View Full Version : PC Tweaker/GG Issues

Apr 2, 2014, 10:31 PM
Hey all, I'm coming back to this game after about a year and a half off, and ran into an odd issue. To try and simplify I how I got here, I'll just list what I've done thus far.

1. Downloaded Tweaker and the Story Patch
2. Downloaded the setup file from same site.
3. Installed game via setup file.
4. Let it update the files, then proceeded to install the patches it allows, backing up files as I went.
5. Hit Launch from within Tweaker.

Doing this nets me a lovely pop-up in Internet Explorer saying I need to reinstall my game??? http://www.gameguard.co.kr/gameguard/faq/eng/FAQ_reinstall.htm is the link (Sorry if I shouldn't have linked this, just say word and I'll remove it).

First thing I did after this was actually uninstall everything and start from scratch, only to encounter this error again. As we speak I am currently downloading GameGuard Personal 3.0 (what it said was missing/busted).

I get a sneaking feeling this isn't going to fix my problems and let me get back into action, so I'm posting here now.

EDIT - Finally got it working after few reinstalls and constant patch work. Go ahead and lock/close please.