View Full Version : FOFI Tree Build & Specialization Question

Feb 5, 2014, 08:18 PM

Yusei, my 2nd character was originally a FOTE, but it felt really weak compared to others in SH, so I change to BRHU. Although BRHU does the job well, I kinda miss playing FO.

I've been told that Fighter (FI) is one of the best choice as subclass for Force, so i want to try it, but I'm still new about this.

Looking at the FO tree again, it seems like if I want to maximize my damage, I have to choose between Fire or Lightning specialization (sukeruu Ice Tree :p)

FOFI Fire Tree:
http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06hCbnIkb3Ikb3Ikb3IkbnIkbnIkbnIkjcvI Y7bInqnGKsNIDjJiGA000006ebrbGBfGF6bn0000fdBJdJ29kc A00009b0000084OIk2XcKjbnbnIkIb00006kbdqHXidI2cFjGA 00000febIb4OdwkXsXI2l20000

FOFI Lightning Tree:
http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06hCbnIkb3Ikb3Ikb3IkbnIkbnIkbnIkjcvI Y7bInqnGKsNIDjJiGA000006ebrbGBfGF6bn0000fdBJdJ29kc A00009b0000084OI22SIkjcAcAcKIb00006kbdqHXidI2cFjGA 00000febIb4OdwkXsXI2l20000
(have decided on Fire FOFI, but I'll leave the tree build there)

My question are:
1. Which one is more viable in SH?
2. I've been told Lightning FO can f up some people sometimes. Is it true?
3. Any suggestion on FOFI playstyle?
4. I might be leaning toward Fire FOFI more, but I wanna hear opinions about Lightning FOFI too.
5. I only have 1 FO tree, can either of the build deal considerable damage to enemies that are neutral toward the element in SH? (Such as Fire Tech to Machines)

Thanks in advance ^^

Feb 5, 2014, 10:43 PM
Fire FO/FI is viable everywhere now provided you have the efficient foie recipe. It allows you to spam foie for extended periods of time. The fast charge time means you don't mind casting 3 times to take out non-weak enemies. You'll also want foie 16 of course.

Even outside of foie, gifoie is quite strong cast from a talis. Nafoie is also the highest, quickest damage you can put out. Zondeel+Nafoie from a talis is extremely powerful for killing groups.

Lightning spam is discouraged because many FOs and TEs rely on zondeel to kill big groups quickly. Detonating the zondeel cancels the suction and slows them down.

Also, you only need one point in adrenaline. One uncharged shifta will cap out the duration with its two pulses. Any more adrenaline is wasted points unless you're tefi. Work your way down to chase plus once you have your stances and step attack.

Feb 5, 2014, 11:14 PM
Can't believe I miss out on Chase Plus, thanks ^^

And yes, I do have Foie 16, but hearing some people got f up by the Tech customization kinda scares me to try Tech crafting lol.

Since you mention Talis, should I allocate some point for maxing Talis Bonus? I prefer Rod more since it's what I use from the start. I had tried Talis for awhile, and I failed at it xD (Well, I can train to become better tho)

Feb 5, 2014, 11:56 PM
Yeah, even with only an average -5pp custom and 15ish meter lose(not really a big deal in SH from my experience), foie is just as spamable as zonde. And it's easier to aoe with foie if using tps mode. Also note that safoie also got a pp cost reduction recipe, but I have yet to try it after so long.

To truly feel how horrible is a zonde spamming FO killing your zondeel gathering, you have to meet 1 in TD opening the gate for mob to split up and attack tower freely. You're then left to only be able to spam gi/rabarta on them if your dps would be otherwise too low to kill. And them being scattered mean your party cannot effectively aoe them either.

FI wise, reduce adrenaline to 1, max both brave and wise stance, then dig for chase advance plus for damage on mob and miniboss or maybe crazy heart, but it's situational use vary by map. Since adrenaline actually add the listed time to each buff tick, lv1 with uncharged shifta give you 70sec with both tick or 140sec for all 4 tick. Even TEFI can usually only afford 1 point in extend assist (well, FITE might be able to afford to max both and get 3min from single buff).

Maxing talis skill would make fire tech 5% stronger compared to rod (factoring the 5% tech JA lose). Tps mode make talis easier to use. Nafoie actually directly drop to the floor when casted from a thrown talis, best combined with zondeel as menionned. A rod would still be better for when using nafoie on a boss though.

While I mentioned than even an average efficient foie was already great, checkout gigawuts thread (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217079) on craft achievement and tech crafting for more info.

Feb 6, 2014, 12:12 AM
Yeah, I suggest maxing out talis bonus. It's your strongest namegid/rafoie weapon, and frequently zondeel+nafoie is going to be more efficient than foieing everything.

Also, I carry around a parasol with photon collect and a dsaber (multiclassed nyoibo) for PP regen. It's not a bad idea to do so.

Feb 6, 2014, 01:21 AM
hah I might join you on that fire build sometime soon Kazuki that Na foie idea interests me a lot atm.

not to mention the idea of Il foie

Feb 6, 2014, 01:28 AM
I see...
Vraolet Zero with Photon Collect latent will work fine then :D
Regarding D.Saber, I might go for Eternal Heat (MB15 drop), but that will be after there's Story update for MB15 xD But does the S-atk matter, or just used as PP regen tool by attacking? Isn't bigger damage = more PP regen?

edit: Dae! :D
Hope Il Foie is spammable with Fire Tech Charge xD

Feb 6, 2014, 02:05 AM
Iirc, double saber gear help a lot for the pp recovery, due to multiple hit in a short time frame. Damage doesn't matter, so galeforce picked a DS with an utility latent.

Feb 6, 2014, 02:19 AM
Isn't bigger damage = more PP regen?
The damage doesn't matter, but each hit in the combo (as well as Step Attack) can regenerate a different amount of PP. Double sabers regenerate 4 PP from the first hit, 6 PP from the second hit, 27 PP from the third hit, and 15 PP from a Step Attack. I took those values from the Japanese wiki.

Iirc, double saber gear help a lot for the pp recovery, due to multiple hit in a short time frame.
The double saber gear doesn't regenerate PP.

Feb 6, 2014, 02:41 AM
You mainly wanna use step attack. 15 pp per use, per enemy. The only time I really pull out the GS is against things I don't fight in melee range.