View Full Version : Playing Fighter

Jan 2, 2014, 12:11 PM
I've been playing FO/Fi and reached Lvl.65 Force and have Lvl.45 Fighter, However I simply cannot understand how I'm meant to play Fighter in order to level it. I deal very little damage to enemies no matter what I use (using +10's and tried all gears) and struggle against enemies who are only Lvl.40. To put this into context, it took 20 minutes to get to the last area of the Nab 2 TA on my own then spent ten minutes fighting Dark Ragne only to be killed without defeating it.

Can someone please explain how I'm meant to play this class?

Jan 2, 2014, 12:12 PM
Play as Fi/Fo with a decent multiclass rod that a Fi can use.

Jan 2, 2014, 12:27 PM
I assume you sub Force.

If you want to go melee, Hunter, Braver and Techer are much more viable subs, but you can still do mobbing. You use Zondeel + Deadly Archer or Bloody Sarabande. You have to time it right, because it's easy to die when you don't have Mirage Escape. Twin Daggers are good because twirl and Bloody Sarabande give you 360 degree invincibility frames. Also, it's super easy to charge D.Saber gear thanks to Zondeel (but if you can throw another Deadly Archer, do so, because damage will be still higher). For other cases it's not as viable.

There's a much better option: get multiclass rod and talis and play it like you play Force.

Jan 2, 2014, 12:32 PM
Yeah, Fighter's multipliers alone aren't going to cut it; you're only getting the Brave/Wise Stance bonuses, when FI/HU has that additional 219% from Fury Stance to back it up. 144/169% in this game is nothing. D:

As others said, your best bet is just to get a multiclass rod. Even a low-end Umbra Stick will easily outdamage anything you can do with FI weapons.

Jan 2, 2014, 01:01 PM
I'm not subbing Force, I've been subbing Hunter. But I might just go with the Multi-class rod thing.

Jan 2, 2014, 01:04 PM
Post your FI/HU build, then?

Jan 2, 2014, 01:17 PM

Sega added more all class rods for Fighter/Force. not that big of a problem as it was back then.

Jan 2, 2014, 01:20 PM
This is my current build
http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06dDIFI2ITfb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3IkjbO8e bIoqnGDbn6c000000IebHnGBIbGFIb00009b000000lb000009 b000000lb0000000Ib000008

Jan 2, 2014, 02:48 PM
you should be maxing Fury Combo Up ASAP, the % per point gain is better than everything else.

aside from that, are you using the wrong stances? the tree looks fine, but your damage takes a huge hit if you hit something from the wrong side.

Jan 2, 2014, 06:43 PM
Unless I recall vastly wrong, having points into both Hunter and Fighter's step attacks do nothing. The step advance though I believe does give more frames of invulnerability.

Also, part of your problem may be a lack of an S-atk mag. Just having that would open up more weapons and thus more damage, along with just basic boosts to damage due to having more attack power.

As for actually playing better, I'm sure someone else can help better with that.