View Full Version : Hunter or Ranger (subclass)

Dec 13, 2013, 03:25 AM
http://puu.sh/5L9dC.png or http://puu.sh/5L9eW.png
been trying to figure out which class benefits more damage if i main full braver bow since i don't know how to calculate the damage

Dec 13, 2013, 03:48 AM
JA Bonus: 1.1*1.1 = 1.21
Fury Stance: 1.1*1.1*1.1 = 1.33
Fury Combo: 1.2

Total: 1.21*1.33*1.2 = 193%

WHA: 1.25*1.25 = 1.5625
SS: 1.15*1.15 = 1.3225

Total: 1.56*1.32 = 207%

And WB is a temporary 300% for 620% total.

However, you must be perfectly still before every shot, and you must hit the enemy's weakpoint (which is not always easy or even possible). And there's also First Hit for another conditional 120%.

Hunter requires that you simply JA to get the full bonus.

Dec 13, 2013, 05:23 AM
Two of bow's PAs are also much weaker on ranger: Kamikaze Arrow and Treat Shooter. The striking hits don't gain ranged multipliers,and Treat doesn't really hit weak points with most of its damage. KA is currently bow's highest DPS PA, while Treat is probably just under it with good mobbing potential.

I suggest waiting until next week before you make any big decisions. The two new bow PAs look to be friendly for ranger subs.

Dec 13, 2013, 06:17 AM
Yeah, best wait for the upcoming balance changes in general.

Dec 13, 2013, 11:17 AM
KA and TS actually behaves like ranged shots and head shot counts as a bonus, however they don't stand still so I'm not so sure about that.

And WB counts as weak spot. (doesn't it)

Dec 13, 2013, 12:31 PM
The striking portions don't benefit from WHA and SS though. At least I'm 100% sure with KA. I'm assuming with TS based on every other PA that behaves like that. TS's kicks definitely don't headshot either.

Dec 13, 2013, 12:39 PM
KA and TS actually behaves like ranged shots and head shot counts as a bonus, however they don't stand still so I'm not so sure about that.

And WB counts as weak spot. (doesn't it)

It's not quite that cut and dry, unfortunately.

First off: Weak Hit Advance only works for shooting moves. Not specifically RATK - shooting moves. All shooting moves are RATK, but not all RATK moves are shooting. Standing Snipe, Weak Hit Advance, and Zero Range Advance only work on shooting moves.

Many RATK moves are contact moves. While these moves do not benefit from shooting skills, they do benefit from contact skills. Fury Stance will give its larger multiplier, listed as being for SATK, to contact moves - including RATK-based ones. Any hit that is a kick, punch, or strike counts as contact. The kick in Impact Slider should count for example, although I haven't tested it (I might today actually).

Chase skills count as contact as well, so these moves will be able to apply bind with Chase Bind and get +40% damage from Chase Advance. This is more of a sidenote than anything since FI isn't a great sub for RATK classes.

Other notable examples of contact hits include wand gear and a thrown talis (lol, yes really, talises benefit from Fury Stance and can apply bind with Chase Bind).

This gets really annoying when you take into account the resistance and weakness system: Head hitboxes have a flat 2x multiplier to ranged damage. Even when a RATK move is contact, i.e. doesn't benefit from WHA but does benefit from Chase Advance, since it's RATK it will deal 2x damage.

Dec 13, 2013, 01:54 PM
(lol, yes really, talises benefit from Fury Stance and can apply bind with Chase Bind).

I, what, jesus, eh?

That's interesting.

Dec 14, 2013, 01:19 PM
BR/RA is better in both parties and solo. Kamikaze Arrow is not all that powerful, very easily interrupted, drains PP the fastest and has a longer execution time.

Bow braver is crap against mobs, do not kid yourself, so concentrate on killing big stuff while hunters and rangers clear the area of trash.

...I read about that a while ago on the Japanese wiki and thought it was really weird.
If it's true there are R-ATK moves that are not affected by R-ATK-boosting skills because of their non-shooting nature, why the heck does Nebula Wind have S-ATK?

Dec 14, 2013, 01:27 PM
I read about that a while ago on the Japanese wiki and thought it was really weird.
If it's true there are R-ATK moves that are not affected by R-ATK-boosting skills because of their non-shooting nature, why the heck does Nebula Wind have S-ATK?Because sega. I can actually confirm what Giga is saying since I notice no difference in damage kicking things in the face compared to kicking them somewhere else with trit. It's possible there's more too it though. Like maybe those attacks can use the s-atk from your weapon, but not your base stats. I don't have any weapons of that nature though so I can't really test it. X_x

EDIT: Wait, I misread that. Though my point still stands that I can't test it. ;;

Dec 14, 2013, 04:42 PM
Well, Treat/Trit definitely uses ratk. I notice a difference when switching between my range and strike mags.

For all that Hrith seems to claim he knows about DPS, he sure does ignore it when it comes to KA. Uncharged KA is quicker than charged MS and stronger, and also uses less PP. The only times it's worse is when used against hitboxes that are kind of buggy with it.