View Full Version : For anyone else struggling to get the sound working

Mar 4, 2014, 08:10 PM
I tried and I tried and I tried but I just COULDN'T do it... but now I think it finally works!!!!

What I did was download and install (extract automatically) ALL of the DirectX 9 and DirectX 11 (not sure of exact version numbers) files, and then it worked!

I've shared the official links - all you need to do is make a couple of directories for the files (like say DX9 and DX11 on your desktop, it really doesn't matter what they're called) and then run the files I'll share below, and when they ask for directories to install to, give them the two you just made.

THEN, after they've populated the directories, enter them and run the file "dxsetup" in both. This will extract all of the files to C:\Windows\System32.

Now, I think when I did it I did the newer pack FIRST and the older one second, but I'm not sure if that order mattered. I'm also not sure WHICH pack it is that is doing the fix, probably the older one, hence why I did it second as I didn't want the newer one overwriting its files.

But yeah, worked for me I think! I'll let you guys know if I have any issues though. My machine runs Windows 7 32-bit (I gotta upgrade my motherboard for 64-bit lol).

-> http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 (June 2010)

-> http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=317 (November 2007)

They are called "DirectX End-User Runtimes" and I believe are just big packs of all the up-to-date DLLs and stuff for DX at that point in time. I would guess it's the 2007 one here doing the magic, but I could be wrong.

Hope they help!

PS - If at any point these are taken down from the MS site and you need them, I have copies and I can upload them to my server (it's just a little time-consuming and at the moment pointless, which is why I haven't done it). So, if they do get removed, send me a message and I'll upload them!

Mar 24, 2014, 03:33 PM
using Dxdiag.exe from windows start or command prompt will tell which version of Direct X is installed.

Always a good idea to not mess with it if you already have games using it and they're OK.