View Full Version : Guide The little guide to VPN and slacking off

Jan 28, 2014, 10:27 PM
Hello midna, i am Yukito-San of Ship 10. I saw today the video of AIDA about that teleporting hacker and i started to considering the worst could happen : GAIJIN IP BAN ! We know all here if this happen, we are all screwed. By the way, i never put a foot on ship 2 nor block 20 and i will never do it, just reading everything about it seem it the worst block in the whole game.

If you are here, you might want to continue to play PSO2 or any other JP or International Game at work, school or home, depending of the size of your own armageddon ! XD After 2-3 year testing many pptp vpn and testing which work on my very strict school network, i will describe a good list of all those great and bad vpn who will work depending of your need.

This guide will contain 4 section

-Free JP VPN (PPTP and Software)
-Free International VPN (PPTP)
-Shitty International software (Those who work on very strict network --> You are screw for Gaijin IP Ban game)
-Dirty trick to be low profile while slacking off

Just hopping you will be able to do TD or BB EQ in class like me in french. By the way, i am french canadian, so my english could not always be accurate. And also, i am an IT, so if you don't know some term used, google it or ask about it in this topic, i will reply the faster i could.

The Free JP VPN

VPN Gate (Software)

How many of you tried so much VPN who always kick you for using your free bandwidth or a random hour or timed kick ? It will not be the case with the best VPN for Japanese Game. I used it almost just for Mobile Suit Gundam Online and it was great, free and open source.

+No bandwidth limit
+No time limit
+Encryption supported

-Might be slow sometime because of the encryption required...
-Virtual Network Card


Tsunagarumon (PPTP)

I was using this vpn before just for setting some JP game i never got the time to play like the Sega version of Rusty Heart, it was working literraly.

+No bandwidth limit
+PPTP connection
+Encryption supported
+No virtual network card

-Require encryption
-Time limit kick

Yeah, if you plan to play PSO2 for max 3 hour before getting kicked (can be 1h) before you need a certain time cooldown, just don't use it. Because it a pptp version, it work fine without setting virtual network card.


WTFast (Limited 30-day Trial and Paid option)

So, i could not try this one personaly but i heard it was the best option for fast online network and work with every japanese game with Gaijin IP Ban. If you can affort one, just go with the mafia of paid VPN.


Free International VPN (PPTP)

(PS : List might expend if i open my old duck taped laptop to get my txt file about all those VPN)

Hot Free VPN [Canada/USA/UK]

Have you ever heard of google censoring a website totaly ? Those 3 VPN got censored by google search and the official Meat Spin (DON'T GOOGLE IT ! You will be scared for life). Hot Free VPN is the best VPN ever. Free, Anonymous, no email or account required, pptp, etc. The only bad thing about it could be the timed kick out at 0h00, 6h00, 12h00, 18h00 UTC.

PS : You need to open any website or google something for being redirected to the term of service and click enter.

+Fast as hell
+Encryption supported
+Encryption not required for getting a very fast speed
+No virtual network card

-Timed kickout




Shitty International software


It might be the best VPN out there. The speed is fine for PSO2 when you don't have other class mate who are playing game too... It free but limited to 128k for free user, you can pay between 2 to 6 euro per month for more speed and server.

+Free with paid option
+Encryption supported
+No bandwidth limit
+No time kickout

-Need to pay for a decent speed for other playing other game.
-Software based
-Virtual Network Card
-NOT ANONYMOUS ! If you are doing something very wrong like browsing the deep net, they are keeping data for 1 year in case something happen.


Private Tunnel

I used to use only this vpn last semester because it was the only free vpn who was working at the stric security at school. If you don't plan to by anything and just want to leech a torrent was, i recommand this one. It limit you at 100mb per account for free and you need to pay a fee for adding more gigabyte on your account. I was downloading some torrent on nyaa with this vpn, it fast and you get enough time for 2 ongoing from horriblesubs in 720p before they kick you. The 100mb kickout is litteraly a joke because it can take 30 minutes befores the system notice you busted out the bandwidth before they kick you.

+Very fast connection
+Bypass many firewall

-Need to make an account for every time you use it
-Limited to 100mb per free account with a safe time of max 30 minutes.
-Software based with virtual network card.

If you plan to use it, don't waste your time to make a gmail, use a temporary email. Just don't use your normal password for making an account on private tunnel because temporary email don't use password for looking the mail, so they are public. Use the third address in the right side of the mail box of mailinator for being able to use it.




(To avoid on private computer or computer without a rollback feature like deepfreeze)

What could be the best, free, no time limit, no bandwidth limit, etc. They just screw with something really but really anonying : Ad everywhere ! >_< Just avoid it on your computer, i am not responsible about you to use it on your personal computer or job/school computer not securised with a software like deepfreeze.

Just for making it clear :

I am not responsible for bricked computer, dead motherboard, dead kitten, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
Please do some research if you have any concerns about this software !
YOU are choosing to make these modifications.

+No speed limit
+No bandwidth limit

-Free with annonying ad on web browser and ingame (NO KIDDING ON THIS !)
-Using on PC and Mobile for 30$/year on max 5 device... -_-
-Using software and virtual network card
-Might need a clean install for removing the crappy ad... -_-


Dirty trick to be low profile while slacking off

First, this section is based on my point of you, you have no obligation to conform.

-Using a Controller and avoid keyboard and mouse

If you use a controller, you can use it under your desk without the teacher seeing anything, when you need to type on keyboard, put your controller on your leg. If you are someone who always uses a controller, it will be less noticable because you never look down for looking for the keys. Avoid at all cost looking down, it could be suspicious.

-Play in the back of the class room with no one arround you : You know why. ;)

-Use a virtual desktop space application, there is plenty availible and some include with your graphic card, you just need to use virtual desktop or windowed game. If something happen, just switch to another virtual desktop space with the work open. Many people including IT don't know about those virtual desktop.

-EMERGENCY CODE HIDE ! Use a quick hide application who when you do a certain keyboard shortcut, everything is minimized and disapear of the windows task bar. You can use a third party theme with theme patcher if you computer can support it and use one who only show on focus app in opened app.

-Lower your brightness of your screen if you wear glasses or contact lense, the reflect could betrays you.

-Use external wifi and disable your internal ethernet connection so you could avoid the school remote control and Workaholic teacher.

-Use your personal laptop for playing game, so you get a guest access without getting into trouble from your teacher who look who are doing what.

-Use phone 3G or LTE network for getting high speed network without restriction, VPN apply only when this is not availible.

-Use a TI-84 calculator cover to put your phone in and proofing it.

I think everything is here. Thank you for making this game the best Gaijin game in Japan. Just hope Sega don't plan major IP Ban, it will be the Segapocalype. Remember, slacking off is an art, you need to be low profile like a ninja and you will get all the fun you want.


Jan 28, 2014, 11:09 PM
Can a moderator could rename my title by adding a second f at slacking of... -_- Seem we cannot edit the title. >_>

Jan 28, 2014, 11:22 PM
Good vpns. Have u looked into Hotspot shield? Ive used it a lot recently on my pc and phones. Its kinda slow and it only opens an add when u turn the von on and off.

Jan 28, 2014, 11:38 PM
Thx, because i was using a tenderloin tab (HP Touchpad running Cyanogenmod), vpn did not work at all and both school i was using vpn, hotspot shield on PC was not working. Those are the special exception who are vpn unlisted by big firewall maker. I forgot to add Your Freedom VPN, will add it later.

If anyone got some JP vpn and other internation vpn, just post about it and i will update my post. Got any dirty trick for slacking off, please share it so we can do some red farming. ^_^

Jan 30, 2014, 07:30 PM
i know a good fix for slacking off
chopping off limbs

Feb 3, 2014, 07:16 PM
Sorry for asking a newb question, but a vpn bypasses a school block on certain websites and can allow you to get onto the pso2 server, am I correct? I have used private tunnel before but that had 100 mb trial and i kinda ran out after that....

Edson Drake
Feb 3, 2014, 07:44 PM
Doesn't a VPN add considerably more latency?

I was considering doing this myself, but then my pings aren't the best, so there's that too. I would like to know, if someone has a base for comparison, please add to the discussion.

Feb 4, 2014, 03:15 PM
What does "depending of the size of your own amagedon" mean? Googled "amagedon" and couldn't find anything.

Feb 5, 2014, 01:11 PM
Fixed the typo, it was about your own apocalypse. I was meaning about your country restriction (china, north korea) or work restriction or school restriction. It always depend of your personal situation and geographical situation.