View Full Version : Sega, Another Blunder!

Mar 7, 2001, 03:24 PM
Man what is Sega trying to do? Now it's pointless to back up my character! UGH! Man in a VAIN effort to stop cheaters, we the PSO fanatics have taken another slap in the face! What is Sega really trying to accomplish with this? Well since they've set the servers to check your game time, it seems that our cries and screams for Sega to fix the saving problem for PSO 2 have fallen on def ears. This is just a sign of things to come!

GRRRRR.....Man it looks like i will now have to use my game shark so that i can tweak my time in case i need to use a backup character!

I just dont get it??? Sega doesnt want us to be able to save our game at all until we quit our game. That's bad enough! Then the server are always bumping us off screwing our characters up, then they try to prevent character back up? Man Sega is acting really lame! They need to leave the cheaters ALONE like the rest of us do and let everyone play ther game the way they see fit, for no other reason than to stop punishing all the fair players for what the cheaters do.

Cheating will happen now, and it will happen in PSO 2! There is no way to stop it. There are too many people out there that will find a way just to slap Sega in the face, so SEGA, KNOCK this crap off and let us have the freedom to save our character the way we want and NEED to!

Mar 7, 2001, 03:34 PM
Haha. Some of you are going overboard. Just take extra precautions to prevent having your character lost and you wont have to worry about making "back ups".

There's nothing you can do to recover from a power outtage or the like, but what you can do to minimize the effect it might have is to quit and save periodically (every 30 mins or so). Power outtages usually wipe out any items you have gathered in that session along with anything you have equipped so doing this will minimize the loss.
In the event of BSOD, don't panic. Just unplug the cord from the back of your DC Modem and wait, which forces the disconnect and save screen.

I'm knocking on wood, but i've played over 80 hours, surviving 3 BSODs. Hopefully you'll have similar luck. Anything but resorting to a gameshark. That's just as bad as weapon duping IMO.

Mar 7, 2001, 03:49 PM
You know what.... I agree with Xtra completely. All of you people whining about backup saves are the lame ones. First off, when you play online, you know there is a chance that some stuff of your character may get jacked due to network errors...that's the bad side to network gaming in general. So its a chance you take when you go online. Second, referring back to the first post on this...you said something about how it's bad enough you can only save when you quit...that is one of the most unbelievable statements I've ever heard. That's what makes video games so dissapointing in my mind right now... what the hell is the purpose of playing a game that you can save every second so that your 'precious' character can never lose a thing. What kind of thrill is there in that? I feel like it gets rid of all sense of accomplishment in a video game. I'm just so sick and tired of everyone whining about Sega and all the 'horrible' things they are doing to us dreamcast owners to defer cheating. I give a lot of credit to Sega for the quality games they put out, and I know if I had been responsible for making such an incredible game as PSO...I'd do everything in my power to stop cheaters as well.

Mar 7, 2001, 03:54 PM
Well in other past Phantasy Star game you could save at designated points! Yes it would be lame to save whenever you want, but saving only when you quit? THAT IS RIDICULOUS! Why the hell should I need or have to quit every 30 minutes? For Christs sake man, just save the old fashioned way! To many wholes in the game! UGH! When your on a roll who wants to quit to save then try and jump back into the game?

Mar 7, 2001, 04:10 PM
You have to do what you have to within the limits of the game. Of course, certain things could be better, but that's the case with anything. How do you think people felt in the NES days, before battery back up, when there was no way at all to save a game? Going through all of SMB or Mega Man, get to the end, and run out of men. You had to start ALL over!

If quitting, saving, and reconnecting is the best way to assure that my things are safe, then by all means do it. And it's alot faster than having to go through with the "back up" routine.

PhatSaqs - Level 38 FOnewm</P>

Level 120 Mag</P>
Miranda Block 7

Cordelia Block 9

Umbriel Block 13


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Xtra on 2001-03-07 13:10 ]</font>

Mar 7, 2001, 04:20 PM
Server-side saving would be great! I like the fact that Battle.net's servers automatically save your character every so often while you are playing. I don't like the fact that the servers have become total garbage! Well, I guess that is why I play PSO now...

Mar 7, 2001, 06:03 PM
There are no perfect precautions you can take when playing this game. I do not turn of my DC when i get the BSoD, yet my 80+ hour character's data was corrupted due to a BSoD. There was nothing I could do. Backups, though not originally intended, were an ingenious way to workaround the server problems that were probably not very noticable when testing of this game was done by Sega. It is a game bug. The are no patches with DC games, so the gamers came up with their own fix, then Sega took that fix away without a replacement. All of this to halt one out of a multitude of ways to cheat in PSO.

I completely agree with myau1. I'm not dogging Sega as a whole. I love Sega. They just made a bonehead decision and I hope they come to realize it soon.

As to people comments about being able to save whenever you want is removing the "thrill" of a game. Games with infinite continues remove the "thrill" of a game. Losing 80+ hours of work on a character due to a bug was not "thrilling" to me. I didn't sigh and think to myself "well, I guess I'll know better next time". Thrill is knowing that a decision you make in a game could cost you everything or save the world, not wondering if the next server crash will corrupt my character data.

Sorry about the rant. Still suffering post-traumatic character loss syndrome.

And yes, I was pissed when I got to the end of my 80+ hour Mega Man session and had the Mega Man server crash RIGHT before I was to fight Dr. Wily for the final time. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif