View Full Version : Xbox 360 controller keeps turning off??????????

Krosis StormCrown
Dec 1, 2013, 12:21 AM
hi, i been playing the campaign and im on the mission where Ethan and that little shit midget (forgot his name) but he is the replacement instructer, well im on the planet motab (forgot the name too) where you need to rescue the scientist captured by the cut throats in the canyon, well my problem is that when i press Y button in battle to perform the special attack for twin sabers and one hand sabers, my controller turns off, same thing when i get knocked down it just turns off, and ive lost 20 meseta in 4 min due to this bs because when the controller goes off i keep getting hit which was a big mistake they made in this game they should have had PAUSE screens , and my controller is brand new, perfectly works fine with other games like skyrim and Black ops 2 no shut offs its just the game for some reason, i did not screw with control options or anything because it was working fine untill recently, i appricate any tips or advice cause im really getting into the story