View Full Version : How to be better at soloing?

Jan 13, 2014, 07:19 PM
Since I have no teams to join, i'm pretty much on my own until a EQ pops up. How does a Br/Hu solo SH quests?

Jan 13, 2014, 07:33 PM
As a Br/Hu my only advice is "Don't get hit" Normally that would be a joke. But really... that's all there is to it. >_> Just practice. Though I don't see why you can't join a team.

Jan 13, 2014, 07:38 PM
Learn enemy tells and patterns and do what Kondi said.

Honestly that's every class right there.

Jan 13, 2014, 07:40 PM
As a Br/Hu my only advice is "Don't get hit" Normally that would be a joke. But really... that's all there is to it. >_> Just practice. Though I don't see why you can't join a team.

I've sent out applications, but no one has accepted. I guess i'll just apply "don't get hit".

Jan 13, 2014, 07:55 PM
Since I have no teams to join, i'm pretty much on my own until a EQ pops up. How does a Br/Hu solo SH quests?

Spam shunka, melt mobs and bosses.

If you have troubles with getting hit, try to max out combat escape. Alternatively, get some friend partners which have megiverse/freeze/heal techs on them.

Jan 13, 2014, 07:59 PM
Do you have Shunka Shunran(シュンカシュンラン)? It really helps as a braver because it 1-2 shots most everything

Jan 13, 2014, 08:02 PM
Yeah, get that PA if you haven't gotten it already. Should be cheap now that TD has been around for a while. Even level 10 is enough.

Jan 13, 2014, 08:22 PM
I bought a level 10 disc a while ago. It's pretty friggin stupid.

Jan 13, 2014, 08:35 PM
I bought a level 10 disc a while ago. It's pretty friggin stupid.

What is? Shunka? Are you using it right?

EDIT: Or do you mean it's stupid how op it is? Cause I can agree with that.

Jan 13, 2014, 09:51 PM
Stupidly OP, yes.

Jan 13, 2014, 10:03 PM
Stupidly OP, yes.Yeah, it needs like double the PP cost or something.

Jan 13, 2014, 10:27 PM
Stupidly OP, yes.

He's learning.

Yeah, it needs like double the PP cost or something.

I'd prefer the ' extra PP consumed for each extra slash' idea. I quite like never having a good enough reason to use sakura end again.

Jan 13, 2014, 10:36 PM
I'd prefer the ' extra PP consumed for each extra slash' idea. I quite like never having a good enough reason to use sakura end again.That could work too. :P 20 to start 5 for the 2nd and 3rd hits, then 10 for the last hit. I dunno how they'd pull that off though.

Jan 13, 2014, 11:12 PM
How do I solo = How do I Shunka lol

Braver too mainstream

Jan 13, 2014, 11:28 PM
Using just shunka can sometimes get you killed easily outside of combat escape. Sometimes it's better to use hatou here and there
but yeah it's unfortunate how katana ended up being. At least you felt threatened back when katana was just sakura spam.

Jan 14, 2014, 02:25 AM
At least you felt threatened back when katana was just sakura spam.

If katanas were still 'sakura end spam', I'd be playing FI right now.

Hatou made katanas comparable to Fi weapons. It was in a good place.

Shunka's damage made katanas OP :/

Jan 14, 2014, 03:14 AM
I'd like it if they made some lacking weapons OP with the next batch of PAs.

Like any hunter or ranger weapon.

Jan 14, 2014, 03:30 AM
I'd like it if they made some lacking weapons OP with the next batch of PAs.

Like any hunter or ranger weapon.

I'm not sure what you mean? Are you saying hunter and ranger need a PA buff? I can agree on ranger (more specifically, rifles), but they already "buffed" ranger PAs, and hunter is fine. Besides we don't want everything to become OP, that would cause more power creep.

Jan 14, 2014, 04:01 AM
and hunter is fine

Not their PAs. Other striking weapons generally do what hunter weapons can do, but better, and I don't mean just katanas.

Besides we don't want everything to become OP, that would cause more power creep.

SEGA is afraid of nerfing. We're more likely to see a power creep before we see nerfs.

Jan 14, 2014, 11:42 AM
HU is in a "good" spot in the sense that Ride Slasher and Assault Buster (on a Lv. 3 Geki) are still pretty good. Their variety (and especially coverage for different situations) otherwise is awful and they need a FI-like approach where everyone weapon has at least one or two dependable PAs that make it worth using all of them.

Jan 14, 2014, 12:09 PM
Not their PAs. Other striking weapons generally do what hunter weapons can do, but better, and I don't mean just katanas.

^ lol this guy. you're worst than Sega and probably never even touch Hu. Hunter has a PA for everything. You test Hu for 5mins and now you want the typical damage buff. Fighter class main mob weapon is from Hu and it doesn't one shot in SH unless you you eat cake/tree and stay buff 24/7. The reason why people want to Hu/Br or Hu/Fi is so they can use stronger Hu weapons which already do a good job at mobbing.


Jan 14, 2014, 12:11 PM
or they want the higher base hp and satk, plus the rare mastery hunter for hu/br

Jan 14, 2014, 12:17 PM
^ those small bonuses too, ofc

Jan 14, 2014, 12:27 PM
HU weapons are still damn good at handling trash mobs, but when it comes to beefier single-target enemies they just fall apart. They have to rely on horribly unsafe/slow/buggy PAs to get big damage out, or rely on safe and far weaker PAs and be slow at killing anything with lots of HP and can actually put up a fight. There is no middle ground.

Jan 14, 2014, 02:44 PM
never even touch Hu

I used to swear by swords before I started playing FI. Refrain from talking about people you know nothing about.

You test Hu for 5mins and now you want the typical damage buff.

Where the hell did I say that? I barely care what they do with HU weapons right now. I'm making a guess as to what they will do to HU PAs knowing SEGA.

Fighter class main mob weapon is from Hu and it doesn't one shot in SH unless you you eat cake/tree and stay buff 24/7.

This doesn't help your defense very well. A little more, and you may as well tell a person to get their car to work, they need to push it down hill with the parking brakes disengaged.

Outside of your response sounding like the product of a 10 year old drooling at the keyboard, I'll bite.

Outside of assault buster 11+ and ride slasher 16+, comparatively speaking HU weapon PAs aren't that great. Yes, they do a good job of mobbing, and are somewhat essential in sub-5 min nab ii solo VH TA run videos, but their general mobbing is not special or unique to HU weapons since the day bloody sarabande and katanas came to be. Hunter weapons aren't essential for mobbing as a FI anymore. Don't pretend they are, especially given that enemies conveniently run into bloody sarabande range on SH on their own.

Meanwhile, most other striking weapons are better at killing bosses. We may be killing mooks most of the time, but the choice of striking weapon does not make nearly as much of a difference in mobbing compared to weapon/PA choice against bosses. Have fun trying to find that one boss HU weapons can kill faster, and safer than FI, or BR striking weapons.

HU weapons are still damn good at handling trash mobs, but when it comes to beefier single-target enemies they just fall apart. They have to rely on horribly unsafe/slow/buggy PAs to get big damage out, or rely on safe and far weaker PAs and be slow at killing anything with lots of HP and can actually put up a fight. There is no middle ground.

This guy gets it.

Jan 14, 2014, 03:26 PM
HU is a dinosaur, in more than one figurative way. It was balanced around slower enemies, and it worked for a time. Now that things are both faster in their attacks and their movements HU will be facing challenges no other class is: The restrictive movements of its own PAs.

HU's biggest problems were always the little bugs and quirks buried in each of its weapons and their PAs. If swords could guard cancel as well as wired lances can for their non-grapple moves we might be on to something, but until then other classes offer better mobility which really is what it's all about now. Precision and mobility result in pinpoint weakspot hits and part breaks, attack evasion and catching up with bosses without puking up all your PP to do so.

Jan 14, 2014, 05:15 PM
Spam and be mindless, that all you need to own pso2. Ignoring person on top page 3 and you will be fine. They very purpose is picking fight with you and calling moderator so general wasting time.

Jan 15, 2014, 10:04 AM
HU weapons are still damn good at handling trash mobs, but when it comes to beefier single-target enemies they just fall apart. They have to rely on horribly unsafe/slow/buggy PAs to get big damage out, or rely on safe and far weaker PAs and be slow at killing anything with lots of HP and can actually put up a fight. There is no middle ground.Well, that's fine, no? It's the point of the class, to deal with mobs. PSO2 is not supposed to be a solo game... originally >_> Some classes deal with mobs while others deal with bosses and others heal or use Zanverse.
Braver (since Shunka-shunran) and gunner are clearly better 1v1 classes, whereas hunter and ranger are clearly better against large groups. The thing is, hunter and ranger are comparatively a lot better at what they do not specialise in than braver and gunner... a lot. That is why they are greatly superior solo classes.

One thing you are not mentioning in your post, unless there is a reason for your omitting that: hunters will usually have a fighter or braver subclass, which gives them access to very strong 1v1 weapons (Twin Kamui, Amun Hotep, Agito, Susano Guren...) finally filling the void in the 1v1 department when playing HU/FI or HU/BR.

Hunter is still the class with which I solo the fastest (or ranger, hard to tell, but either class is clearly ahead of gunner or braver).
Braver is significantly slower. Shunka-shunran is not as amazing as all the nubs think; it's just retardedly easy to use, while hunter requires a lot more skill to play. Braver is in no way better than hunter, it's just the nub version of hunter or fighter for people who suck at the game. 20 seconds of invincibility + stupidly easy-to-use PA that has very high 1v1 DPS? No wonder all the nubs go for that instead of learning to play.

All hunter weapons and most of their PAs are incredible. So good in fact, that you will solo faster as braver using all-class hunter weapons + Shunka-shunran on a boss, meaning you'll use wired lances most of the time... on a braver.

Reading that faster enemies have affected hunter's performances negatively is beyond laughable, and another of the countless proofs that people here are dumb unskilled nubs. If anything, the faster enemies in SH have made hunter better.
Enemies running around? Other Cyclone or Other Spin will control a whole crowd, and usually kill them, I do 6,000~8,000 a hit with those PAs.
Sacred Skewer can still kill off a group of smaller mobs, and do it from a distance.
Over End has no problem hitting anything, since you are bound to have aggro when soloing - and its damage is nothing new - but even in parties, not much in the game can kill a spawn faster (Diffuse Shell?).
Speed Rain and Slide End are still sick moves that can make a whole spawn disappear in one or two uses, with more range and radius than most melee attacks in the game.
Sonic Arrow can make a whole fucking spawn of Goldrahda disappear in one spam (four uses, 112 PP); please tell me how Braver can kill 6~8 Goldrahda in three seconds with Shunka-shunran.
Rising Edge does up to 80k, for a PA that is four times faster than Shunka-shunran.

My first reaction to enemies being faster in SH was 'lol, hunter is now king, no more running to enemies while ranged/casting classes attack them', and that is exactly what it is. Faster enemies have favoured melee greatly, and hunter is still the king of area melee damage, and we're definitely talking about enemies here, not bosses, since we are talking about increased speed in SH. So yep, hunter is indisputably king here.
Unless they give PAs such as Kanran-kikyou damage rivalling that of PAs such as Other Cyclone, katanas will remain immensely weaker for solo purposes, unless you are boss rushing... and even then *shrug*

Sick and tired of people who bash a class when the class is amazing, but the player is the problem, especially when it is in favour of a class that is very clearly inferior, but requires ten times less skill to play.
So please, nubs, no more dissing a class because you suck at it or because it is harder to play, just acknowledge your lack of skill.

Jan 15, 2014, 10:09 AM
Hrith has done it again, ladies and gentlemen.

Jan 15, 2014, 10:15 AM
Hrith has done it again, ladies and gentlemen.

pwning noobs since DC.

Jan 15, 2014, 11:19 AM
...All the arguments, I'm overwhelmed. Oh wait, this is PSOW.
If you have done one thing in your lives, it is to turn the site where the most skilled and knowledgeable PSO players gather into the site where the least skilled and knowledgeable PSO players gather. Be proud.

Jan 15, 2014, 11:23 AM
Ha! This is going to be fun.


Jan 15, 2014, 11:30 AM
Ha! This is going to be fun.


We don't argue with Hrith anymore. This is the guy that said static atk gains from fury stance were better than multipliers, because when he used 1* knuckles (or even bare hand attacks) he gained more.

I mean, honestly. This guy. When he's not trying too hard to be smug, he's doing terrible math and giving bad advice (and then trying too hard to be smug). He couldn't be less effective if he tried (which he does).

Jan 15, 2014, 12:01 PM
We don't argue with Hrith anymore. This is the guy that said static atk gains from fury stance were better than multipliers, because when he used 1* knuckles (or even bare hand attacks) he gained more.

I mean, honestly. This guy. When he's not trying too hard to be smug, he's doing terrible math and giving bad advice (and then trying too hard to be smug). He couldn't be less effective if he tried (which he does).

We do not listen to Gigawuts either. He posts useless comments with no relevant information. There is a point when raw stats are better than multipliers, and eventually multipliers win out.

Suffice it to say, also, most people just recite information they have read, without testing and providing the information. Gunner and Braver, (Infinity Fire and Shunka with some nice invincibility) are the game essentially on Easy mode. Pew pew here, flip spam there (not even realising the DPS loss in flipping...for most).

And sadly, this website has become invested with people like you. A sty I try to avoid quite avidly. Noobs like you have killed the community and promote instant gratification style gaming.

Well done.

Jan 15, 2014, 12:04 PM
This is delicious.

I'm going to post a fact. Please don't get butthurt.

Braver is a better solo class than Hunter.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22473121?ref=search_key_video this was before Shunka. Yes it's Hu/Br, but it's played like a Braver, unless that's not what we're arguing and the point just flew over my head.

Jan 15, 2014, 12:13 PM
This is delicious.

I'm going to post a fact. Please don't get butthurt.

Braver is a better solo class than Hunter.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22473121?ref=search_key_video this was before Shunka. Yes it's Hu/Br, but it's played like a Braver, unless that's not what we're arguing and the point just flew over my head.

Well I am glad you came in and settled that for me. God, what would I do without someone like you to say how it is!

This is braver being amazing at solo *links hunter*

Could be done as BR/Hu with an all class partisan also. You're also not providing any comparison.

Jan 15, 2014, 12:20 PM
We do not listen to Gigawuts either. He posts useless comments with no relevant information. There is a point when raw stats are better than multipliers, and eventually multipliers win out.

Suffice it to say, also, most people just recite information they have read, without testing and providing the information. Gunner and Braver, (Infinity Fire and Shunka with some nice invincibility) are the game essentially on Easy mode. Pew pew here, flip spam there (not even realising the DPS loss in flipping...for most).

And sadly, this website has become invested with people like you. A sty I try to avoid quite avidly. Noobs like you have killed the community and promote instant gratification style gaming.

Well done.

Well you've done it: I have nothing to say to this. Wow. You not only argued against points I never made, but you made false and/or misleading statements, brought up completely irrelevant information, and decried your internet forum's fall from grace as though you had nothing to do with it.

There's nothing to be done about this post but print it out and frame it.

Jan 15, 2014, 01:18 PM
Well I am glad you came in and settled that for me. God, what would I do without someone like you to say how it is!

This is braver being amazing at solo *links hunter*

Could be done as BR/Hu with an all class partisan also. You're also not providing any comparison.

HU/BR is better for 2 reasons only: 1) higher base s-atk, 2) Gekitsnata. Just to clarify, he DID say yes, it's HU/BR, but it's played essentially like katana BR. There really isn't any comparison to introduce here because one does not simply 5min SH Sanctum with swords and WLs...

Jan 15, 2014, 02:36 PM
This is delicious.

I'm going to post a fact. Please don't get butthurt.

Braver is a better solo class than Hunter.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22473121?ref=search_key_video this was before Shunka. Yes it's Hu/Br, but it's played like a Braver, unless that's not what we're arguing and the point just flew over my head.

Why post videos when you can just theorycraft and simulate which is the better class...in your mind.

Jan 15, 2014, 02:45 PM
Well you've done it: I have nothing to say to this. Wow. You not only argued against points I never made, but you made false and/or misleading statements, brought up completely irrelevant information, and decried your internet forum's fall from grace as though you had nothing to do with it.

There's nothing to be done about this post but print it out and frame it.

You're responding to someone with the title of 'Hrith's bitch' :D

Jan 15, 2014, 02:47 PM
Well you've done it: I have nothing to say to this. Wow. You not only argued against points I never made, but you made false and/or misleading statements, brought up completely irrelevant information, and decried your internet forum's fall from grace as though you had nothing to do with it.

There's nothing to be done about this post but print it out and frame it.

Please, send me a picture of that; would love to see it.

"I have nothing to say" *goes on to say something*

Perhaps I did have something to do with PSOW's fall from grace. I did effectively leave, after all; though I am not so full of myself to think that would tarnish a fun forum, that at one point actually had a collection of decent players that would not only put their ideas forward, but offer some sort of evidence, rather than stating hearsay as proof.

HU/BR is better for 2 reasons only: 1) higher base s-atk, 2) Gekitsnata. Just to clarify, he DID say yes, it's HU/BR, but it's played essentially like katana BR. There really isn't any comparison to introduce here because one does not simply 5min SH Sanctum with swords and WLs...

I know this, Adios. And it is good to have an area, like Sanctum TA to use as a comparison. Set spawns, (although a lot more bosses, which does slow the "mob-killer" class down) are good for comparing, of course. At one does not simply 5minute Sanctum with sword and WLs...they do not even to it with Katanas and Partisans, it was 3 seconds off 6 minutes...maybe rounding up 20% is not a great idea, but ... who knows!

Jan 15, 2014, 03:00 PM
Did I step back into 2004 or something? Certainly feels like it :lol:

As you were, gentlemen.

Jan 15, 2014, 03:30 PM
I made a mistake checking this thread out.

Jan 15, 2014, 03:42 PM
I made a mistake checking this thread out.

It was decent, with mutual understanding, until Hrith showed up, used the word 'noob'+ any variation of that word around a half dozen times with some extra player belittlement.

Good info here, just don't bother reading what he said if you want to avoid a needless drama-inciting post.

Jan 15, 2014, 03:57 PM
It was decent, with mutual understanding, until Hrith showed up, used the word 'noob'+ any variation of that word around a half dozen times with some extra player belittlement.

Good info here, just don't bother reading what he said if you want to avoid a needless drama-inciting post.

I was hoping it would go more in-depth so I could compare what I know with what the community (Not sure if that's an appropriate word at this time) had to say about it. Otherwise, everything posted here hasn't helped me at all; I might need therapy after reading all of this.

Jan 15, 2014, 04:02 PM
I know this, Adios. And it is good to have an area, like Sanctum TA to use as a comparison. Set spawns, (although a lot more bosses, which does slow the "mob-killer" class down) are good for comparing, of course. At one does not simply 5minute Sanctum with sword and WLs...they do not even to it with Katanas and Partisans, it was 3 seconds off 6 minutes...maybe rounding up 20% is not a great idea, but ... who knows!

I shouldn't have to explain this, but when someone says 5min run that's indicative of 5:XX, not 5:00. That's always been the nomenclature regarding times. The same can be said for any of the TAs. Here is another example (4:XX Nab2 BR/HU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDvbP690MEI Again, I don't see any HUs posting 4:XX Nab2 runs do you? By the way, you don't need to make excuses for Hrith or try to dig him up out of the hole he has dug for himself. If he wants to, he can speak for himself.

Jan 15, 2014, 04:06 PM
I was hoping it would go more in-depth so I could compare what I know with what the community (Not sure if that's an appropriate word at this time) had to say about it. Otherwise, everything posted here hasn't helped me at all; I might need therapy after reading all of this.

Therapy requirement after visiting these forums is normal due to rampant, and needless antagonizing (take the 'cast fo or te' thread for example. That thread should have ended by post #5).

Regarding feedback, what more do you want to know from others?

Jan 15, 2014, 04:12 PM
Please, send me a picture of that; would love to see it.

"I have nothing to say" *goes on to say something*

Perhaps I did have something to do with PSOW's fall from grace. I did effectively leave, after all; though I am not so full of myself to think that would tarnish a fun forum, that at one point actually had a collection of decent players that would not only put their ideas forward, but offer some sort of evidence, rather than stating hearsay as proof.

Are you Hrith's girlfriend?


I was hoping it would go more in-depth so I could compare what I know with what the community (Not sure if that's an appropriate word at this time) had to say about it. Otherwise, everything posted here hasn't helped me at all; I might need therapy after reading all of this.

This thread actually went fairly well compared to others, but as usual some people who have been here a while think join date equates to authority, and make a habit of going around making false statements for whatever reason they have. Either they're so deluded with themselves that they believe what they say, or they're just going around trolling for reactions. I used to confront Hrith with concrete numbers, but he'd vanish for a good 4 pages (if the thread went on that long) then rant and rave about how he was the only person on the entire forum who knew how to play the game and literally the entirety of PSOW is completely stupid and it's the laughing stock of the rest of the game.

I wouldn't pay him any mind.

Jan 15, 2014, 04:36 PM
I shouldn't have to explain this, but when someone says 5min run that's indicative of 5:XX, not 5:00. That's always been the nomenclature regarding times. The same can be said for any of the TAs. Here is another example (4:XX Nab2 BR/HU) ?PSO2?SH????????04:48?Br/Hu? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDvbP690MEI) Again, I don't see any HUs posting 4:XX Nab2 runs do you? By the way, you don't need to make excuses for Hrith or try to dig him up out of the hole he has dug for himself. If he wants to, he can speak for himself.


HU/BR 4:00 run.

The Walrus
Jan 15, 2014, 04:45 PM
Isn't that Very Hard?

Jan 15, 2014, 04:48 PM
Isn't that Very Hard?

It is.

Not even sure what they're trying to prove anymore.

Main and sub combo doesn't change the fact you primarily play like a braver, and abuse geki+assbuster when appropriate if Hu/Br... which has been stated already...

I thought this discussion was about the application of hunter PAs, not class choice... which most of us already mentioned assbuster and ride slasher being passable and worth using


Jan 15, 2014, 05:54 PM

HU/BR 4:00 run.


Jan 15, 2014, 06:10 PM
How in the world do you put up with that fucking annoying laugh. Ugh.

Anyway. Hrith may be full of it, but one thing I do agree with is that people need to quit being stubborn and adapt their styles of play to improve their game. People are presented with a wall and several ways to overcome it, and often choose their foreheads instead. Then complain that the wall is overpowered.

Then they're shown by someone else what happens when you use a sledgehammer on the wall, and then assume that's the only solution to the problem, and to all future problems for all of eternity. No one thinks to try the drill, or the handholds on it to try and climb over it, because no one told them to. Then one guy walks around the thing, and everyone thinks he's a fucking genius.

You have to give yourself the best chances of success within your means, then you have to experiment with all of the tools at your disposal and see what works and what doesn't. I used to look at videos of high level play of classes I'd never used and thought, "God, I'll never be good enough to do any of that.", but once I'd gotten in there and understood what the tools do and how I can use them, the task became far less daunting. In one class' case, I even polled a couple of people about what they liked about it and didn't like, but I didn't ask them how to play it.

Of course, that class has become over the top powerful since I started playing it, but that's neither here nor there.

After you've felt you're starting to get a handle on things, then you see what other people are doing, and incorporate what you like but didn't think about into your own play. I may have been dumb enough to put Katana Combat into the "boss only" category without a second opinion, for example, when pretty much the only skill of its kind that truly has that designation is Chain Trigger. Weak Bullet, for example, can be used strategically to make dealing with higher profile normal enemies more efficient, and Katana Combat can just wipe a group of your choosing from existence - in addition to a bunch of other applications, of course.