View Full Version : Sega's programmer's not up to snuff???

Mar 7, 2001, 02:42 PM
I own an N64 and a Gameshark. I have plenty of bestselling games that do not have good or any gameshark codes.(Excitebike 64, Jet Force Gemini etc.) And the one's they do have may have taken months before they were posted! Why is this? It's not because Interact doesn't want to have codes for the games, it's because companies like Nintendo and Rare are good programmers and have found ways to make hacking games difficult.

Should Sega have tried harder or am I off base?

Mar 7, 2001, 04:57 PM
Ya know, they could have just made it so that the game would not play if there was that little GameShark memorycard thingy in one of the controllers ^^; That would have prevented (or at least slowed down) the hacking and cheating. But I bet that there would have been a work-around for it. Cheaters always find a way...

Mar 7, 2001, 07:57 PM
Jet Force Gemini:
Max Health, Infinite Health, 99 Mizar Tokens Ant Heads White Heads, Infinite Continues, Infinite Ammo, Max Ammo, Have Gun/Key Mods., Have all Tribals. Haven't played game in a while, but those sound good...from what I know, people were too busy with other games to spend time with this one right away.
Excitebike 64:
Now this game actually did have good reason for decent codes to come out. The game checked if the Mario64 bootcode was being used, and since the gameshark's default supplies that code, Excitebike64 thought it was a pirated copy and slowed itself down like CRAZY. Eventually, some skilled hacker successfully found a fix for it looking through the disassembled game and found a work around. He made a code which changes the entire copy protection. to see the correct code. The reason the codes took so loong was a flaw of the gameshark =P
Anyways, this game has some decent sounding codes as well:
Always low temp, Season pts. mod., Stunt pts. mod., Max stunts pts., Unlock silver/gold cups, Unlock all diff./tracks, Super Speed for all, Earthquake mode, Power turbo, No collision drivers, Drivers' max speed, Lap mod.,

Oh, btw, Interact really sucks for GS codes =P
If you want codes fast, check out 3rd party sites.

Mar 7, 2001, 08:49 PM
Protecting code from hacking is impossible. There are several ways to improve security but ultimately, any executable code can be reverse engineered. It just depends on the tools available and the determination of the hacker.

Personally, I would like to see PSO2 shift more of the game logic to the server, and just leave the DC as a "dumb terminal."

Mar 8, 2001, 07:06 AM
if you want to read an interesting article on this very subject, look here:

