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View Full Version : How is Tech dmg calculated?

Dec 5, 2013, 10:28 AM
Well i suppose i shouldn't have said "tech dmg"
specifically im curious about Shifta/Deband/Resta/Zanverse/Ect

well knowing how attack tech dmg is calculated would be nice also
but if any one knows how support techs amounts are calculated i would love to know

from what i figured so far, shifta and deband are based on your base t-atk
they dont take your mag, gear or weapon into consideration

Resta however heals more depending on your base t-atk/mag/weapon/gear


Dec 5, 2013, 10:51 AM
Shifta and deband aren't based on your t-atk at all, actually. What they do is, they increase your atk or defense based off 19.6% of your base stats I believe.

For example, you have 700 base s-atk and use shifta. You'll gain 137.2 s-atk after using shifta. Same goes for deband except it scales based on your defense.

Zanverse always takes the damage you've delt and deals a wind attack based off 20% of your damage. So if you do backhand smash and hit something for 100k, zanverse will perform a wind attack hitting for 20k.

Resta is a little odd. It pretty scales according to all the t-atk you have except for the base t-atk of your weapon. Your base t-atk affects it, the additional t-atk you gain from shifta drink affects it, the t-atk affixes on your weapons and units affect it. But not the base t-atk from your weapon. :I

Dec 5, 2013, 11:02 AM
Base stats include stat gains from level ups, stats from your skill tree, and stats on your mag.

They do not include your weapon's base stats, unit set bonuses, affixes on any gear, or temporary buffs.

Offensive techs take everything into account, directly subtract the target's defense, and then apply any multipliers.

Resta takes everything except the weapon's base stats into account. So your base stats, units, affixes, and buffs all raise your healing slightly.

All buffs apply to the recipient's base stats.

Dec 5, 2013, 11:12 AM
Shifta and deband aren't based on your t-atk at all, actually. What they do is, they increase your atk or defense based off 19.6% of your base stats I believe.

For example, you have 700 base s-atk and use shifta. You'll gain 137.2 s-atk after using shifta. Same goes for deband except it scales based on your defense.

Zanverse always takes the damage you've delt and deals a wind attack based off 20% of your damage. So if you do backhand smash and hit something for 100k, zanverse will perform a wind attack hitting for 20k.

Resta is a little odd. It pretty scales according to all the t-atk you have except for the base t-atk of your weapon. Your base t-atk affects it, the additional t-atk you gain from shifta drink affects it, the t-atk affixes on your weapons and units affect it. But not the base t-atk from your weapon. :I

Wouldnt it be more than 19.6% if u invested into shifta/deband advance?

Dec 5, 2013, 11:32 AM
Well, it's 19.5% at lv16 Shifta/Deband, but yes it is multiplied by your level of S/D Advance, up to 24.4%

Zanverse is multiplied by Wind Mastery (including weapon latent) and weakness (not EWH nor WS, though)

Resta is only multiplied by Resta Advance, nothing else

Offensive techs get all appropriate multipliers

Dec 5, 2013, 11:40 AM
Check the JP description:
http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%83%86%E3%82%AF%E3%83%8B%E3%83%83%E3% 82%AF%2F%E7%82%8E%E5%B1%9E%E6%80%A7

If I read correctly, it says the way it works is Shifta's effectiveness value divided by 10.
In other words, Shifta rank 16 = 195, divided by 10 = 19.5% boost.
It only uses base stats+mag stats.

The Techer page:
http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%83%86%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC#h55 537af

Says it's important to note that it doesn't multiply damage done. It multiplies the base stats.
It also says rank 16 Shifta (19.5%) + lv10 Shifta Advance (125%) = 19.5 x 1.25 = 24.375%
In other words, lv10 Shifta Advance is a 4.875% boost when you have rank 16 Shifta.

There's more info there that I'm kinda confused by, but I think that's the main stuff.

Dec 5, 2013, 10:08 PM
Base stat is the one liste on the bracket right?

Like for example: tatk 3150 (1008 )
So 1008 is the t atk base stat?

If its like that, so shifta 16 + shifta adv 10 = 24%
24% of 1008 = 240 tatk added?


Dec 6, 2013, 10:22 AM
Base stat is the one liste on the bracket right?

Like for example: tatk 3150 (1008 )
So 1008 is the t atk base stat?

If its like that, so shifta 16 + shifta adv 10 = 24%
24% of 1008 = 240 tatk added?


Yes. The number in the paranthesis is your base stat.

Jan 2, 2014, 11:48 AM
So then how exactly is tech dmg calculated
I know you subtract the enemy's def from you base dmg then apply boosters

But how is your base dmg calculated?

Since foie has "power: 340"
But I hit about 3k unboosted....

Some goes for the other techs

Jan 2, 2014, 12:00 PM
[(total T-atk/5)-(enemy T-def/5)]*elemental modifier*damage site modifier*PA and skill tree modifier* 1.05

Multiply by 1.3 if you JA.

Jan 3, 2014, 02:04 AM
Is there a place where I can find enemy's stats?
Specifically their defenses and HP