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View Full Version : So, I'm Planning to Change Ships Soon (Currently S06)

May 29, 2014, 10:52 PM
When creating my character, I had PSO in mind where you could change ships anytime. Only about when I reach Lv20 did I find out that this cost AC to do so. I didn't mind because I was planning on playing solo until I was Lv40, had good Techs, good equipment and did everything there was to do in Normal mode.

At Lv36 and finishing the Quarry quests, the time is almost near. So, I've read that ship 02 is the place to go for the most English speaker, but I also heard it's also full of assholes and hackers. So is there a choice B ?

May 29, 2014, 10:56 PM
What you heard about ship 2 is very biased. Its still by far the largest English player population and so it would have more undesirables by default simply because of population distribution.

Ship 10 and and 4 are popular hipster ships I guess, but if your goal is really just to chill with English players than you want to go to ship 2.

May 29, 2014, 10:57 PM
Ship 7! Just go to the player match up forums place and you can see the ship 7 has the second most team ads trailing behind ship 2.
We usdually keep to ourselves and it is rarely seen that anyone talks to other players outside of their own teams.
People are quite reticent on ship 7, so it may often give the illusion that there are no eng players on ship 7, but if you actually take a look... There is quite a lot. We just don't obnoxiously spam auto words/public chat in lobbies all the time.

May 29, 2014, 11:09 PM
Great, keep your inputs coming guys, I still got 4 levels and a few quests left before doing the switch.

May 29, 2014, 11:13 PM
When creating my character, I had PSO in mind where you could change ships anytime. Only about when I reach Lv20 did I find out that this cost AC to do so. I didn't mind because I was planning on playing solo until I was Lv40, had good Techs, good equipment and did everything there was to do in Normal mode.

At Lv36 and finishing the Quarry quests, the time is almost near. So, I've read that ship 02 is the place to go for the most English speaker, but I also heard it's also full of assholes and hackers. So is there a choice B ?

Ship 02 and Ship 10 are your choices for English communities.

Ship 2 full of hackers? - not really but it may seem that it gets victimized the most by hackers. Even then it is quite rare to run into one in person. Full of asshats, everyship will have its fair share of asshats.

May 29, 2014, 11:41 PM
Ship 2 is also viewed as the unofficial English block by the Japanese community, so if you use English, they will try and communicate back, unless they are the anti-foreigner from 2ch.

Shinji Kazuya
May 29, 2014, 11:47 PM
I would say Ship 2. I've been there for more than a month now and I can say it's a good Ship. Lot's of friendly english speaking players and not that many assholes as people say, just your average.

May 30, 2014, 12:04 AM
If you're into moonspeak just go to Ship4. It's very active and populated but just make sure you able to communicate with jaypee.

May 30, 2014, 08:20 AM
Well it depends on a lot of factor. Can you speak Japanese? Do you prefer a large English population? Crowded blocks? Good economy? Etc.

But for me, seeing you are just a beginner, I'd say stick to Ship 2. As you can ask a lot of English player there, it's not as bad as you might heard around. Even B20 is good finding members for Taco/AQ.

May 30, 2014, 08:21 AM
We need all the players we can get in ship 2. The issue with ship 2 is that the english speaking community is so big the undesirables scale up as well but I've met plenty of nice people moreso than bad. You can easily find an english speaking group in any mpa you go to we are so widespread that you can almost always find an english speaker no matter what block you go to.

May 30, 2014, 08:37 AM
Most of the English speaking players is bad to mediocre in MPAs. At least, from my experience.

May 30, 2014, 08:53 AM
It really depends I tend to have a decent amount of luck when on my lower leveled characters

May 30, 2014, 08:54 AM
Population of English-speaking players on Ship2 is quite large (sometimes it feels like it's not Japan-exclusive game even).

Assholes aren't exclusive to either Ship2 or English-speaking people in general - they are everywhere. Difference between English and Japanese is that you have chance to tell them that they are, or easily see if they are... Also, blacklist mostly solves this problem too.

Hackers... Well, SEA version has much bigger trouble with those, so it's relatively safe.

May 30, 2014, 09:53 AM
Go to ship 2 for English-speaking players. Do not go to any other ship unless you speak Japanese as you will be permanently limited to small pockets of close friends. This includes ship 10, which was a spillover during beta but is a total ghost town now.

May 30, 2014, 02:32 PM
If you like having the option of pairing up with random ENG players then I would go with Ship 2.

I'm assuming ship 4 and 10 are like Ship 7 in which you have the option of joining small or large ENG teams. From my experience on 07, everyone seems to be calm and laid back (both JP and ENG). Its an ideal ship if you can enjoy solo and party play. I've talked to a few JPs before and they didn't give me any issues, they were really nice actually. (I had to use a translator to communicate and even told them I was using one)

Choose a ship that suits you and not just where everyone else is playing.

May 30, 2014, 02:55 PM
If you like having the option of pairing up with random ENG players then I would go with Ship 2.

I'm assuming ship 4 and 10 are like Ship 7 in which you have the option of joining small or large ENG teams. From my experience on 07, everyone seems to be calm and laid back (both JP and ENG). Its an ideal ship if you can enjoy solo and party play. I've talked to a few JPs before and they didn't give me any issues, they were really nice actually. (I had to use a translator to communicate and even told them I was using one)

Choose a ship that suits you and not just where everyone else is playing.

I semi agree with this but at the same time I don't since you can easily stick to solo play or small group play on ship 2 there are plenty of large and small teams most of the JP players I met are nice but communication was awakard to say the least. The issue with ship 2 is it has gotten such a bad reputation that players have started leaving or being scared away from ship 2 so a lot of us have suffered. We need all the players we can get and people to get over their bias against ship 2 most issues are isolated to B:20 not saying it's a bad block but when most of the block is english speaking and all levels it is very noticeable and blown out of proportion. I hate going to B:20 mainly because I prefer the peace and quiet. And there is very little there. There can be really great people but there can also be a lot of shitty people don't let them scare you away. If you choose another ship that is fine but don't listen to the bias against ship 2 or any other ship in that matter.

May 30, 2014, 03:13 PM
I semi agree with this but at the same time I don't since you can easily stick to solo play or small group play on ship 2 there are plenty of large and small teams most of the JP players I met are nice but communication was awakard to say the least. The issue with ship 2 is it has gotten such a bad reputation that players have started leaving or being scared away from ship 2 so a lot of us have suffered. We need all the players we can get and people to get over their bias against ship 2 most issues are isolated to B:20 not saying it's a bad block but when most of the block is english speaking and all levels it is very noticeable and blown out of proportion. I hate going to B:20 mainly because I prefer the peace and quiet. And there is very little there. There can be really great people but there can also be a lot of shitty people don't let them scare you away. If you choose another ship that is fine but don't listen to the bias against ship 2 or any other ship in that matter.

That. Really, there are a lot of good people on Ship 2. You just kind of have to figure out which people are worth it, but even the japanese try to speak english and play with you. It's only terrible if people keep calling it as such without even trying to get to know the community.

May 31, 2014, 12:23 PM
I've been playing a lot on S2 during the "Japanese daytime" hours (mostly because I'm already nocturnal due to having worked night shift for almost a year) and have come to the conclusion that most of the Japanese player populace have just kind of assimilated into the notion that they are playing alongside English speakers (or at least non-Japanese speakers) and are pretty open about it. There are a fair share of JP teams that explicitly advertise as "JP only no gaijins" and such but it's whatever. Most of them are pretty nice, and are easy to get along with in EQs and such if you can chat in at least basic Japanese (I've never actually tried speaking with them in English, I've kind of gotten used to assuming everyone I play with between like 3AM and noon my time is Japanese, but I wouldn't be surprised if the average JP player there could chat in English at least as well as the average English player can in Japanese).

Ultimately there will be no language barrier on S2, as long as you use the English translation patches and stuff it's practically like you're playing an actual English version, if you can ignore the fact that most item descriptions for equipment and some other minor stuff is still moonrunes (it appears that everything non-event-specific that has unique functionality is translated though). I found a friendly team within like a week of playing and they've helped me learn a lot about the game very quickly, and I don't know if I would have found that on any other server.

May 31, 2014, 09:44 PM
If you choose another ship that is fine but don't listen to the bias against ship 2 or any other ship in that matter.

Don't get me wrong, I have no bias towards 02. I'm just saying, on "JP Ships" you have to rely on your team or friends if you want to have party play with ENG players. You can't just walk into the lobby and advertise that you're putting together a party or join through the counter.

Some people like the option of playing with random ENG players when they can. I don't care for it so I have no issue with being on 07. I love my ship :)

BlueCast Boy
Jun 1, 2014, 12:14 AM
At my experience on Ship 2, there been some of ENG players joining me at EQ or Exploration MPA runs which is really fun to be with but there are some that annoys me like on EQ going straight when I'm still at campship or lobby like selling or getting something @storage heck they even go straight even if the mpa is still like at 5/12 on EQ... Ship 2 is full of random ENG players but at least I have someone to company with me on my lonely times at ship 2...

I dunno if I can be able to join a team on Ship 2 I can be team oriented but once your a friend on the members on that team and later when they join another team or lead a team they Blacklist me if that what my hunches are... I did'nt even say anything to hurt them thou...

Anyways I enjoyed at Ship 2 but for me its gotta Ship 7, I've been there since the beginning and got good friends there...

Jun 6, 2014, 07:58 AM
I would say Ship 2. I've been there for more than a month now and I can say it's a good Ship. Lot's of friendly english speaking players and not that many assholes as people say, just your average.
I really like the community.
You can't turn off jerkfaces, they kinda come with society in general.
But those account for maybe 5-10% of all people I met on ship 2.

And I would seriously advise against ship 10.
Not sure how it is now but back in 2013 the English speaking community was very small and I was told never to speak English outside of teamchat or party chat with only English people cause jp players there are prone to report you.

Means it's very hard to make friends and you can't easily just join some random game but are forced to play with people you know.

Jun 6, 2014, 08:16 AM
I really like the community.
You can't turn off jerkfaces, they kinda come with society in general.
But those account for maybe 5-10% of all people I met on ship 2.

And I would seriously advise against ship 10.
Not sure how it is now but back in 2013 the English speaking community was very small and I was told never to speak English outside of teamchat or party chat with only English people cause jp players there are prone to report you.

Means it's very hard to make friends and you can't easily just join some random game but are forced to play with people you know.

I'm in Ship 10... I use Japanese so no problem here...
But if you would like to use English you can play during the midnight time of Japanese time...

I've spotted quite a number of English players when I stayed awake until 8a.m. lol these few days....they use English in public chat just fine...even though there are Japanese players around...

Jun 6, 2014, 09:37 AM
Ship 2 is neat. It has its issues yeah, but they're mostly delegate to specific blocks.

B20 has an infamous reputation, and it's not without reason. There are some other blocks that might raise an eyebrow like B10 and B6, but they're good too. Most of the issues you'll get with these blocks are around primetime for NA and EU and/or during EQs. Offpeak hours, you'll deff come across a lot of good people.

Jun 6, 2014, 10:17 AM
Like in any place with more people you'll get a bigger variety of people.

I'll bet the other ships also have assholes, just play with people you like. That's what I do.