View Full Version : PSO2 Error when changing block

Nov 28, 2013, 03:02 AM
Every time I try changing block when using the tweaker my game freezes and I'm told that "PSO2.exe has stopped working" when I attempt to change block without the teaker I am presented with the error in the image below. Is anyone else having this problem and does anyone know how to fix this?


Nov 29, 2013, 05:38 AM
I'm having a similar problem, in that I also can't change blocks. In my case, however, the frame rate drops to 0.1 FPS, and CPU usage skyrockets, but the game itself won't crash until I kill the process manually. I can't see what exactly is causing that, but, seeing that all the essential Windows components suddenly get a share of CPU usage out of nowhere, I'm almost positive that this is Gameguard being itself again.

This is almost identical to the last time Gameguard started wrecking shit, complete with the sudden surge in popularity on Yahoo! Japan (http://realtime.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?fr=&ei=utf-8&p=nPro&gm=m) and tweets such as "If you ask me, nPro should die because it's evil, seriously" (https://twitter.com/chiaki_p/status/406288478297534464).

I have no idea how to fix Gameguard being the malware it is, aside from not playing PSO2 or any other game that uses nProtect's products.