View Full Version : AHK Dash macro?

Apr 9, 2014, 04:02 PM
I have been told by plenty of people that they use AHK to dash but I never found a script anywhere

I also see them nearly instantly activate the E switches

what are the scripts for these?

Apr 9, 2014, 04:07 PM
You're really going to have to make a dash macro on your own. Its going to work very differently with your timing depending on your latency. Its generally more consistent to learn to do it without a macro, or at least with only key shortcuts to assist you in parts of it.

The E thing is just having the program spam E, as you might expect.

I'm not sure why you couldn't have asked any of these "plenty" of people you know that use such things.

Apr 9, 2014, 04:08 PM
Dash: dash button, command to do something to allow for another dash, dash button, repeat until end, then loop.

E button mash: E down, wait in like tens of milliseconds, E Up, wait for tens of milliseconds, repeat.

You don't see these because dashing macros past a certain complexity require trial and error on your part due to latency in switching, and E mashing is trivial to write a loop for.

Apr 9, 2014, 04:23 PM
I was hoping for someone to show me theirs so I could tweak it maybe

Apr 9, 2014, 04:31 PM
There is no dash macro and it would never work as well as you're expecting it to do because of variable latency on this game.

Just learn how to do it without a script. It's not hard.

Apr 9, 2014, 04:43 PM
I have been told by plenty of people that they use AHK to dash but I never found a script anywhere

I was hoping for someone to show me theirs so I could tweak it maybe

It sounds like you have "plenty" of people to get one from if you really want it so bad.

Apr 9, 2014, 04:47 PM
why is this treated like classified information?

if you dont have one then simply dont respond to the topic
its not difficult lol

if there is a latency issue and it doesnt work then you simply need to edit the script until it does work

Apr 9, 2014, 04:54 PM
why is this treated like classified information?

if you dont have one then simply dont respond to the topic
its not difficult lol

if there is a latency issue and it doesnt work then you simply need to edit the script until it does work

You're going to edit the script every time the latency changes enough so that it doesn't work properly? You probably won't be playing the game much in that case. Dashing with macros is pretty unreliable unless you have very low/consistent ping all the time.

Apr 9, 2014, 04:56 PM
why is this treated like classified information?

if you dont have one then simply dont respond to the topic
its not difficult lol

if there is a latency issue and it doesnt work then you simply need to edit the script until it does work

basically none of the taers who play want to be outed for having bad execution. ask ade, he is a bad taer and he uses the macro. he plays w/ "the outlaws"

Apr 9, 2014, 04:57 PM
If you could have an AHK script ping the server and record latency, then you could probably work with that. I'm not exactly sure what'd be the easiest way to go about it, but the tools are probably somewhere on the internet.

Apr 9, 2014, 05:02 PM
if there is a latency issue and it doesnt work then you simply need to edit the script until it does work
Have fun editing it all the time then.

Would be better off stop being lazy and learn how to do it yourself without a script, though.

Apr 9, 2014, 09:21 PM
AHK cannot send button inputs to PSO2 (at least for me).

Every combination of Send settings has never managed to allow me to send any form of input to PSO2 through AHK.

Despite that I've seen mixed responses as to who is capable of using AHK for this purpose and who is not.

Here is a simple AHK script that will dash for you, but you need to fill out the times.

You need to set up two different twin daggers on your weapon pallete's 3rd and 4th slot with your controls set up to switch weapons via 1-6 and subpalette activate with the numpad. X should be dash. If it's not, change that to whatever your dash button is.

You should start with your 3rd weapon equipped, it'll switch to the 4th first.

Press ESC to stop it. Alt+] to activate it.

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Play
Send {w up}

Send {w down}
frog := (A_Index & 1) + 3
Send %frog%
Sleep, 200
Send x
Sleep, 200
Send {LAlt}
Sleep, 50
Send x
Sleep, 200
Send {Space}
Sleep, 50
Send x
Sleep, 200
Send {Space}
Sleep, 50
Send x
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 1000

This is not tested because I know it doesn't work. A sleep of 1000 means 1 second. These times do not compensate lag and will probably desynch very often. I don't plan to try and find good time values because it's too much work for something that I already know how to do and have more flexibility with by not using a script.

I also didn't really bother compiling it, so some of the stuff at the start might be written incorrectly. Also this does quad and not penta or anything else.

I had a script that makes caps lock spam E. I found it through google. Good luck with google.

Apr 9, 2014, 10:31 PM
The best way to go about this is to learn the dash pattern, just get good enough so you can do it decently, then download "pulover's macro creator" and record yourself quading once. Once you have that you can adjust the time between keys. Like everyone said though, this probably wont work that well...

Btw you need to use "SendPlay" command for pso2, send alone will not work.

Apr 9, 2014, 11:47 PM
Yeah I've tried that before, no dice.

Edit: I can't get hotkeys like ]:: to work because the game captures the input first or something.

Dunno if there's a way around that but I'm gonna try something.

Edit: Nope, ahk still doesn't work with pso2. Checking if the pso2 window is active doesn't do anything. Making the program always spam controls regardless of any hotkeys or what window is open didn't do anything. SendPlay or not changes nothing. Even if I switch between windowed/virtual fullscreen.

Spams just fine in notepad.exe though.

Apr 10, 2014, 01:53 PM
The E thing is just having the program spam E, as you might expect.

you know.... you can just hold E

Apr 10, 2014, 08:45 PM
you know.... you can just hold E
