 2s, it just gets exponentially more expensive and potentially random for very little gain. The extra 30-45 attack probably isn't going to be a gamebreaker as much as an extra 150 HP might be. Now, when you start getting into the soul/attack3/attackboost/ability3/stam affixes, those are considerably better, and you pretty much need to sell your soul to SEGA's scratch to afford it.

Lastly, I wish status worked like it does in monster hunter. Keep that wretched RNG out of yet another aspect of this RN-plagued game. For those not in the know, in MH status has its own "damage" points, and once it reaches a certain level that varies depending on the enemy, the status will take effect. Sure, weapons don't always deal status damage, but at least there's some level of assurance that if you get enough status effects it'll go off.

Nov 7, 2013, 02:47 AM
Don't listen to that. Status ailments are a must on any hunter or fighter weapons, as they will give you the highest damage bonus melee weapons can have. The proc rate on ailments is actually rather high considering each hit has the same odds, and fighter weapons hit a lot of times while hunter weapons hit a lot of targets.
My wired lances have Burn III, when I use Other Spin or Other Cyclone everything is burnt in seconds, from my weapons, from the fact Burn propagates easily and because I'm tossing monsters into one another to help with that. I have Chase Advance and Chase Advance Plus maxed, you do the maths.

The most ATK you can get on a weapon is 100 (but that costs tens of millions to do), and the very small difference it makes is a tenth of the damage SEs add with my fighter build. Not to mention the damage SEs do themselves - 25,000 a tick from poison on Caterdran, double damage to Quartz Dragon, I have seen 12,000 a tick from Burn on a titled Org Blan... Mirage and Shock are also very useful, Shock is incredibly hindering (except to Wolgahda, apparently >_>) and Mirage is only useful for having the highest proc rate, if you want to get the bonus damage more quickly.

A fighter's better off with just one status ailment at a high level than any ATK bonus at all.

Another funny thing about ATK affixes: +100 ATK on a weapon that has 1,000 ATK to begin with is a smaller difference than using the right element if you have 50% (and don't we all). Recently, I was outdamaging someone with stronger machineguns than mine, stronger units and 4s affixes on everything, because his mechs were light, mine were fire and we were in the forest.
I lol'd.

Final word, your Ignis is <3

Nov 7, 2013, 10:18 AM
I'd rather get a spirita boost vs something like Burn I. If you have spirita boost on all your gear, it equates to 20 Extra PP which will indefinitely be more useful than chase advance.