View Full Version : I was under the impression....

Apr 12, 2003, 07:57 PM
That if the creator of a game left it, the id stayed the same?

but i created a game to play the spaceship, but i had to leave for 10 mins before we started proper, but i did go and kill the first room.

so i return, and we make our way to the boss, hoping for a partisan of lightning (pinkal). So a red box appears... its a dragon slayer, as if it was a yellowboze game.... ie the person who i left in the game for 10 mins.

Apr 12, 2003, 08:45 PM
I believe that when you leave the room and you were the creator, the ID changes to the next first person to enter the room who also gets the RED(I think) color for the character Icon for map use.

Edit="peron" to "person"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2003-04-12 18:47 ]</font>