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View Full Version : First online console RPG will have bugs!

Mar 7, 2001, 03:49 PM
(1) We should be somewhat patient with SEGA since they are the first to implement an online console RPG. There will be kinks, bugs, issues that will be encountered no matter how much thought goes in to it ahead of time. A good example would be Blizzard with Diablo and Diablo 2. How much stuff did they GET RIGHT the second time around?...just about everything, actually. Save your harshest opinions to see if SEGA fixes this (ie. server side saving) in PSO2.

(2) We DO pay for the servers (by purchasing the game, which is sold as an ONLINE game with OFFLINE capability). We do invest TONS of time to develop a character and find rare items, and for us adults, TIME=MONEY. If you loose a character with considerable time investment, you are, in effect, loosing something of worth & value. Sega should provide a way for us to protect our time/money investment. Ask any hardcore EverQuest player what they would do if they lost their character, and they would answer something unintelligable right before they went and firebombed Sony headquarters.

Our characters are OUR PROPERTY...and fair use dictates that we are entitled to fair backups of that PROPTERTY. Unless SEGA but small print somewhere in a licence agreement, they are out of line.

Anyway, main points:

(1) SEGA did a lot of things RIGHT, so be patient.
(2) but they shouldn't violate our rights to stop an issue that is a "bug/loophole" of their creation...that should be addressed in PSO2.

Peace out,

Mar 7, 2001, 04:17 PM
1) It's a dam video game
2) Nobody told you, you have to play this game
3)Stop bickering and going into great detail about how SEGA is breaking your human rights or whatever.
4) If you dont like the game, dont play it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Problem Solved once again

Mar 7, 2001, 04:49 PM
1) Lather
2) Rinse
3) Repeat as necessary.