View Full Version : PC PSO2 won't launch

Apr 17, 2014, 07:10 PM
I'm having trouble launching my game, it's like.. refuse to launch.
I'm using Tweaker, I have been trying every troubleshooting option on there, it still doesn't want to laucnh.
also having same problem when using the pso2launcher.exe,
when it after update GameGuard pharse, nothing happen, even on task manager it doesn't have pso2.exe in it, and then my windows start freezing,

i have tried reinstall everything the problem still happen in same exact way. also sometime i getting this page too http://www.gameguard.co.kr/gameguard/faq/jpn/FAQ_erl.htm what does it mean?

if anyone know how to fix this, please, i will be super grateful, i just want to play the game. ;_;

May 14, 2014, 04:14 AM
Hello, I hope that someone will be able to give me advice on how to deal with this. :c

I accidentally ran the "Check for PSO2 Updates" option on the Tweaker, and since then, my PSO2 client refuses to launch. I cancelled the process, since my client originally didn't have problems. I was able to launch it perfectly before this happened.

I already tried to restore Gameguard, the EXEs, and ran Check for Old/Missing/Deleted Files. Am I forced to run and finish the File Check now? At the moment, I'm trying to uninstall all the English patches and then try reinstalling them again.

Alternatively, there's reinstalling the client as well, but I'd rather not do this if there's a way for me to save my current client.

I tried to reinstall twice. Twice didn't work. The first time was on the same folder, the second time was a completely fresh install on a different folder.
Even though I didn't apply the English patches yet, it tells me that I already did. I'm currently trying "Check for PSO2 Updates" in the Tweaker.

After completing that, it now reaches up to the Gameguard update, but doesn't do anything and is stuck there.
I made sure to put PSO2 folder in my anti-virus exemptions, so I'm pretty sure it isn't that. It was able to originally update for me the first time.

Managed to get through and update Gameguard now. I can finally open the client again! But this time, I'm stuck on a blackscreen.

I read somewhere in forum that blackscreen is a sign of missing files, so I decided to reinstall for the third time. I used a new directory again for a clean install.
After installation, I ran tweaker and updated the client with English patches. After that, I ran Troubleshoot > Gameguard and EXEs again.
But this time, Gameguard won't launch or appear at all.

Again, I was originally able to launch the game perfectly earlier today. After the maintenance however, and after I accidentally ran "Check for PSO2 Updates" -- I couldn't launch the game anymore. I already added permissions on the EXEs themselves, on my anti-virus, and on my firewall.

May 14, 2014, 12:22 PM
I'm guessing you were able to get on before, so word of advice next time. If your game stops working after one little thing, don't break down and start uninstalling everything first, the answer is most likely something extremely simple.

First thing I want you do is restart your computer right now, start the Tweaker again, and tell me what happens when you launch PSO2.

May 14, 2014, 12:38 PM
First of all, thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it. I actually tried to restart my PC right away when the client wouldn't show itself anymore after the file check/"Check for PSO2 Updates" thing. Nothing happened, so I tried a number of solutions that I mostly found by reading through the forums.

I just restarted a few minutes ago, since my friend told me to try restarting again. But after I launch Tweaker, and attempt to launch the game, Gameguard doesn't appear at all. Nothing happens.

May 14, 2014, 04:56 PM
Have you tried launching it from the original file path and not from tweaker?

May 14, 2014, 11:28 PM
No, I haven't. How do I go about with trying that? Do I launch the Japanese Launcher?

I realize it might be my connection that messed up the file check at Tweaker. Is it normal to have pso2launcher and pso2updater at 0 KB?

May 15, 2014, 10:32 AM
No luck?

May 21, 2014, 07:22 AM
I managed to fix it before maintenance, but we're back to my "post-maintenance" problem again. I don't know why it keeps doing this to me after every maintenance. The game launches and all, but I'm getting a blackscreen again.

I didn't uninstall the game this time, but I continued to run "Check for PSO2 Updates" until I'm sure that I didn't miss any files. Yes, I already restarted several times.


I always let it finish, then I patch it to English after I get this.


Troubleshooting -> Fix PSO2 EXEs only turns my EXEs to 0 KB.


What I did is instead keep a backup copy of those EXEs and copy it over myself.

Yeah, constantly just file checking will eventually fix it... even if I have to do it a million times, haha. I also aided my latest repatching with a VPN to make the connection more stable.

kyubey777, have you already tried to run "Check for PSO2 Updates"? After that, it will revert your client to vanilla JP (no english patch), so you have to patch them again one by one. It's tedious, but I hope that you can manage to get it working. You can also try using a VPN like I did to help the file check process.

May 22, 2014, 12:05 PM
Xayu, I already did that, many many times, the problem still there

May 22, 2014, 10:19 PM
I'm guessing you were like me. I think your connection -might- be the problem since that was the case for me. Even though I did it a lot of times, it doesn't complete it properly. The tweaker continues despite interruptions or spikes in the connection and ends up with unfinished files. Did you already try using a VPN like I suggested?

May 23, 2014, 12:09 AM
Not really the update is going smoothly, stil have problem