View Full Version : Fastest ways to level?

Mar 9, 2014, 02:06 AM
I've just hit level 28 and leveling has been slowing to a total crawl which is horrifying because I heard there was 100 levels! Is there some set of quests that are helpful to leveling or areas I should be farming? What's a good way to go about this? I'm a force/techer if that helps

Mar 9, 2014, 02:15 AM
I've just hit level 28 and leveling has been slowing to a total crawl which is horrifying because I heard there was 100 levels! Is there some set of quests that are helpful to leveling or areas I should be farming? What's a good way to go about this? I'm a force/techer if that helps

Well first of all, currently max level is 65, though there are 7 classes to level so collectively there are many more than 100.

(Not sure if there is a new better method cuz I haven't played religiously in over a year but figured I'd throw in my two cents anyways) Mostly it's just finding good MPAs, taking Client orders that are easy and have good xp rewards, EQs are also very good for leveling though not reliable since they are only available at certain times. ^^;

Mar 9, 2014, 04:21 AM
I guess I'll look around for good MPAs, I haven't really been able to find anything like that since atrocious ocean closed. I apparently get a reasonable amount of exp for doing free exploration seabed on hard, but it's a bit risky as pretty much anything will instakill me if I slip up

Mar 9, 2014, 04:34 AM
Pretty much unlock all the areas while doing all the COs. There are some good repeatables, but more importantly you should unlock new ones. If you fall behind it can become a real slog to catch up. Mostly Hans, Revelle, Kressida, and Franka (you can also buy her quest drops or use your Support Partner to fetch them for you).

Other than that, look for any MPA close to full, preferably with few NPCs, but they're better than nothing. You'll probably have to switch blocks until you find one. B04 and B05 are for Hard (ハード) mode, and B06-B09 are for Very Hard (ベリーハード) for when you can start running VH quests.

And of course, Emergency Quests.

Mar 9, 2014, 06:15 AM
Elspin > you're 28 so don't go in areas with enemies above 38.
Leveling up is really easy, a bit too easy actually as many players get to super hard without really learning how to play properly.
You should be running hard mode forest - volcano - desert - tundra - mines - floating continent (IIRC) Desert being overall the best for leveling up IMO.
Try to unlock and do as many COs as possible, they will open up possibilities later on, for instance Hans has good COs later on but you have to unlock most of them and it's rather tedious. I'm not a fan of Cressida but you can clear several COs of her at once if you plan it correctly so it's better than nothing.
How are you Fo/te at lv28 btw?

Mar 9, 2014, 06:51 AM
This is pretty much what I do now:
- Unlock all areas, and turn in the orders to get necessary classes to level 20 (the EXP reward does not scale, so it's very useful for lower levels, to jump to 20 quickly).
- Unlock as many REPEATABLE orders as possible from all NPCs, especially item orders.
- Complete as many orders as possible, at the same time as unlocking new areas.
- Don't waste time on orders that don't unlock good repeatables, eg. weapon orders, NPC escorts, unless of course you can do them at the same time as other orders.
- Do Falz as often as possible with EXP boosts (make sure you don't incur the level difference penalty).
- Do all easy dailies and item dailies with massive rewards.
- Turn in item orders as often as possible. Support Partner helps if you can't afford to buy the items.
- Once you have all the orders unlocked, focus on the daily resets with massive EXP rewards, and the rare enemy orders (whenever a relevant EQ pops).
- Hang around in multiparties that tend to have lots of bursts (I only did this in special EQs).

If you can, get a friend to run you through everything.

Mar 9, 2014, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the tips guys! I've barely been doing any client order but koffies (I've unlocked all areas etc), so I'll catch up on those for now I guess!

How are you Fo/te at lv28 btw?

If you're wondering how I got the techer class before level 30 I have no idea, but I was leveling up both braver and force for a while if that could have something to do with it

Mar 9, 2014, 08:46 PM
Related to the topic of this thread:

Is it true that the only way to level up at a decent rate after around 50 is Advance Quests and Extreme Quests instead of regular quests and free quests even at Super Hard mode?

Mar 9, 2014, 09:34 PM
Well, you can still level up doing regular MPA's, especially with the reduced exp curve from 46-65. AQ/XQ are going to be a lot faster, though. EQ's are generally a good source of exp, too, if you're able to do them. It's not like AQ/XQ are the 'only' way to level, but they're probably the fastest.

Mar 9, 2014, 10:42 PM
If you're wondering how I got the techer class before level 30 I have no idea, but I was leveling up both braver and force for a while if that could have something to do with it

Braver can take any advanced class unlock once it hits 30, which I have found very useful.

Mar 9, 2014, 10:57 PM
in fact on my braver I went and did the prereq COs for each class since they give 25k exp each.

Mar 10, 2014, 02:39 AM
Braver can take any advanced class unlock once it hits 30, which I have found very useful.

the weird thing was that none of my classes were 30 though when i unlocked the advanced ones... i just assumed it was changed in a patch

Mar 10, 2014, 02:49 AM
I think they said they were going to lower it but I don't know what level it is now. 20 or 25 most likely.

Mar 10, 2014, 08:29 AM
The latter one is correct for the advanced class unlock level. 20 is for subclass CO unlock :)