View Full Version : [PSO2 Ship02] Looking for a Team

Feb 12, 2014, 07:28 PM
There's a lot of Teams...not really sure where to go. I've gotten a lot of random invites but I don't want to just blindly join in somewhere.

IGN is Serif and I'm a BR/HU 51/31. I plan to be active for quite a long time. I also actively use Skype, so if voice is a necessity that's no problem.

I also have a boyfriend who may join with me. He is around the same level.

I would like a Team with a lot of members around my level or higher with good knowledge of the game, since I'm still a bit new and wouldn't mind some older players showing me the ropes. However, that's not an absolute requirement. Just a preference.

In the end, I just want a team that's active and relatively social.

So throw me some sales pitches~


Mar 30, 2014, 07:56 AM
Hello there Serif! I am boundlessmatter - my characters are Exodus, Cipher, Reign and Risa Shidow!

I would like to indoctrine you into the newly remodeled "Boundless" - we are going to be a team who will serve the community with in game events. More details on such are here:


If you choose Boundless, I will be more than happy to impart any wisdom of the game I have ^^