View Full Version : [PSO2][Ship 02] Old PSU player returning to PSO2

Apr 1, 2014, 12:52 AM
Hey, I'm not sure if any of my old PSU buddies play PSO2 but it's worth a shot. On PSU 360 I was Ellrick C-63 ( M CAST) and Sayko ( M Beast) and I dabbled in TAing towards the end of PSU. Recently,I decided to cave in and play on JP PSO2 server so naturally am looking to find a team. It doesn't have to contain members of PSU, just looking to see if there was a possibility to reconnect.

About me: I fairly new to the game so I don't know much about the crafting system and other item exchanges. I have a level 41 Br/Hu (might switch to fighter at some point). In terms of gaming, when farming or just leveling I tend to be light-hearted and just enjoy good conversation (and maybe having a couple of beers); when doing more serious stuff (TAing in terms of this game) I can put on my try-hard pants. Obviously since I'm new to the game I'm not the greatest mechanically but I'll get better as I play more.

Availability: I am a senior in college wanting to pursue a career in medicine, so school comes first for me. That being said I am able to keep up my grades and still have plenty of time for video games. I play probably 4-5 days a week if I had to put a number to it.

What I am looking for: I'd like a team that is willing to assist/inform me in learning the systems within the game as well as help me to improve mechanically. I enjoy TAing or playing difficult missions (it doesn't have to be "competitive"; I just enjoy challenging myself) so I'd like to be able to do those things with my team.

I'm making a wall of text....sorry...I'll stop >.>. Any other questions? Just ask. :-D

Edit: In-game name: Ovix