View Full Version : PSO(PC)Demo???

Dec 19, 2013, 09:00 PM
I have read bits and peices of info on this less then stellar pso pc demo,Yet have never been able to try it.Might anyone have some pics or better yet some video of it?It would be nice to see and hear a complete run(with video)through the demo area.It sound like it was a very small sample of the game to come,but at the time maybe it was just rushed out abit to soon.

Note:Story was that you where a humar with saber and enemies couldn't hurt you,also you couldn't level up and it was only the forest area you played in...

Jan 5, 2014, 02:48 PM
Update:I was finally able download this and play it,but it only let me get to about 3/4 the way through forest one before stopping on me,so is there a timer on this demo?Also can a controller be used because the touch pad on my pc makes this thing hard to control.It would be helpful if anyone whos played this demo could offer some info on it.But a link with details on it's options and fuctions would be helpful to...