View Full Version : Weapon 4Slotting advice (Soul+statusIII+statIII+spiritbu)

Vice Tek
Dec 14, 2013, 01:09 PM
Hey guys, so I'm in need of advice. The only weapon my FI/HU is missing is a good Crys Caliber. I'm aiming to slot it with Quartz Soul, Power III, Poison III and Spirita Boost.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how I would prepare it. I tried searching around, but I didn't find anything regarding to my question... or maybe I just suck at searching.

Any tips? I'm willing to dump a lot of Meseta into this to get it over with asap.


Dec 14, 2013, 02:21 PM
Hmm ..... correct me if I'm wrong ..... if you just need to inflict bad stats, why don't use lv 1 Poison ? And, sorry for the explanation, I'm ....... not good with things like that >_<

Lv 3 Poison have low chance for affixing since you're using Quartz (Quartz boost Panic affixing, Gwana boost Poison affixing ....... )

If you look @ Cirno (http://pso2.cirnopedia.info/enhance_3.php), Poison 3 (x3) only got 60% chance. If you're using Gwana Soul + Poison 3, the chance is 80%.

And as far as I know, the process is (Quartz Soul) :
Crys Caliber = Quartz/Poison 3/x/x
fodder 1 = Quartz/Power 3/Poison 3/x
fodder 2 = Quartz/Power 3/Poison 3/x
with final rate (no additional slot) :
Soul = 80%, Power 3 = 80%, Poison 3 = 60%, Spirita Boost = 100%
Add a 20% ability success, and you got 100% except for Poison (80% or 90% if you're using 30% ability)

Well, that's if you're using Quartz Soul + Poison combo.

If you're gonna try with Gwana Soul + Poison combo .....
Crys Caliber = Gwana/Poison 3/x/x
fodder 1 = Gwana/Power 3/x/x
fodder 2 = Gwana/Power 3/x/x
final rate :
Soul = 80%, Power 3 = 80%, Poison = 80%, Spirita Boost =100%
Add 20% ability success, you got 100% chance for everything.

You can also try using only 1 Power 3, and use 30% ability success (from 20 Excubes if you got a lot of excube to throw), but, only @ 90% rate (very high, but still, you're dealing with DuDu or Monica, bad things do happens). But, if you wanna risk it ..... should be cheaper :o

Using 30% Ability
Crys Caliber = Gwana/x/x/x
fodder 1 = Gwana/Poison 3/x/x
fodder 2 = Gwana/Power 3/x/x
final rate : 100% (except power 3, 90%)

Well, it's up to you too if you wanna use lv 1 or lv 3 bad stats ..... as far as I know, the rate is the same though (again, correct me if I'm wrong).

And .... better wait for others replies too :3 For more confirmation :3