View Full Version : Ascension is looking for members on Ship 2

Apr 11, 2014, 05:07 AM
Hello everyone!

I'm Xamnoir, the leader of Ascension.
Our team is kinda young only 5 months old, we got 28 members at time and we are lv.5. We got a team room that gets a new scenery every month also we are working to raise our team tree too. We are looking for friendly people from all over Ship too, I know most of the people are on B20, but also ,there are peope who aren1t there always. We welcome any player from new to old : )
We are an English speaking team only!

If you would like to join us, you can...
- Search for Ascension in the Visiphone
- Write down your account/character name in this thread
- Or you can find us in the game and mail or whipser us!
- My ID/Character name is Xamnoir
- Manager ID/Characters are
-Kalitha - ID: Kalitha / Char: Kalitha or Kai
-CrazySushiTaxi - ID / Char is the same by him

May 6, 2014, 01:58 AM
daily *bump*