View Full Version : Br/Fi Viable?

Dec 7, 2013, 04:31 PM
How viable is Br/Fi right now? I know Br/Hu is deals more dmg overall due to fury stance, but how viable is Br/Fi exactly? Is anyone running Br/Fi right now? If so, what does your Fi tree look like?

Skyly HUmar
Dec 7, 2013, 04:35 PM
Id imagine that youd need max brave and wise stance with both of their stance ups, and from there you could max chase or the s attack buffs. I wouldnt run it because like you said its not as great as a hu sub and you have to watch out for positioning.

Dec 7, 2013, 05:01 PM
The question isn't if it's viable, it's why are you willingly giving up ~50-70% non-conditional damage.

Dec 7, 2013, 05:07 PM
I probably should've asked how much dmg do you give up as Br/Fi with respect to Br/Hu. 50-70% non-conditional just by removing fury stance, eh? Really? That's absurdly high. The reverse being Fi/Br is completely viable with respect to Br/Fi and comes with less of a dmg drop-off than Br/Fi to Br/Hu, I assume.

Dec 7, 2013, 05:31 PM
Hunter can get up to +120% in striking modifiers. Braver gets +44% and +69% with Brave and Wise Stance, respectively. Obviously, those require positioning and may not always apply, or otherwise require you to stance dance to make the most of it.

Chase Advance does provide an additional 1.4-1.61x multiplier on top of those, but they are mostly irrelevant for mobbing, and they don't work on bosses. Subbosses are vulnerable to them though, if you happen to have a way to inflict the status they can be affected by. One status won't hit them all.

As for fi/br, it begs the question again of why are you giving up 90% damage from loss of hunter. If you think doing half the damage you could be doing as another class for little gain elsewhere is viable, then by all means. In the end, things will just take 2-3x as long to kill. These setups won't be unusable... but what are you gaining in return?

Dec 7, 2013, 05:31 PM
Fi/Br is more viable than Br/Fi (Fi is a terrible sub for nearly any class but Fo/Te/Hu).

But overall it is still not very viable because of the massive stance dancing around unless you can stay in the right location for maximum damage and chase forces you to either rely on others for status affects or you adding an affix your gear and even then it won't trigger as often and is really useless on major bosses.

Dec 7, 2013, 05:48 PM
Ah, here it is:

Basically, Fighter only surpasses Hunter's damage with loads of conditions that are rarely all active at the same time, and the largest gains don't work on bosses at all.

Hunter's bonuses work pretty much all the time, so long as you JA.

Braver is just strictly lower, especially if you're not using a katana or bow, so it's not a good subclass.

Dec 8, 2013, 05:03 AM
Anyone claiming that Chase Advance (Plus) is irrelevant for mobbing needs to 1) get their heads out of their arses and 2) stop playing in large parties and claim it's a test of mettle.

When mobbing, ailments apply very easily and boost your damage immensely. All mini bosses are vulnerable to one or more ailment, which makes killing them as FI (main or sub) so much faster that I actually go FI when farming mini bosses now instead of GU or RA.

This was not answering the topic question, though.

The reason I prefer not to use BR/FI over BR/HU is definitely not damage (I mean disregarding it, not comparing it), it's not even the positioning itself, it's the fact that you lose so much when you're hitting the wrong side (especially if you're a nub who maxes stances). Katana PAs I use a lot such as Kanran-kikyou are really bad at hitting the right side of targets, and the new dome-like PA to come will be the same.

Dec 8, 2013, 11:08 PM
The thing is, Chase Advance is unreliable for mobbing because (assuming you have an SE affix on your weapon) it can take effect from the first hit, a subsequent hit, or not at all. This can easily leave one or two mobs behind when targeting groups, unless you didn't need the boost from Chase in the first place.

For minibosses, you need specific SEs since they have partial immunity, and it's all luck from there in order to apply one. Since the miniboss will likely not have an SE the entire fight, your average damage will hover around that of Hunter's always-on bonuses anyway.

And then for real bosses, it's a clear loss to Fury Stance.

Dec 9, 2013, 03:24 AM
Br/Fi, with no fi weapons (Allowed for brs)? Uhh... the problem of fi as a sub is that chase advance is made for weapons which can attack many times. Perhaps you can add shock status to your bow, in the case that you use that weapon, but seriously, katana PAs can't do much hits comparing with other weapons.

Furthermore, even you've got maxed halfline boost (That thing is extremely risky for a br, unlike fi/hu or hu/fi which can resist with 50% or less of HP) for doubling the chance of status effect, that's not easy of inflicting that. I've tested it with a Flamme Icarus with Burn IV, and that thing doesn't work always. I'm not joking. I've got many additional skill trees, and i always test every skill tree that i imagine, incluiding the skill trees posted in the official guide.

I personally only choose that sub, if your goal is using fi weapons with your br. Otherwise, HU is your best option for high DPS.


Dec 9, 2013, 06:27 AM
Honestly can't see Fi as being a viable subclass for Br, even though I'd like it to be.
I loathe the inconsistency and unreliability of both proccing and the front/back stance damage.

Switching stances is ass, too. PSO2 has the worst stance system ever.
Stances shouldn't be on a limited timer, and activating them shouldn't have a ridiculously long silly pose.
There shouldn't be a massive cooldown if you get hit just before it activates, either.
None of the above do anything to make the gameplay more interesting.

Even WoW's warrior lets you switch stances on the fly, and that was loads of fun.
It was terribly gimp in vanilla, though. You'd lose all generated rage points when switching.
Took Blizzard a long while to fix it.

Dec 9, 2013, 08:08 AM
Chase Advance is very usefull on TE/FI

i do allot more damage when using sazan if the mobs get an SE

ranging from 3k to 4-5k per sazan hit.

Dec 9, 2013, 08:20 AM
Yeah gama, but techs causes near always status inflict. Try FI/FO or FI/TE with Chase Advance. You'll get always the benefits from Chase Advance. The problem of Chase Advance in a BR is that Katanas can't do much hits in most of their pas...

Dec 9, 2013, 08:48 AM
Yeah. I'm under the impression that techs are great with the Chase Advance stuff.

I hear weapon procs like burn don't occur more often at higher levels, just do more damage.
Just doesn't seem reliable to me.

Besides, I'd rather have abilities I can initiate of my own volition.
For example, a specific ability with a 100% chance to ignite.
It'd work as a good startup before going into combos. More fun for the player to learn and master.
Alas, SEGA's idea of gameplay is making "random chance" the trigger for almost everything.

Dec 9, 2013, 11:00 AM
PSO2 spins around RNG lol.

Dec 9, 2013, 03:47 PM
I prefer fi/br over br/fi. It only works if you have an agito or better though. I really like katana/dagger combination, gives it a more "shinobi" feeling like how i wanted my dewman.

Why fi/br? because all class daggers are worse than an agito. (those that actually look like daggers and katana's)

As for builds.....I took sdef points in my fi tree (OMG U DID WHAT?!) yes, you read that. I wanted to play with EXknuckles in the future thats why.

Dec 9, 2013, 04:36 PM
I prefer fi/br over br/fi. It only works if you have an agito or better though. I really like katana/dagger combination, gives it a more "shinobi" feeling like how i wanted my dewman.

Why fi/br? because all class daggers are worse than an agito. (those that actually look like daggers and katana's)

As for builds.....I took sdef points in my fi tree (OMG U DID WHAT?!) yes, you read that. I wanted to play with EXknuckles in the future thats why.

Exactly. Most of the multi-class Fighter weapons are utter rubbish.
Less so with the new stuff, but why did we have to wait so long to get even a single viable option for subbing classes??
And you can tell SEGA really hates knuckles. They seem to get the least options, and they almost always look terrible.
I recall often seeing commenters on the PSO2 wiki complaining about knuckle aesthetics.

I wanted a more "shinobi" feel as well.
But no, SEGA has to screw us with their crap gameplay design and make most of the weapons look like bloated rainbow toys that even kids wouldn't accept as free gifts for Christmas.

They really don't care what we want. The whole Madoka "collaboration" showed that, too.
Their modus operandi seems to be "present an awesome concept, and then find a way to make it suck".
I'm still seeing people making fan models of PSO2 starter weapons instead of any of the "end-game" nonsense.
I think that says a lot.

Dec 9, 2013, 06:16 PM
I'm actually working on the XQ Katana despite already owning a Lambda Kaliczima simply because it actually looks like a katana.

would much rather prefer an Orochiagito but the likelihood of getting that is lol.

Dec 9, 2013, 08:17 PM
That's one of the main reasons I wanted the XQ katana - because it looks like a katana.
Some JP wiki commenters said it'd look better without the feathers or something.

I bet most people would be perfectly happy with nice, simple weapon designs. No extra gaudy crap.
There's probably someone at SEGA who looks over the designs and goes, "This looks a little plain! Add stuff to make it look super flashy and flamboyant!"

Dec 9, 2013, 08:42 PM
It's pretty obvious they just want the aesthetically pleasing katanas to be the rarest. They want you to spend hundreds of hours hunting down a Susanoguren and falzing for orochiagito every chance you get.

Dec 13, 2013, 07:42 PM
It's pretty obvious they just want the aesthetically pleasing katanas to be the rarest. They want you to spend hundreds of hours hunting down a Susanoguren and falzing for orochiagito every chance you get.
I agree, but its too late for me I've already started the hours of falzing for an orochi agito, not even the Lambda Kalicizma has dropped for me yet.
Also I've noticed that Br/Fi using weak stance+wise stance when fighting falz arms does more dmg as opposed to Br/Hu using weak stance+fury stance in the same event (if you're ever leveling your Fi as your sub with Br as main).

Dec 13, 2013, 08:10 PM
A lv30 Fighter (dual stance) would be about the same as a lv30 Hunter, both getting around 162% damage.

True, Fighter can get just Wise Stance at half that level, but Hunter keeps getting stronger from that point onwards whereas Fighter gets to spend more SP for inferior skills.