View Full Version : Spear and boss killing?

Jan 3, 2014, 06:06 AM
So does this weapon actually have any REAL boss killing PA's like sword and wirelance or is it still just an assualt buster trash mob weapon and nothing else?

Jan 3, 2014, 06:35 AM
So does this weapon actually have any REAL boss killing PA's like sword and wirelance or is it still just an assualt buster trash mob weapon and nothing else?

Nope, assault buster, slide end and sacred skewer. All for mobs.
Wired lance and Sword to fight bosses? So 2012. I mean, sure, you can, but there's better weapons for that (like all the Fi ones or Br ones, depending on your class combo)

Jan 3, 2014, 07:42 AM
nope. Look forward to the new PAs in spring. They may finally introduce something even remotely damaging vs bosses

Jan 3, 2014, 02:15 PM
Ewww ya, I just recently started using spear again and it really feels like sega has neglected this weapon.

Jan 3, 2014, 02:27 PM
Not really, Assault Buster, Slide End and Sacred Skewer remain some of the prime mobbing tools out there. Hunter and Fighter weappns aren't really supposed to be stand-alone tools as much as part of a toolkit and niche with the other weapons of the class. I mean, you can just use one, but to do so then complain about it is like if a FO only used Namegid and then complained that their mobbing capability sucked.

Jan 3, 2014, 02:37 PM
Sword does it all IMO. Good mobbing with sonic arrows, good protection with a quick just guard, and has powerful PA's like rising edge and OE for bosses.

Sure OE is a lil slow compared to some of the fighter weps out there, but it's still a great boss killer especially when you know how to use it like I do.

"But dood OE just gets you killed its garbage against bosses"

Well I been playing since the closed beta test and my max death ratio is at 457....That's 457 deaths in almost 2 years now keep in mind that I also have a second character so her deaths added onto my hunter deaths.

Buuut my main point was that you can indeed become a weapon specialist like me.

Jan 3, 2014, 03:26 PM
you can indeed become a weapon specialist like me.

Dat ego.

Anyone can use any weapon anywhere. It's just a fact that some don't function as well at certain times no matter your choice of PA compared to other weapons.

Swords don't suck. It's just that FI weapons and katanas are better at bossing, and some of them are even better at mobbing. Swords may suck comparatively speaking. In a vaccum, they're good weapons.

Jan 3, 2014, 03:49 PM
Partizan were designed to hit multiple target. You sacrifice heavy damage for high speed, good mobility and mid range attacks. why would someone choose a Partizan over one of the more better weapons that focus on single targets?

Jan 3, 2014, 05:30 PM
Dat ego.

Anyone can use any weapon anywhere. It's just a fact that some don't function as well at certain times no matter your choice of PA compared to other weapons.

Swords don't suck. It's just that FI weapons and katanas are better at bossing, and some of them are even better at mobbing. Swords may suck comparatively speaking. In a vaccum, they're good weapons.

Nuh uh! I'm just confident in my abilities and I love sword. It's def my fav weapon in the game. Nothing wrong with that :)