View Full Version : [PSO2 JP][Ship 02] Caliginosity - Recruiting Social and Dedicated Players!

Dec 19, 2013, 11:06 AM
This is Caliginosity's recruitment thread.

Interested in joining? Read this post from beginning to end and follow the recruitment procedures as described. Failure to do so will most likely result in your application being disregarded. If you do not feel like spending 5 - 10 minutes getting to know what kind of team you are joining, then you are not suitable to join this team in the first place.

Last updated: 27 December, 2014

Team Master: VentAileron
Managers: -
Recruitment is currently: Closed
Member count: 13


Caliginosity is a team that disbanded a few months ago because of various reasons. Our old members are currently scattered around the community or have quit the game when the DDoS attack hit. I have been roaming the Ship 2 community myself a bit trying to find a pleasant team to stay in, sadly with pretty bad results. Tired of all the disappointments, I drifted back to my own team that I didn't formally disband and decided to have a go at reviving it.


We aim to be a close-knit group who often plays, chats and generally fools around with each other, but also gives each other enough space to do their own thing. We try to be enhance each of the member's PSO2 experience beyond just the provided game content. We first aim to create such a group with a small number of players, then gradually expand our roster as things go well. We hope to bring a sense of unity in the otherwise seemingly shattered English community on ship 2.

We achieve this by first and foremost, treating each other with a basic degree of respect and remember that the one and only reason people play games is to have fun.

Code of Conduct

Deviations from the rules here are allowed using your own fair judgment. This section may sound overly serious, but it is here to prevent drama as much as possible. I speak out of experience from this game alone for most of the things here. Severe or repeated violations of the code of conduct will result in a kick from the team.

As a general rule, every member should have some level of maturity in how they behave. Try to act like an adult person even if you aren't one yet. Try to take distance of all the negative ways people treat each other on the Internet. Remember that even though everyone may be hiding behind a screen anonymously, but they can't hide from words that hurt. So think before you say something.

Bottom line:

Don't be an idiot!
If you join a team, you are not playing alone. Act accordingly!
Team orders are not mandatory, but are highly encouraged!


We are looking for players who:

Play on Ship 2
Know how to treat each other properly.
Are planning to play PSO2 for at least a few months starting from the join date.
Have played PSO2 for at least a month.
Have at least one character being able to play the SH difficulty and is well enough geared to hold its own in that difficulty OR has the motivation to get one within a short time-span after joining.

If you meet these requirements and are willing to join the team, follow one of the following procedures. Follow the steps accurately. Option 1 is the preferred way of doing it. Option 2 is if you do not have an account on PSOW or do not want to post something publicly. The recruitment keyword is "darkness".

Option 1:

Introduce yourself by posting your introduction in this thread. Say anything you want about yourself. Try to tell at least what kind of person you are and what your current status is in PSO2.
Send a friend invite to VentAileron.
Send an in-game mail to VentAileron with the recruitment keyword.
Apply to the team through the Visiphone.
Wait till one of our managers contact you. We will also do this if you are not accepted.

Option 2:

Send a friend invite to VentAileron.
Send an in-game mail to VentAileron with the recruitment keyword and with an introduction of yourself.
Apply to the team through the Visiphone.
Wait till one of our managers contact you. We will also do this if you are not accepted.

Dec 19, 2013, 07:07 PM
This is actually something I am looking for. I don't expect any handouts and would like the freedom of playing how I want.

I do a hybrid tank and damage dealing Hunter and too many people are a pain to get along with when they tell me going anything tanky is the "wrong way to play".

I would love to join you guys. I never joined a team before, so I don't really know what I should give. My account name? Character name? I can log in right now if that would help :3

Dec 20, 2013, 05:59 AM
We just need some way to find you in-game. As Arks ID Name is 100% unique, that is the easiest way to do it.

As long as you can do enough damage to not delay the party by too much when doing TACOs, I doubt you will have any problems with your build in general.

Dec 20, 2013, 08:33 PM
Nice introduction of the team. I am willing to join you as it seems that your team matches my playstyle. Although I mostly play as a solo player I don't mind to do some activities together and chatting with other people. Also, I am a relatively new player with not much of experience so any advices and suggestions would be appreciated. Hope to have some fun together!
Character ID: Tachibana Gin
Player ID: KurodaTsubasa

Dec 21, 2013, 05:12 AM
Thank you. I tried to put some work into it. I have sent a friend invite to you so we can easily catch each other online.

I have updated the first post with additional information, including the current times that the team is most active (most of our team do not live in the US). The team is currently not as active as it used to be due to holiday season.

Dec 23, 2013, 06:39 PM
Hmmm hi there, I'm a casual USA player that works full-time so I'm not online a lot, but I'd love to have some people to chat with when I do have time to play. :) I'm relatively new to the game, hope that's not a problem. I'd be happy to team up with any newbies online when I am to help with quests, also, like if there's just that ONE boss you can't get past or something (been there a lot myself, yo, don't mind helping!).

Account name is vodkamutini, character is Mutie. I play a lv. 29 (almost 30) hunter with no idea how builds really work but access to AC, so once my random point allocation becomes a problem, I can fix it. XD

I am a very casual, drama-free, young adult player. I'm mainly just looking for some socialization here. :) At worst I might just bug experienced players with questions like, "How do I do X?" and then run off to goof around some more. Hope to see ya'll in game. X3

Dec 24, 2013, 02:34 PM
Thank you for your application.

I have sent you a friend invite in the hopes to catch you online. Also, Arks ID Name is not the username you use to log in, but rather the (unique) name that you put in when you first logged on.

Dec 24, 2013, 11:23 PM
Thanks! And haha sorry I'm not entirely sure what that is, my English patch wasn't working properly while I was signing up and I think I mistook that box as asking me for a friend's referral ID. So that username is a long string of numbers. >_>

Dec 25, 2013, 05:28 AM
Yeah, it's understandably confusing. Now you will go through the whole game as someone whose name consists of numbers. Not sure if that is worth creating a new account for though. ^^;

What is your timezone and playing time by the way? We do not have any managers for the US evening hours, so it may become troublesome if that is your timezone. Also, can you sent an application to the team through Visiphone? I sent a friend invite to you, but I am not sure whether that's you anymore. xD

Dec 26, 2013, 06:46 AM
Eeyup. Seems they have an option to display the character name when chatting now, though, so at least that isn't quite so weird anymore. :B I did consider recreating my account at first, but I've already spent AC on it, so that would be wasteful. :/

I did get your friend request, so that was indeed me. XD My timezone is CST, and my playing time is unfortunately US evening hours (08:00-13:00 JST), but only on weekdays. Since the team's most active period is around 8 AM for me, I can probably pop on around then on Saturdays and Sundays as I don't work weekends. :)

Edit: Sent a request by Visiphone!

Dying Deity
Dec 26, 2013, 11:59 AM
Mostly a solo player but would enjoy group activities. Just started a couple weeks back, but know most of the ins and outs of the game.

Timezone: GMT-6
Character ID: Deity
Player ID: Dying Deity

Dec 31, 2013, 07:57 PM
you guys have voip? In game name redmage21

Jan 1, 2014, 06:39 AM
No we don't have VoIP.

Why would you apply to two teams at the same time that are even on two different ships? :-o

Dutch Ride
Jan 3, 2014, 01:22 PM
Hello. My brother and I just started playing a few weeks ago and we're looking for some more players to maybe join up. Or at least have a social pool to pull from for the sake of socialization. We are both rather low level but very dedicated gamers. Would your team be what we're looking for?

Jan 3, 2014, 02:25 PM
Sure, although it also heavily depends on your time-zone. Most of the old members are most active during 20:00 - 1:00 JST. If you are active outside these times it may be a little quiet, although we are trying to get more US players to join to strengthen the team during those times too.

Dutch Ride
Jan 3, 2014, 03:33 PM
I don't think it would be a huge issue. Those hours are our main weekend hours. But during the week it's probably around 18:00-23:00. Would that be a deal breaking factor?

Jan 3, 2014, 06:08 PM
18:00-23:00 JST? That's not a bad time at all.

Whatever the case, we currently accept all players from all timezones, so it will not be a deal breaker for us. However, if you think the team is not active enough during your playing hours, you're free to leave and join another team.

Jan 4, 2014, 03:03 PM
Hello! I would like to apply: (But I don't know what I am doing!)

Character Name: CharlieGrey
SEGA ID: namatolove
Character: Hunter lvl 14
Reason for applying: I am looking for a group small enough to be personal yet large enough to be active. I just experienced the thrill of participating in an emergency quest, but also the loneliness of having no one to call on to play with! My level is currently pretty low, but after the 7th I will dedicate a few days to binging on the game and will probably level up quickly during that time!

No hard feelings if you choose not to accept me for any reason. I'll head over to the visiphone now and see if I can figure out applying..

Jan 17, 2014, 11:22 AM

Jan 18, 2014, 10:20 AM
hi I'm relatively new to the game, (another newbie i know srry). I'd like to team up with other newbies/or skilled players online to learn the ropes or just pick up general tips

Account name is tallth87, my character name is tallth. again i just started so i have no idea how builds really work yet but I've look up some guides and sum trial and error will get me there

I am a very laid back player. I'm mainly just looking to have some fun. I might ask a questions or two but i learn better firsthand

Jan 18, 2014, 10:21 AM
also forgot to mention i m on EST so usually on around 7:30-pm til about 1:30am

Jan 20, 2014, 10:41 AM
Hello everyone reading this thread, been playing PSO2 since November. I'm very interested in joining this team as I would love to run some EQs/TACOs with more people and casually playing the game.

Account Name: barrel101
Character Name: Nodachi
Currently lvl 44 Fighter/ lvl 34 Hunter.
My time-region is GMT +10 / AEDT.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.

Jan 20, 2014, 10:46 AM
As a casual player in GMT+10, this team seems like the perfect fit. I've sent a join request through the visiphone as well.

Player ID: rdmx
Lvl 44. Gunner & Level 47 Force

(also friends with Barrel101 who applied above)

Jan 20, 2014, 11:35 AM
Err I've been pretty into PSO2 lately so I'd love to join, but I go by KST/JST

Player ID: BennyAu
Lvl 16 Fighter/26 Hunter

Jan 20, 2014, 11:55 PM
Old time PSO/PSU player that started a few days ago. Looking for team to chat with and learn a bit from. In PST land.

Player ID: Kalten
Charater: Kalten
Lvl 23 HU/8 BR

Jan 24, 2014, 05:25 AM

Jan 27, 2014, 11:24 AM
Hello and I am interested in joining your team. I have been playing for about 2 1/2 weeks now and just got premium for 3 months. Currently level 36 braver, 33 fighter, 22 hunter. I am located in the USA, EST. Normal play times are in the morning 8-11 and evening 7-11 or so. I'm a working stiff so gotta hold down the job as well, and a family man. But I enjoy playing with other mature, social people.

Jan 27, 2014, 03:38 PM
Helly Wykid. Can you give us your in-game Arks ID and/or character name? Best way is to apply to our team through Visiphone.

Jan 30, 2014, 06:00 PM

Feb 6, 2014, 08:06 AM

Feb 9, 2014, 09:32 PM
Hey, this sounds like a good Team.

Player ID: RedLuigi
Character ID: Red L
Class: Recently switched to Gunner and am at level 6, but before that I was a 31 Ranger.
Time: EST (GMT -5) typically on anytime after 5PM, but it's semi-random.

Feb 13, 2014, 06:59 PM
Hi, I just started out, big psu player, and a fan of bleach? character name is Toshiro and my player id is TIMEandETERNITY. Im on most of the day almost everyday due to unemployment and I like casual playing. I may get competitive once in awhile but its rare if I do... im eastern timezone in USA if that means anything, but I play mostly till the afternoon the next day. Nice to meet you all If I ever see any of you! And one last thing, if you have a teamspeak that would be a plus :p

Mar 20, 2014, 08:38 AM
Opening recruitment again.

Mar 20, 2014, 02:25 PM
Player ID: packmasteremily
Character ID: Emily Hayama
Classes: New player, Braver and Hunter both over 20
Play Time: Mornings & late Evenings Mountain Time

Mar 20, 2014, 10:27 PM
Hello there. i am looking to join your group. i have been wanting to find some english people to play with for awhile now. i made a new character on ship 2. i am mostly online unless something come's up. my character name is xXHekateXx . im very friendly towards other people at all time's.

Apr 16, 2014, 09:36 AM
Bump. Reopening recruitment.

Apr 21, 2014, 12:43 PM
Hi there! Your team sounds fun and I'd like very much to be a part of it.
I'm a new, casual player preferring to play for simple fun and to experience the lore of the game. I also enjoy teaming up whenever people like and I'll always try and help when I can!
I'm into in-character role-play as well if you folks do that, though I don't know much about the PSO universe, yet.

My player ID is Jessicatz (I hope thats the one you need).
Ship 02, and I'm in the GMT+1 time zone.

I'd be happy if you'll have me :3

Apr 23, 2014, 04:21 AM
Hello, I'm a somewhat old player(stopped playing shortly before Falz update) beginning anew in ship 2. As much as I like to embarass myself in front of the natives or just fool around solo it's always desirable to have a group of people with which effective communication is at least feasible, and the team description immediately caught my attention as a potential group of english speakers to mingle with.
I take the game very casually(though I try not to be much of a burden or even a hindrance) and have somewhat considerable time and performance(playing through a VM on a old machine) constraints, which makes a more laid back team, as I take this one to be, ideal.

Player ID: Boltzmannn (note the 3 "n"s)
Character: Lise
Class: FO (maybe TE/FI in the future)
Timezone: GMT-3, mostly active during the 14:00-17:00 range in the aforementioned timezone.

Apr 23, 2014, 05:26 PM
Hiya, I recently came back to pso2 and haven't played since around the start of the game.
It'd be nice to be with a group of people that I can just chat with or goof around.
I'll send a request ingame once done with patching.

player id: Ravenkasui
Character: ひとみ

Apr 29, 2014, 01:48 PM
We are still recruiting despite not having answered anything here!

We answer applications in-game unless you forgot to provide your in-game name.

May 4, 2014, 09:14 AM

May 5, 2014, 06:02 AM
o/ Hi.

May 6, 2014, 02:04 AM
Celest, I miss you. ;_;

May 6, 2014, 10:21 AM
I just patched my game. Will log on from time to time. Lol, don't see anyone on :c

May 7, 2014, 12:22 PM
Glad to see you log in again at least. :D

May 12, 2014, 11:55 AM

May 19, 2014, 05:30 AM

May 19, 2014, 06:33 PM
Do you accept newbies? I just started playing today :)
I played PSU for a few years and expect to pick this up fairly quick but I still don't know my way around. I'm not looking for a "guide" to explain everything to me, just friendly people to play with and perhaps explain a few things here and there if needed.

I'm on the West Coast and will mostly be playing at various times between 8am and 6pm PDT. I only speak English.
Here is my current game info

Name: YDespair
Ship: 02
Class: Force
Level: 2
ID: 12730873
Playtime: 1hr

May 20, 2014, 03:22 PM
Same I just joined PSO2 due to the delay sega is doing to us English speaking players here in EU/AU/NA. I go by GamerLuna and my character is PrnsGamerLuna I am lvl 2 and do we have a mumble or teamspeak I like to co-operate that way, voice is way easier then text when doing questing. very socialable here and I am available during day or night on my days off. ^^

Edited: Ship 02 btw

May 21, 2014, 06:27 AM
Thanks for your applications.

We welcome new and old players alike. For new players however, we hope that you apply after you have decided to play the game for a while. There are a lot of players that start playing the game to see whether they like it, apply to a team while doing so and disappear immediately after.

I have invited many players who I have never seen again after I invited them. :-?

May 24, 2014, 11:08 AM

Jun 7, 2014, 05:19 AM
Reopening recruitment again!

Jul 15, 2014, 12:25 PM
The description appealed to me and am interested to join.
Most people are from Europe?
Candy Lvl 24 Ranger.

Aug 5, 2014, 06:57 AM
Hey everyone. My name is Nick but online I go by Tyr or Tyrael (like from Diablo).

I just got into the Phantasy Star universe with PSO2 and am looking for a group of people that I can play with and who can help me out and get used to the game.

My IGN is Tyr4el and account name I THINK is wnxtyr4el (made it like my forum name with caps and all but won't let me login unless it's all lowercase...weird). If you need me to post more I can but I won't be in game until Sunday night.

I'm GMT-05/EST, so probably around 6:30 p.m.

Hope to see you all in game!

Fandom Ruck
Aug 20, 2014, 07:39 PM
Played PSU from birth to death. Played PSO2 on release and suffered through the initial growing pains of the beginning English patches that AIDA and others had so graciously worked on.

Stopped playing for a while because I'm in the military and time didn't really permit me to play. Last played when the level cap was 50.

GuRa 51/38

IGN is Fandom Ruck.

Currently in Romania for military reasons. I'm +2 GMT until Nov/January then I'll be moving back to Germany.

Willing to participate in any TACOs/EQs but also need a hand getting reacquainted with all the changes. Figured out most of the stuff already but as far as popular runs these days is what I'm moreso interested in.

I am typically on anywhere between 530PM EST until 12AM-2AM EST pending how tired I am after work.

Aug 31, 2014, 08:03 PM
Hi people. I don't know if you still remember me or if I'm still in the team.
Just wanted to drop in and say I didn't forget you. The DDoS and then RL stuff pushed me away from the game. I'm currently trying to download all the patches I missed, it will be a while until I get back and I may not be able to log in as much(and I may not remember my account credentials *sigh*) but I'm trying.
See you around.

Sep 5, 2014, 07:32 AM

reading the description your Team sounds like what I'm looking for.
I'm mostly a pretty casual Player with sudden bouts of "sleep? What Sleep", I mostly looking for a social Group of People to play with (Team activities being a great opportunity to do so :) ).
I do have to admit though that depending on RL there can be a week between me being on, though if you need my help I don't mind squeezing a round of TACO in and coming on if you PM me.

I have 4 Characters but I mostly use a Gu/Hu 64/42 with 240 Hours on that Character alone so I'm not exactly a Beginner.

I will apply through the Visiophone later today, the Character Name is Petrushka while the IGN is theshear (shear was taken for some reason).

Hope you will have me :-)

:EDIT: Uhh I searched the Team on the Visiophone and it showed only a single Member, did it die?

Sep 13, 2014, 06:28 AM
I came back to this forum section to check out the community and seeing the Caliginosity recruitment thread at the fourth spot from spot was the last thing I expected.

That said, a friend and I have come back to this team and are attempting to revive it. I rewrote the first-post. Caliginosity will be a different team than it was before due to stuff that has happened in the game.

Please read the first post carefully before applying.

Oct 4, 2014, 11:53 AM
Opening up recruitment again!

Oct 26, 2014, 09:12 AM

Nov 20, 2014, 09:26 PM
I'm interested in joining the Team. A little about me:

I've played this game both on and off since it's release either due to real life concerns or some other game has held my interest. However, since I've started playing this game I've never really had a team or a group of players to really play with. Maybe that's something that'll hold my interest in this game.

As of now, I've recently returned to the game after a small hiatus and am planning on sticking around for the long run. There's some things that I'd have to familiarize myself with and classes that I have to look into/research but that's something I can find on my own.

My highest is a Level 64 GU with all other classes floating around the Level 30-40 range.
Player Name: SkyeNorvil
Character: Rita Norvil

Dec 27, 2014, 06:00 AM
Bump. Opening up public recruitment again.

Wind Walker
Dec 27, 2014, 10:08 AM
1. Hello:D My I thinks its ID is Aegsasdg I played PSO2 for awhile before the DDos and LOVED it. I'm just now getting back into it after so long and I've forgot a lot. I'm looking for a team that can help answer my questions and can help me grow to become a better player. I currently have a level 45 on ship 2 but I think I messed up terribly on the skill tree. I'm going to be restarting anew with my second character slot. I play everyday and am really excited to find a team! I look forward to meeting you.

As for step 2 I don't know how to add you without you being near me=/ BUT I will figure it out!:D See ya then!

Going to play another game for a bit and then finish the steps. My second character on ship 2 ( a bouncer) I didn't like much so I will be changing and starting from level 1 I hope its not an issue I wont be begging for people to runs with me but I will ask noob questions like how do i do this? xD

Jan 23, 2015, 02:38 AM
Hello! Character Heidi, 56 Force, ID Kuberis. I took a break from PSO2 many months back, before the DDoS happened, and my interest recently picked up again. I would love to be in a social and friendly group, it gets pretty boring being alone. I work part time, currently closing shift, so my play times are most likely to be afternoon/late night EST. I enjoy doing TACOs and all sorts of big party oriented activities. I am mostly a casual player. ^^

Jan 28, 2015, 06:26 AM
Hey, I would be interested in joining, I am back from a break and looking to get back into PSO2, my main is a Newman Fo/Fi (47/33) (may be swapping to Fo/Br (47/12)

I also have a Dewman Fi/Hu (35/30).

I run on UK time in the evening (7pm till around midnight) I am social and will be quite active.

Chara:- Katrii
Player ID:- PhilB

Feb 5, 2015, 01:04 AM