View Full Version : No Character Models

Feb 14, 2014, 04:29 AM
Hey guys, im fairly new to PSO2 and i managed to get registered, download the game and all that. But when i go to create my character (which i made one blindly just to see if it might correct itself, it didnt) I see nothing. In game i also so no other model of any sort. I can see the ground, the trees, the text, and thats about it. Currently im using PSO2 Tweaker and tried to fix the issue myself to no avail...

Currently have the English language pack, English large files, and English Story. But i couldnt see my character before any of those. No results vanilla or otherwise so far. Tried reducing the quality, tried finding updates for my video card, and i got nothing.

Currently running Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit in bootcamp on a 2007 iMac

Processor: Inter(r) Core(tm)2 Extreme CPU X7990 @ 2.80GHz
RAM: 4GB (2.98 usable) (have to remember im running boot camp so there is ram still dedicated to the Mac side)
Graphics card/Display adapter: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 XT

I have check if it was my internet connection and no, perfect connection, checked for missing files and it did find some but didnt change anything. Check for updates game wise, nothing. Updated Direct X, nothing. I am pretty sure that I have tried every troubleshoot that i can find and nothings work.

So whats the verdict? Am i just screwed or did i miss something? :-?

Just want to play some PSO2 without randomly slashing at small target circles rather than actual monsters :cry:

(EDIT) Forgot to add this in, this is what i got when i ran diagnostic check i believe http://pastebin.com/4PdsaShm
(EDIT AGAIN) People were saying lack of hard drive space may cause this but i have 287GB's left on my HD so...

Feb 14, 2014, 12:25 PM
Did you try reducing the quality to the bare minimum? =/

Yup :/ nothing. I can see little parts on the top two characters (I think its human male/female) but everyone else is completely invisible (same with monsters)

(EDIT) Also did you check out the error log? Im thinking its some Microsoft Visual error caused by bootcamp possibly

Feb 14, 2014, 07:26 PM
How big is your PSO2 folder?

How many files are in your pso2_bin\data\win32 folder?

PSO2 Folder-

Size on disk: 17.0 GB (18,264,690,688 bytes)

Size: 16.9 GB (18,219,564,423 bytes)

pso2_bin\data\win32 Folder-

Size: 16.9 GB (18,174,896,190 bytes)

Size on disk: 16.9 GB (18,219,917,312 bytes)

Contains: 20,533 Files, 1 Folder

May 23, 2014, 12:07 PM
I'm having the same problem :(
just finished downloading the game and everything was fine until I got up to the point of creating a character. Can't see the models :[
Anyone find a solution?

May 23, 2014, 08:49 PM
I had 200gb+ worth of space.
I actually figured out the problem- it was because of the shader setting in the second option of the startup window.

Thanks for the reply though!