View Full Version : Question about the updater

Dec 15, 2013, 12:26 AM
So I am new to PSO 2... I have an okay internet connection but it is not the greatest, and now that I am trying to patch the game the updater doesn't get far before an internet interruption causes the updater to crash. My main concern is, that every time it crashes, it begins the update again from scratch, if this is true I will never be able to play this game because of the silly internet.

So my question is just that, does the updater start from scratch if you lose connection?

Dec 15, 2013, 02:35 AM
No, it doesn't start from scratch. It does the filecheck before-hand and only downloads the files it needs, the few it already downloaded are saved. When my internet is spotty it takes me up to 10 times of trying, you just need patience and to know you are making progress!

Dec 15, 2013, 04:29 AM
Thank you, I did need to know that I was making progress :) Have a good night.