View Full Version : JP PSO2 ieframe.dll / navcancl prompts

Dec 26, 2013, 09:34 PM

I am currently updated to the latest patch and now I am experiencing a rather disturbing issue that (hopefully) has been fixed.

Whenever I play the game, something is happening in the background. I am having prompts saying I need to save/download "navcancl", "blank html" with "ieframe.dll" on it's from.

The scenario:

1. Start Game
2. Log in
3. Select Character
*The steps above will not make the issue occur
4. Now in the lobby, walk around and met NPCs
5. Alt-Tab
*Now there is a prompt about saving navcancl or blank html.

The prompts continue to show. (i.e. I already have a prompt of navcancl but it will still prompt me another, which means I have 2, and so on.)

I searched the forums about navcancl or ieframe.dll or blank html but to no avail. And google failed me too. Might be I'm the only one experiencing it.

Also, I am not using the tweaker. This is the pure PSO2 (means no alterations happened to this copy).

Hope someone can give me the light.

Might be unrelated but once I run PSO2, I get service.exe error on shutdown.


Dec 26, 2013, 09:51 PM
It sounds like a bad install to me. What are your system specs(hardware, and any software that pertains to this, ie anything that is running while you're running PSO2)?

Dec 26, 2013, 10:12 PM
Thanks for the response.

I am planning to using the tweaker to check for needed files, etc.
(I will try to have a clean install using the installer found here with december updates included)

Windows 7
Intel i5-2400
NVidia GT440

I got lots of Microsoft Redist etc installed.
Got my Internet Explorer updated.

Running Firefox on background (used for guides, etc)

Pretty much it.

Dec 27, 2013, 11:00 AM
ieframe.dll sounds like something from a browser that doesn't play nicely with gameguard. Have you tried running PSO2 without a browser open? If that stops it try using a different browser for your alt+tab'ing.

The service.exe error on shutdown is Windows and PSO2 not communicating properly and/or PSO2/Windows being stupid as far as I know.