View Full Version : Help me make a decent Holy Ray!

Edson Drake
Jan 9, 2014, 06:08 AM
The other day I found my best drop yet, the Holy Ray. It was a very lucky day for me, I was doing forest AQ with friends, with Rare and Exp 75%, Tribooster 100%, when 3 thunder kitties appeared one after the other in the middle of a PSE burst.

I got over 2 million exp easily and leveled from 62 to 64 in seconds. After the burst, I found the Holy Ray at the ground. It came with no abilites but ask me if I cared.

I managed to get 3 abilities on it so far and grinded it to 10. What I want now, is first to get it some nice abilites, but since I know it's going to cost a lot, I want some input.

Should I try to put 4 abilites on it? Mizers are expensive as hell now, but it needs to be Mizer Soul and Shoot III. The rest I would like recommendations.
I like to put Poison I on my Rifles, but I noticed this isn't too common to see in the shops. I know Poison is awesome in TMGs and it works nice for Rifles too, I wanted to know why people don't put Poison on Rifles.

Also, must-have items and approximated prices if possible, I mean ability plus 20% is a given, but if there's anything else I need to know please tell me so.

I absolutely must not screw this up.

Jan 9, 2014, 06:15 AM
Arksenth: "4 slots? pfff 5 slot it"
Stingy Veteran: "3 slots is the most cost efficient"
Poor Bastard: "2 would be more than enough"

Jan 9, 2014, 06:39 AM
Pfft, those are like 2m in the shops, trash rare.

Anyway grats, I love that thing myself. Makes Hu/Ra easy to level up, though I suppose Flaupetal would be better for that purpose. Or possibly anything with the upcoming crafting system (or maybe not).

You could always try Fang Soul to boost Shock transfer instead of Mizer and Poison. But it's not really a common thing to affix any SE if you're not a Fighter, though Poison would be fun against dragon bosses. Normal mobs die too fast for SE to be useful, and bosses are immune to most SE.

The rest of the affixes would depend on your units. Do you already have 120 total PP? Then you can go for Ransa/ShootIII/AbilityIII/Shoot Boost. If you can reach 140 PP (5x Diffuse Shell) or even 150+, then Mizer/Shoot/Spirita/Spirita Boost could be your best bet.

But of course, 2-3s would be much easier, especially on your wallet.

Edson Drake
Jan 9, 2014, 06:52 AM
Pfft, those are like 2m in the shops, trash rare.

Heh my friend was like "holy shit man Holy Ray!" then thought about it for a second "ah it isn't even that good anymore", and it's true, but it is easily my best drop(and Rifle) so I want to make it kind of special.

It's annoying that the drop rates are so atrocious, that when a weapon like that drops, it still gives that thrrill because it is rare, but then, not so hot anymore, what a shame.

And I need to work on my units, I am using Vardha set(no King!), and about 120 PP, but I'd like to take this weapon to 1000 R-ATK if possible.

Jan 9, 2014, 07:39 AM
[Shoot III/Fang Soul/x] fodders are very cheap right now on market (around 300k, assuming ship 2's economy is that of ship 8's), gives you 80% on both Shoot III and Fang Soul, provided you have Fang Soul on the Holy Ray yourself. I wouldn't bother with status effects, I would just go for an Add Ability (x Boost) instead. That way you have an easy 100%/100%/100% with a 20% ability success.

To get it to 1000 R-ATK would require you something of [Shoot III/Fang Soul/Ability III/Shooting Boost] caliber, which can get really stingy due to Add Ability/R-ATK costing over 10m alone.

Jan 9, 2014, 07:42 AM
Arksenth: "4 slots? pfff 5 slot it"
Stingy Veteran: "3 slots is the most cost efficient"
Poor Bastard: "2 would be more than enough"

2-3 is plenty, considering the amount of Planned Obsolescence this game pumps into everything. People who waste millions (or tens of millions, which I see often) trying to get 4 or 5 slots are just shooting themselves in the foot. The extra 200-300 damage points isn't really worth it.

Jan 9, 2014, 08:18 AM
As an aside, does the "stun" latent of holy ray even stack with any SEs you might have affixed on it?

Jan 9, 2014, 08:46 AM
The stun it inflicts is exactly the same as what a Stun Grenade, Quake Howling on knuckles, or Stun con Side on swords inflict. Many enemies cannot be stunned at all. On most enemies that can be stunned the stun can be interrupted by any followup hits. I believe a few have a chance to resist the first couple followup hits, but considering we're talking about an assault rifle you're basically guaranteed to break it out of stun with your next shot. If you stun something on the first bullet of a normal shot you can almost certainly break it out of stun with the next two bullets in that same shot.

So it's more like it has a Freeze I latent than anything else. This isn't like Bind from Chase Bind or Bind Bullet. Stun DOES activate Chase skills on Fighter however, so if you planned on doing a Ranger/Fighter build with a Holy Ray and Flame Visit I guess there's some synergy? At the very least, like Freeze I, it does interrupt attacks and provides a brief moment of Chase boost for your Fighter brethren. If they activate Bind on that one hit the Bind will continue to keep Chase activated, but can't self-refresh with more Bind.

Also yes, an enemy can be affected by Stun, Bind, and one of the following (Burn, Freeze, Shock, Mirage, Panic, Poison, Injury) all at once. Any and all of these will activate Chase.

Jan 9, 2014, 02:08 PM
See? Holy Ray is still good for something... (Holds tightly to my own)

But yeah. 3-slot is the furthest you should go with that.

Goddamn I wish I could change from 3-burst to semi-auto, single fire.

Edson Drake
Jan 11, 2014, 08:29 AM
Well, 3 million meseta later, I ended up with Fang Soul, Shoot III and Spirita I, and an undying hate for Dudu. What a piece of @#$% system.

It insisted losing my 3 abilites back to 2 more than 50 times at 80%. Really, I'm not doing this EVER AGAIN, I don't care, I'm never touching this again.

In the end, I had to cough up 20 Excubes to 30% ability. The Fang Soul got in at 80% without a soul on the weapon(after failing me about 5 times at 60%).
This is seriously the game's major flaw, and Sega should change it, as I can see why so many people rage on about it in this game. Hmpf.

Jan 11, 2014, 10:03 AM
Kinda why people said to leave it as it was. Personally I only go for 3+ slots on stuff I intend to keep for a long time and even then only when I have the fodders to back it up.

Getting X/X/Soul on something isn't TOO bad but the best way to go about it is probably forcing it on from a 2 slot if it doesn't already have 3 on it. after that, use your fodders. The rng and dudu will make you want to bite off your tongue and break things at times. just dont go for this stuff too much if you're not planning on using that weapon or armor forever.

Jan 11, 2014, 11:09 AM
Well, 3 million meseta later, I ended up with Fang Soul, Shoot III and Spirita I, and an undying hate for Dudu. What a piece of @#$% system.

It insisted losing my 3 abilites back to 2 more than 50 times at 80%. Really, I'm not doing this EVER AGAIN, I don't care, I'm never touching this again.

In the end, I had to cough up 20 Excubes to 30% ability. The Fang Soul got in at 80% without a soul on the weapon(after failing me about 5 times at 60%).
This is seriously the game's major flaw, and Sega should change it, as I can see why so many people rage on about it in this game. Hmpf.

That's correct. Sega does not understand that happy players will spend more, and unhappy players will just become jaded.

3slot with soul is the running standard, usually with PP or HP boost but spirita 1 is just fine honestly. Later on you can do 100%/100%/100% by finding a Fang/x/x and Fang/Shoot3/x, getting a PP or HP Boost item, and getting a 20% affix booster if you really want, but unless you're at like 119 PP (so 1 away from 4x 30 PP PAs) I wouldn't bother.

Jan 11, 2014, 01:46 PM
Happy players have no need to spend, and unhappy players will just buy happiness.

Jan 11, 2014, 02:10 PM
That's the logic they use, but TF2's success suggests something very, very different. They literally throw items at players simply for connecting to a server, for 10 hours every week, and what do players do? Still buy unusuals.

Everyone can get every weapon. Everyone can trade for any item that isn't a very situational limited edition item like the Golden Wrench or some shit.

Players still throw lods a mone at Valve to get glitter on their head.

Jan 11, 2014, 02:51 PM
Only 3m meseta? Man, you guys are whiny about chump change.

Jan 11, 2014, 04:34 PM
Here we go again.

Edson Drake
Jan 11, 2014, 05:24 PM
That's correct. Sega does not understand that happy players will spend more, and unhappy players will just become jaded.

3slot with soul is the running standard, usually with PP or HP boost but spirita 1 is just fine honestly. Later on you can do 100%/100%/100% by finding a Fang/x/x and Fang/Shoot3/x, getting a PP or HP Boost item, and getting a 20% affix booster if you really want, but unless you're at like 119 PP (so 1 away from 4x 30 PP PAs) I wouldn't bother.

The Japanese seem to love gambling, it's that "thrill" that comes from gambling that they brought to grinding/affixing, that's supposed to be fun, to expect to get that powerful combination, except that the RNG seems rigged.

I was a huge Diablo 2 player and I'm not sure if you guys were familiar with D2 system, but the RNG there was great, you never were starving for items and trading was huge. There was even an illegal site(D2jsp) that dealt items with forum gold. It was an excellent system overall. The drops from bosses were really good as long you have decent Magic Find equips.

But in here... the drop rates and crafting especially. How do you explain failing 80% chance over 5 times in a row? If that isn't rigged i don't know what it is. I am surprised at the end I managed to put the soul at 80% because I was like "oh @#$% it already".

The Japanese seem to cope with it, a LOT seeing from the impossibly good affix'd items at the shop. To me, while I do accept Sega's current freemium model, trading should be allowed to everyone and grinding/affixing system should be revised, it's seriously just irritating.

Jan 11, 2014, 06:39 PM
At least you can try again. It's a huge improvement from psu where failed grinds would break your weapon forever.

Jan 11, 2014, 06:46 PM
At least you can try again. It's a huge improvement from psu where failed grinds would break your weapon forever.

Yeah, we've gone from literally steaming bullshit to not steaming dog shit.

Edson Drake
Jan 11, 2014, 06:53 PM
I never played PSU, I came straight from PSOBB.

I can't imagine the nightmare of losing a weapon by failing a grind, oh dear, no wonder the game has so much complaints.

Jan 12, 2014, 07:24 AM
Just gonna advise you here, never go all in like that again lol. 20 excubes is a LOT to risk on an 80%. Heck, even 90%s have failed for me.

%ages are a lie. 100% or bust. I didn't even dare to re-attempt this during the 5% boost. I just knew that 95% would have failed too.


Mustve been like....the third time I've posted this? Still sour bout that.

Funnily enough I tried an ability III at 80% today. Failed, obviously. But was only a 3 slot, so not so bad in terms of cost. Still sucks though.

Jan 12, 2014, 07:50 AM
Well, 3 million meseta later, I ended up with Fang Soul, Shoot III and Spirita I, and an undying hate for Dudu. What a piece of @#$% system.

Congratulations, you're officially a veteran.

Jan 12, 2014, 07:58 AM
[SPOILER-BOX]Just gonna advise you here, never go all in like that again lol. 20 excubes is a LOT to risk on an 80%. Heck, even 90%s have failed for me.

%ages are a lie. 100% or bust. I didn't even dare to re-attempt this during the 5% boost. I just knew that 95% would have failed too.


Mustve been like....the third time I've posted this? Still sour bout that.

Funnily enough I tried an ability III at 80% today. Failed, obviously. But was only a 3 slot, so not so bad in terms of cost. Still sucks though.[/SPOILER-BOX]

[SPOILER-BOX]You have a 50 Light Susanoguren so you might as well deserve it.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Jan 12, 2014, 09:49 AM
Dat 300k is all i had left after that ordeal ;~;

Jan 12, 2014, 10:07 AM
Yeah, 300k and an ability to sell a 50 light susanoguren